I went to church tonight. The leader spoke on pride and how all sin stems from our pride. It was good. I don't have time to write down all my notes though. I talked with the leader about when the next ocean trip would be...he almost strangled me! I guess not everyone loves the ocean as much as me. I told him that I think we should go every other month...he wasn't too keen on the idea. He tried bartering with me, "Tell you what...if you promise to actually swim (he was whining that nobody will swim in the ocean with him, and that he's all alone in the cold, dark, and unknown ocean waters), I'll plan one for December." (What?!? December is 4 1/2 months away!) I said, "I'll tell you what...I will go swimming, if you plan one for the next month or two." (By the way...there is no way I'd actually swim in the ocean unless there was a huge dare attached to the situation) He started laughing, "Um, Shyloh...this is a non-negotiable situation." The conversation ended with him telling me that if I want to go to the ocean again, it's up to me to get a group together. So...I am going to attempt it for sometime in September, the weather should still be warm. This time, I'm going to bring a bucket and a shovel so that I can build a proper sand castle!
My dad, mom, Shelbie, Shaylah and I are all rushing around getting ready to leave for camping. We are leaving tomorrow morning at 6:00...groan!!
I was planning on writing more, but my mom is tired and keeps telling me to go eat my dinner so that we can all go to bed and get some sleep before our early rise.
I'll post pictures when I get home. Maybe my absence will give all of you slow readers a chance to read all my past posts!!