What a morning!!! My mom always tells me when I post more than one post a day, that I should save them and use them for a day when I have nothing to post about. I always laugh, and tell her that I don't have problems with writers block, there's always something to write about...as is the case with today.

My mom woke me up this morning and asked me if I wanted to drive her to run a few errands (she wasn't in the mood to drive, nor to go alone.) I said that was fine, and got up to get ready. About 30 minutes later, my mom and Shaynah came back into my room to talk. My mom was talking about the errands we needed to get done, while Poppet was playing with something on our floor. Several minutes went by, the whole time Poppet was playing with her ear. Finally, my mom looked down at her and said, "Shaynah...did you just put something in your ear?" Poppet said, "Yes." My mom quickly grabbed a flashlight and looked into her ear. Sure enough, there was something in there. At first we couldn't decide if it was a bullet (air soft...of course) or if it was a bead. None the less, it was too far in her ear for us to do anything about it. Instead of driving my mom around for her errands, I ended up driving her and Poppet down to the doctor's office. We were worried that if the doctor couldn't get it out, she'd have to go to an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor. My mom stayed nice and calm the whole time, and didn't verbally chastise Shaynah at all...after all, "I've never told her that she couldn't put stuff into her ears...so how was she supposed to know better?" I however, was less kind. My personal thoughts were, "She's a smart three year old...has she ever seen any of us put stuff into our ears? No...it's a obvious no-no." I started feeling bad for her, after we were in the doctor's office and she was sitting on the little metal table waiting for our doctor, she was so nervous!! Long story short: the doctor flushed her ear with some water in a strange looking devise, and (thank-you Jesus!) it worked, so we didn't have to bring her to the ENT doctor after all. I don't think she realized the severity of the situation, until we were sitting inside the room, waiting for the doctor. On the way to the doctor's we were listening to my high school musical CD, Poppet was listening to the song (she knows all the songs, by the way) and suddenly she says, "This is the high school musical!!" She chatted and sang the whole way there, while my mom just groaned and breathed in deeply. After we left the doctors, my mom treated us to Panda Express. (Have you ever had their Beef Broccoli dish?...so yummy!) For the whole account of this trip, from a mom's point of view...click over to my mom's blog.
Most of you probably know that I am *supposed to* wear glasses while driving. I've never had eye issues...well...at least we didn't know that I had vision problems until I started driving. My dad noticed it one day, when I couldn't even read the license plate on the car in front of me. I was banned from driving until I went to the eye doctor. I went into the eye doctor, and he prescribed me some glasses to wear at night and while driving and for a few other things. Anyways, I hate wearing them. A. because they look stupid. and B. because I don't think the prescription is even correct. I can't notice a difference at all. When I drive alone, I never wear them, and I try to remember to wear them while driving siblings (so that they don't rat me out to my parents.) Well, as I was driving my mom this morning, I had forgotten to put them on. I was coming to a stop on an off ramp, and my mom started panicking, "Brake! Brake! Brake!!" Well, I'm feeling totally calm, from what
I can see I'm totally fine. I came to a stop and looked at my mom confused, while she looked at me...very startled. (As if her life flashed before her eyes!) Later on, as I am coming to a stop (on the Briggsmore off ramp...is that even what it is called?) I was looking at the car in front of me, and I kind of started panicking a little bit. My eyes were totally playing games with me. To me, it looked like the car was within arms reach in front of me, then jerked way ahead of me, then it got really blurry. (This actually happens a lot with various objects, it's weird. My dad sings "Tweaker, Tweaker, Little Shyloh...how we wonder where you are" to the tune of 'Twinkle Twinkle little star." ha, ha, ha.) I started slowing down, and my mom started panicking again (it turns out the car never moved...duh, it was right in front of me the whole time...oops.) My mom looked at me and said, "What is wrong?!? That's the problem! Where are your glasses?!" She dug them out of my purse and practically shoved them up my nose trying to put them on me. I'm not feeling very perky about the situation, she wants me to go back to the eye doctor ASAP, because we think that he butchered my prescription. (At least, I'm praying that he messed it up, rather than my eyes have changed.) And she's not very thrilled that I haven't been wearing them when I should. (Next time...I'm "Busted.")If you would, please keep this in your prayers.
Today we are packing for our camping trip. I have to work tomorrow, so we want to get as much done today as possible, so my mom isn't left to do everything alone tomorrow. I'll make sure to empty my camera today so that I can take a lot of pictures while we are gone, which I will promise to post, but probably never will! I also have to do a lot of baking this afternoon. I need to make some cookies and muffins for our trip. My dad also requested some banana bread.

My mom is laying down right now, and all my siblings (plus two cousins) are in the living room watching a movie. In a few minutes I am going to run down to Rite Aide to buy an I-tunes gift card. I'm going to say this out in the open, because I don't really care what anybody thinks anymore: I plan on buying the "Camp Rock" movie for my i-pod. (if you don't know what "Camp Rock" is, it's a "High School Musical" wannabe. It has the Jonas Brothers in it, and as Mandy would say, "It's basically the Jonas Brothers meet the High School Musical." ...I do want to make it clear though: I'm not buying the movie because of who is in it. (I think the Jonas Brothers are
way over rated and rather lame. If you are a girl who thinks they are absolutely adorable and positively wonderful...well, that's your problem. I'm praying for you.

) Anyways, after the verbal chastisements I received from everyone after I admitted I liked the High School Musical (and own the "High School Musical t-shirt...yea, that got me into
big trouble!) I realized I have nothing more to loose by adding to this crime. If anyone is interested...I am going to the midnight showing of the "High School Musical 3" when it comes out...let me know if you want to go.
(Um...I'm joking...but only because there won't be a midnight showing. But I do plan on going to see it. It comes out the day before my birthday, so on my birthday I am treating myself to this movie.
This is an open invitation for those brave enough to show your face with me. Let me know, you have a month to think about it...

I am off to run to the store, then to start my baking and eventually I will have to quit procrastinating and pack. That was a long title for a blog post!
Take me with you to HSM3 Shyloh, please!
ReplyDeletemuch love
I WANT TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteseriously, i will SO go with you. haven't even seen the second one, but does that matter? I say not!
let me know the details!
lots of love!
haha i dont like hi skoo musical but i wud so go! lol
ReplyDeletelove ya