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Friday, August 8, 2008

A good day

Today I had to work. Originally I was supposed to go to work at 1:00, so that Brandon and Joslyn could go out on a date, but plans were changed and instead I went to work at 10:30 - 2:30. It was a fun day, I played outside with the kids the whole time. The Brooks's live on a 2 acres, and these two acres are divided by several fences. The kids and I decided to go out to the back field and try to pet their cows. (These are not tamed cows. In fact, these cows are named: T-Bone and one other name that I can't remember, but it resembles dinner. They only have a few more months left on this beautiful green planet, before they end up on Joslyn's beautiful pink serving platter.) We hiked back to their back field, and all of us leaned up against the gate. William asked, "We've never petted them before, what if they buck us?" I don't know how many of you have seen the movie, "Wild Hogs" (it is a total clear play movie, and even then, I don't know if I recommend it.) anyways, in this movie there are a group of guys leaning up against a fence staring at a bull. One of the guys says, "Who wants to play "Slap the Bull?!" (End outcome?: they sneak in slap the bull and run...but not fast enough.) Why I just mentioned that, is because that's what I felt like as we snuck through the metal fence, dodged cow poop (which was EVERYWHERE) and tip-toed over to their two cows. We snuck up behind them, and Bennett quickly shot his hand out and tapped the cow's rump and then ran. He ran screaming for several seconds, before slowing down and looking behind him. "Oh..." he said sheepishly.

After we were done tormenting the cows, we jumped a few different fences and played in a field behind their barn. In this field was a lone tree with a rope hanging from it. (The kids use it to swing on, like Tarzan.) I didn't really see it coming, but I ended up tied to the tree. And yes, it did hurt. I have a few rope burns and an injured pride. I did get my revenge, though. (I tied Bennett to the tree, then headed back to the house with the rest of the kids, announcing it was "lunch time." Bennett started hollering and yelling: "Get back here!! You're fired!! I'm telling mom!!")

I'm feeling somewhat better today, but I still have that nagging headache. It's worse since I got off work, I think it's because I was out in the sun for so long. And I'm really really tired. Like really really tired.

I did get to go to church last night, and it was really good. It was about the evil nature of the tongue. We've been working through the book of James, which is my favorite book of the bible. I have really been enjoying it. Anyways, Nate (the college & career leader) was saying that what we say reflects our hearts and mind. (Isn't that a scary thought?) "For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." He was also saying how our tongue gets us into so much trouble, and how to prevent this is to ask ourselves three questions:

1. Does it glorify God?
2. Does it point people to God?
C. Is it necessary?

The third question alone eliminates most of what we say. Then, in small groups one of the ladies was saying, how it's easy for us to say the unnecessary things, such as "did you go see that movie last night? what did you think of it? blah blah blah." But we don't have the courage to ask the necessary stuff. For instance, how often do we ask people "how are you doing? What's been going on in your life?" rather than "How are you doing? What has God been doing in your life?"

My dad and I didn't watch "The Bourne Identity" last night, maybe tonight. We did eat ice cream though, and we watched "Jurassic Park 3" with the girls.

Do you see what I started? (Don't think that I am complaining!)

My mom bought real silverware today! I am really excited, everyting tastes better on real silverware. (We've never bought "real" silverware before, we've always bought cheap $1.00 stuff.) I want to freeze a few spoon and eat ice cream. (The key to making delicious ice cream taste even better is to freeze real silverware before eating the ice cream. Something about eating ice cream on frozen silver is really amazing. yes, I know I have..."issues.")

I'd better scoot. Poppet and Lolly just dumped out all of my mom and mine soap making stuff in the boy's room. (The color and the fragrances.)It is a HUGE mess, but their room smells really really good now!! I'm off to help clean the mess up.

Keep praying for our health, Shaylah and Lolly are complaining about a stomach ache again.

Hmmm...Ice cream sounds yummy.


  1. Wow. That lesson sounds like it was a good one.

    Love you and Praying for you!

    P.s. What has God been doin in your life? ;)

  2. Hey thats why favorite book of the bible too!!!! How funny! woahsh sounds lik u had fun!!! o u finally just got real silverware!! thats amazing!! haha!! ok i need 2 go i just went running and im all sweaty! lol!! ok ttyl!Your in my prayers! LOVE YOU
