I thought it would be fun to do a guestbook for those who come and visit my little corner of the world. It would be fun to hear from you, would you sign my guestbook? ~Shyloh~
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Monday, February 28, 2011

Multitude Monday

(I know I'm on a bad streak of not posting pictures with my multitude Monday list. I apologize for this. But I am so dead tired today, I just want to finish this post and go to bed! No extra time for posting pictures tonight!)

181. My hot water bottle
(great for relieving backaches!)

182. Peppermint oil for car rides
(Helps with car sickness)

183. Girl Scout cookies!

184. Costco Cakes!

185. Sewing Projects

186. Going to the snow with my family

187. Hot water

188. Cute booties in cloth diapers!
(Refering to Shylie's little bum!)

189. Appointments with our midwife

190. Hanging out with Jeff in the gameroom and watching Shark Week

Highs and Lows

High of the day:
Going to the snow with my family

Low of the day:
The car ride up. I'm tired of being on puke patrol during car rides :-(

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Highs and Lows

High of the day:

Going to Walmart and buying a bunch of cute fabrics
to make baby burp cloths out of

Low of the day:

Knowing I have to get up so darn early tomorrow :-(

Highs and Lows

High of the day:
Jeff buying me 2 boxes of Girl Scout cookies :-)

Low of the day:
Feeling so sore and being so tired today

Friday, February 25, 2011

Highs and Lows

High of the day:

1) My first shipment of cloth diapers arrived today...very cute! Our live model (Shylie) even approved them!

2) meeting with our midwife

Low of the day:

1) My mean husband passing up TWO girl scout cookie stands...resulting in no girlscout cookies for me :'-(

2) Sitting in traffic for two hours this evening trying to get home from Merced

Highs and Lows

High of the day:

Staying up late watching a movie with my dad and sisters

Low of the day:

having a pinched nerve in my leg...ouch!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Highs and Lows

High of the day:
Waking up to Jeff cooking breakfast
(So sweet of him!)

Low of the day:
Going grocery shopping...
spending all that money,
yet still feeling like we've got no food in our cupboards

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Highs and Lows

High of the day:
Finding the energy to TTAP and then treating myself to a nice hot and relaxing bath

Low of the day:
Finding out our new monthly mortage is going to be $822...compared to the usual $549
(Our normal checks don't even usually make $800 in a normal pay period!!!
Thankfully Jeff called to inquire on the matter and the problem should be resolved...
we'll find out in 7 days...)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Multitude Monday

171. Going out to dinner with Jeff

172. Creating our baby registry...so much fun!

173. Setting up our rocking chair

174. Old dishes

175. My bed

176. Our back massage chair

177. Straw Hats
(Food "Straw Hats"...like nachos, only better!)

178. Old dishes

179. Meeting with our midwife

180. Down to about 9 weeks til we meet Baby Bauman!

(Last week I lied when I promised this week would have pictures!
Once again, I'm too tired to upload any!)

Highs and Lows

High of the day:
My high will take place in about 20 minutes...
when I crawl into bed for the night

Low of the day:
Not feeling well today

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Highs and Lows

High of the day:
Having a "happy" day--not being cranky or emotional at all!
(I think this is Jeff's high of the day too!)

Low of the day:
Taking Maycie to my parent's to play with Nemo,
where she promply jumped into my dad's prized fish pond
and spent the remainder of the visit teaching Nemo bad habbits.
(Sigh...will this dog ever grow up?)

Highs and Lows

High of the day:
Watching "Father of the Bride 2" with my family this evening
(We can sooo reltate right now!!!)

Low of the day:
Going to Hometown Buffet this morning and not eating nearly the equivelent of what I spent.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Highs and Lows

High of the day:
Going out to dinner with my hubby tonight
and afterwards starting our baby registry

Low of the day:
Having such a lazy and unproductive day

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Highs and Lows

High of the day:
Cuddling on the couch with Jeff and watching "North and South"
while listening to it rain outside.

Low of the day:
Feeling so darn tired today.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Highs and Lows

High of the day:
Going to the Turlock baby boutique and looking around
(So many cute things to look at!)

Low of the day:
making two different batches of banana bread...
neither of which turned out

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Highs and Lows

High of the day:
Going to Bradley class and hanging out with my mom afterwards

Low of the day:
Waking up on the wrong side of the bed this morning,
and taking out all my moodiness on my poor father-in-law.
:-( Not one of my more prouder moments in life...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Highs and Lows

High of the day:

A) Spending Valentine's evening with my family and enjoying Daddy's cooking
(a valentine's tradition for a few years now is Daddy cooks the family a special dinner)

B) playing with smiley Shylie

3) watching Nemo and Maycie play together...so cute!

