Yesterday was the 1st day I've been to work in almost a week. I was supposed to be to the Brooks's house at 7:30, so I set my alarm for 6:00, knowing I'd push snooze several times. Well, my alarm doesn't have a tab that you move to turn the alarm on or off, instead it's just a button, which sits right behind the snooze button. So at some point in my clicking snooze, I accidentally clicked the off button. Anyways, I woke up at exactly 7:30. I panicked!! Joslyn had to be to a dentist appointment in Modesto at "8 o'clock sharp." I ripped a brush through my hair and through a hat on. I threw some shorts on, grabbed a t-shirt and brushed my teeth. The boys were already awake, and as I flew out of my bedroom and raced into the kitchen to grab my cell phone, Shannen says: "Hi Shyloh!" then, as I raced out the front door with hardly two words, "Bye Shyloh." I got to their house 7 minutes later and felt so bad! Brandon (Joslyn's husband) was home with the kids, as Joslyn had already left for the dentist. Brandon never gets mad at anything, and was totally fine with my tardiness. (I'm serious, I have NEVER seen that guy get mad-mad, like really mad, at anything!)After he left, the kids and I ate breakfast and watched a movie about how our hearts work. It was really quite fascinating. When Joslyn got home, she was exhausted and asked me if I would take the kids down to the Fruit Barn for a while so that she could get a nice quiet nap. I loaded the four oldest kids up (the youngest two were napping) and we went to the Fruit Barn for a while. We petted a horse, laughed at the Donkey, mocked the Emu, stared disgustedly at the pigs, and chased the chickens. Finally, we went inside and bought a cookie. We then headed to my house to get my swimsuit. After we got back to their house, we all went swimming for a while. When everyone lost interest in swimming, Joslyn said it was Ice cream time. I served the kids their ice cream, but turned my own serving down. Bennett was amazed. "Mom!! Mom! Quick! Write this down! Shyloh turned down ice cream!" Everyone was convinced that I just didn't like the flavor, but after I asked them if I have ever turned down ice cream before, they all realized that that wasn't the case. My mom had called me around 8:30 and asked me if I was late to work, I told her how my morning went and she said, "No ice cream today!! I'm serious, as a punishment for being late, you can't have Ice cream." Brandon and Joslyn thought that this was hilarious. (Ha, ha, ha.) I left their house at 4:00. I came home and hung out on the couch for a while.
Do you remember how I wrote a few days ago about having a headache? I've been battling a migraine for four days now, and it has been really minor, pain wise. Up until yesterday, I hadn't taken anything for it. The only way it's actually been effecting me, is my vision. My eyes have been hurting really badly, I can't see very well, and what I can see is slightly blurry. Well, after I got home yesterday, my headache skyrocketed and I ended up taking two pain killers. My stomach started hurting and I ended up going to bed. I slept until 8:00pm, and then got up for a few hours. My head was still hurting, but my stomach was only hurting on and off, nothing too painful. I took one of my dad's Tylenol with codeine then went back to bed. I woke up this morning at 7:00 and I still have the headache, but my stomach just felt weird on and off. I was supposed to work today at 9:00, but I called and Joslyn told me just stay home. I've been really tired, don't have much energy and I ache. But other than that and this nagging headache, my stomach has felt fine. I'm begging my mom to let me go to church tonight, as I feel okay for the most part. I'm not sure if she'll let me though. Hopefully this headache will go away soon, it's really annoying.
I'm going to try to talk my dad into watching "The Bourne Identity" and eating ice cream with me tonight. I'm pretty sure he'll go for that idea.

Tomorrow I am supposed to work at 1:00, so that Joslyn and Brandon can go out for a while, but I'm not sure if she is still going to need me. If she doesn't need me, my family and I are going to the Mall to go clothes shopping. That will be fun, I'm getting new jeans!! yay! And I think I will also buy a pair of shoes. (I'm not sure what kind of shoes, I just want a new pair! I'm thinking a pair of Vans will be fun...maybe. Hmm, or Converse? Or maybe a pair of heels to wear with jeans? So many decisions!)
O im soo sorry u still have a headache! I will be prayin for you sooo much!!! Well i hope you have a great day tomorrow and that you feel better!
ReplyDeletelove you
love Darylyn
Is that why you didn't feel up to going to church monday night? Oh I feel horrible for making you go! You looked like you were getting sick. You talked wayy less than normal! =)
ReplyDeleteI will be praying for you! I love you!