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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Our Ocean Trip

Here is a slideshow of pictures from our latest ocean trip. Click "x" to start again.

Yesterday my family and I went to the ocean for the day. It was so much fun! We went to a different beach this time, and it was beautiful!! It was a bit foggy out, but it was still really pretty. We all had a sandcastle contest, (but ended up making one together,) we played in the water, flew kites, ate, dug a deep hole (which I was later burried in) and played frisbee. Nobody got sunburned...but none of us used sunscreen, the fog was probably helpful.

Here is my promised sandcastle...

This one I made completely on my own...it was super lame. Oh, well...it's the thought that counts.

My entire family helped out with this one. Isn't it amazing?

I discovered that sandcastles are harder to make than they look. It takes skill to make a good castle.

So, this was a super dull post. But we've had a crazy day in the ol' Ney house, and I don't really have much more time to blog. I'll do better tomorrow!


  1. very nice. i love the sandcastles. looks like a great time.

  2. Man shy, I totally thought you had the sandcastle making thing down... I was expecting a monster castle. Not to put down the one you made (it was pretty nice), but I don't think you put your heart into that one... Just kidding of course.

  3. Wut a beautiful castle. It reminds me of one my friend Phillip fum Spain made one time.

  4. how fun !!! makin sandcastles is soo fun !! your family is sooo cute !
    love you !

  5. cute sandcastle...next time i want to see a HUGE sandcastle ok?
    luv ya lots. i'm praying for you!