Low of the day:

1) Going out for lunch with my hubby and spending the entire meal listening to the rude couple next to us play each of their ring tones...over and over and over again.

2) The baby botique we wanted to go visit being closed.
(Why was a baby botique closed for Valentine's day anyways? It's not even a real holiday!)

C) Jeff having to work tonight :-(
Oh well, we will celebrate our Valentine's day on Friday.

Multitude Monday

261. My belly button still hasn't popped out--PRAISE THE LORD!

262. Feeling my little baby make snow angel babies in my belly

263. Homemade granola bars

264. Budgets

265. Watching Daddy and Jeff build my mom and I baby cradles :)

266. Buying a rocking chair...exciting stuff!

267. Bradley classes

268. going to a Phil Wickam concert

269. New Kitchen table

270. Valentine's day

(I promise next Multitude Monday will have pictures! Today I am feeling a bit lazy!)

Highs and Lows

High of the day:
Creating my online cloth diaper registry!!!

Low of the day:
Feeling so stiff today.
I need a good massage.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Highs and Lows

High of the day:
getting somewhere in my cloth diapering research
(Such a big field to jump into!)

Low of the day:
sitting on the computer all day reading the
many different types of cloth diapers...
and feeling just as confused as I was this morning when I began

Friday, February 11, 2011

Highs and Lows

Highs of the day:
Going to the adult's fellowship night at church this evening.
We had a fun time hanging out with my parents and visiting with friends.

Low of the day:
Having to wear this stupid pedometer,
and once again not achieving the amount of steps i'm supposed to be taking.
(10,000 steps?? Really?! Is that even possible??!)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Highs and Lows

High of the day:
Playing wiki sticks with Shylie
...who was only using me as an excuse to be able to stay up a bit longer...

Low of the day:
My mom tattling on me to my Bradley instructor by
telling her that I was cheating and shaking my pedometer.
Can you believe my own mother ratted me out?? It's so wrong--in about a million different ways.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Highs and Lows

High of the day:
Going to Bradley class

Low of the day:
Shipping all of my ebay packages,
and realizing that I lost money on these sells rather than making any.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Highs and Lows

High of the day:
Hanging out with Amanda this evening

Low of the day:
Being called a "big old fat ox" by my father,
who then tried making me feel better by saying:
"Well actually, more like those cute pot bellied pigs."
(He was kidding of course!
I started the war by stating that his precious dog "stunk like a mutt."
...which is true by the way...)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Highs and Lows

High of the day:
The beautiful sunshine!!

Low of the day:
Being tricked into joining my family for dinner...
apon arriving, I found out we were having meatloaf.
That's a nasty trick to play. >:-(
(I hate meatloaf!)

Multitude Monday

251. Better homes and gardens magazines

252. Football is over!

253. Menu plans

254. Good deals on ice cream :)

255. Pink Ribbons

256. Shylie-girl's sillyness

257. an evening spent hanging with my sisters

258. the sunshine!

259. Apple-Cinnamon pancakes

260. a trip to dodge ridge with my family

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Highs and Lows

High of the day:
Football is over and the Ney/Bauman house will be tv sports free for the next...22 days

Low of the day:
22 days is going to come way too soon

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Highs and Lows

High of the day:
Jeff and Daddy starting on the baby cradles

Low of the day:
Jeff cooked me eggs for breakfast...again.
Yes, I cried.


I'm supposed to be eating two eggs a day (orders from my midwife and my Bradley teacher), so Jeff is being sweet to make them for me everyday. But I HAAAAATE eggs, I am so over them. So having them served to me again today was just too much. I didn't eat them, I fed them to the dog. And Jeff is now afraid to make them for me again.

Highs and Lows

High of the day:

Getting the wood picked out for my baby cradle!

Low of the day:

Watching my terrible dog Maycie trash my poor brother
:-( Sorry Shayden! Please send all medical bills to my address...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Highs and Lows

High of the day:

All of this for $6.49

(Basically got the icecream for free (Read about that deal on my mom's blog: http://shhfamily.blogspot.com/),
had coupons for the facial masks, vitamins and toothpaste were on sale.)

Low of the day:

My house really stinks like dog

(does anybody want a yellow lab?? Free to good home!)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2nd high of the day

Am I allowed to have two highs of the day?? I think I should be able to...

This is my second high of the day:

Shaylah' s amazing chocolate chip cookies.

Highs and Lows

High of the day:

Going to Dodge Ridge with my family and
being a lodge bunny with my mom and little sisters

Low of the day:

The ride up
(Who knew toddlers could get car sick?!)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Highs and Lows

High of the day:
Jeff giving me another wonderful back massage :-)
(I could get used to a daily back massage...very easily!)

Low of the day:
Finding out that Rite Aid's ice cream counter has a closing time :'-(