Work was fine this morning, I basically cleaned all day. I had to fold like six loads of laundry today...not that I'm not used to that! I don't mind folding, but it gets really boring when you are in a very quiet house all alone. So, I called Annie and we chatted for a while. After I finally finished the laundry I started cleaning her kitchen. I had to polish all the stainless steel (which is actually really fun) and clean her windows (which isn't fun at all!) I also had to sweep and mop...which is neither fun nor unfun, but it takes forever! I got off at 1:45 and headed home.
I played the piano for a while after I got home. My mom and Shelbie were requesting various songs, which I'd play for their enjoyment. I love playing the piano, but unfortunately ours needs tuned again, so it doesn't sound all that great right now. After I played the piano for about an hour, I went to my room and pulled out my dusty guitar. I spent a while tuning it (I was getting really irritated, because the top string wouldn't tune. I kept trying to get it to tune to "A"...I didn't remember that it was supposed to be the "E" string! oooppss...I can't believe I didn't break the string.) After I finally tuned it, I spent a few minutes trying to play a few songs, but didn't get very far. The only reason I took guitar lessons in the first place was for the guitar picks. For some strange reason I really like them and I have a ton of them! (I collect them, even though I can't play!)I have three really cool 3D picks, that change when you move them. (One pick has a shark on it, looking at a human leg, when you turn it, the leg is ripped off and in the shark's mouth. It is really really morbid, but kind of cool! ...I didn't buy that one, my guitar teacher gave it to me!)
My mom told me when I got home to clean my room before I go back to work. I kept putting it off and off and off and off and...anyways...I finally headed back to my room to work on it. After I had been in there for a few minutes (I hadn't started cleaning yet, I was still playing with my guitar picks) my mom walked in with a bowl of Dryer's Summer Peach Pie ice cream. (BTW...that is an amazing flavor!!) She sat on Shelbie's bed and started at me. For the next ten minutes I had to listen to her spoon cling against the side of her bowl, and hear her "ummm" and "yummm" over how "delicious" this bowl of ice cream was. I'm serious...the whole time I was cleaning she was describing how each bite of ice cream tasted: "Oh, look, another chunk of pie crust." "This ice cream is loaded with peaches." "It's wonderful how healthy Dryer's ice cream is...it's so nutritious." "What a yummy lunch for me." Blah...Blahh...Blahhh... I finished cleaning my room and rushed out to get my bowl of ice cream...but guess what? She wouldn't let me have any! Can you believe that?!? Do you see what kind of torture I have to endure on a daily basis?!? I'll guess I'll just have to have some tonight with my "other family."
(I hope you all know that I'm being very melodramatic and I'm not really feeling that sorry for myself. If I would have cleaned my room as soon as I got home, I would have been enjoying that bowl of ice cream with her...shame on me.)
I'd write way more, but I need to get ready for work. Joslyn told me that if I got there around 4:15 I could have ice cream with them!!(This is really funny...but I have actually been invited to join them daily around 2:00-2:30 for ice cream...believe it or not, I haven't taken them up on this offer yet. They love me so much!)
On a side note: a few weeks ago, I was getting ready to leave. Every time I leave Anna cries and wants to know when the next time I'll be back is. Anyways, this particular time she was crying and said, "Why do you have to leave?" I said, "Because I have a family at home who loves me and wants to see me." She says, "But Shyloh...we are your family. You are Shyloh Brook, not Shyloh Ney!" I thought this was so cute!! She's only 6!
Ha ha thats funny!! ok I think you would get along very well with our family!! We have SOOOOOOOOOOOO much ice cream! We are like the ice cream family! Trust me! 3 boys and this gal can eat a LOT of ice cream! I mean A LOT!!! Ha ha hey we should have and ice cream party sometime! Ha ha
ReplyDeletepeace and love
Hey girlie!
ReplyDeleteWow...I was reading when you said you werre tuning the " top" string to an " A"...I was very confused...I kept re peating to myself..Does she know its supposed to be an " E "?? Haha. Then I read on..You are very smart! =)
Love you!
~ lyssa ~