I don't have much to post on, but I'm in the mood to write right now.
I worked an 8 hour day yesterday, and I didn't get off until 5:00. I went to my boss's church with her yesterday morning to her bible study. It was really good. It's called "Stepping Up," by Beth Moore. It's her latest study, and it's really good. I don't know if any of you have heard about her or not, but she is a really good teacher and she is also really funny. She keeps you interested. When I got off work, I rushed home panicking (I got off 1 hour late, and I had bible study at 6:30. As soon as I got home, I told my mom how "rough" work was. (I got paid to go to a bible study, I was "forced" to eat In-and-out burger, almost "had" to go swimming, was stuck watching the Disney channel for 2 hours, and they shoved Ice cream down my throat. It is so rough, believe me.) After I was done telling her about my day, I ran and got ready for church.
I went to church (by the way, it was really good. We are studying the book of James, and the "pastor" (I did the "" because he's not actually a pastor, I'm not sure what his official title is) does a really good job at taking two small verses and pulling so much meat out of them.) I didn't stick around to hang out afterwards but headed out soon after it ended.
When I got home, I got ready for bed and helped get all the kids to bed. I held a few of the baby bunnies (they've doubled in size, in nearly two days!...they are SOOO cute!), and around 10:00 my dad put in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. Shelbie, my dad, my mom and I all had Dryer's Ice Cream (do you remember my diet plan? (only one serving of ice cream a day?) Yea, well...that was thrown out the window a long time ago, two servings of ice cream a day has become quite normal for me...but hey, I'm not sure how, but I have managed to loose 5 pounds. What was my goal again? Was it five or ten? Anyhow, that's pretty amazing.) What was I saying? Oh, yea...we all had Dryer's Ice Cream and watched a the movie. My dad fell asleep about 20 minutes into the movie, and I was really struggling to stay awake. (**in fact, I probably did fall asleep...because I don't remember any of what we watched.) At 11:00 my dad woke up and shut the movie off and we all went to bed.
(**) I usually always fall asleep when I watch a movie (especially when I go to a theater, no matter how good the movie is). I am also known for sleeping with my eyes opened during movies, it's really weird.
This morning, my siblings had a garage sale. They all got up 5:30 to set up in the front. They were really diligent, even though they were really loosing interest. They stayed outside until 1:00 and they made about $35.
My family has been fighting a flu for the past few days. Shelbie, Shannen, Shaynah and Shaylah have all had it. Today my mom isn't feeling well, and neither is Shayden. The only time it is a bummer to have a big family, is when their is a flu in the house, once one person gets it, no doubt the rest of the family will. And by the time it circulates throughout the rest of the family, it usually comes back to the first person who had it. It's a bummer. It makes me want to rent a hotel room for a week or so. I'm praying that I stay healthy. You can lift my family up in prayer if you feel led; pray for their health and quick recoveries.
My dad and I went grocery shopping for my mom this morning. We left with an empty stomach, which was probably not wise. It's already a bad thing to send my dad and I alone shopping, but it's an even worse idea to send up when we are hungry. We went to Costco and Winco, and in both stores we bought several unnecessary items. "Oooh, that looks good!" "Hey, let's get some of those for breakfast." "Oh, look at this...yum!" My sweet dad bought us both a Rock Star, and then we went to In-and-Out Burger. We brought Shadd with us, and were very "entertained" by him. (That boy can not be quiet for one second!)
Well, I'd better get going. I have three baby bunnies on my lap, one of them is falling through my legs, and one of them is licking my leg and it's kind of creeping me out. I think I'd better put them back in their cage before the Mommy bunny goes nuts. (They are so darn sweet! I'm going to be sad when we have to get rid of them!)
**Side note: did you know a mom bunny only nurses her babies twice a day, for a total of FIVE minutes a day. She feeds them once in the AM and once in the PM. Five minutes a day is all they need and they can fill up within a minute and a half. Isn't that amazing?
I am off to put the babies back and make some cookies. TTFN.
sounds like you're having a lot of fun with those bunnies! They're so cute when they're little. Praying for your family that the flu wouldn't take over, that would stink!