I thought it would be fun to do a guestbook for those who come and visit my little corner of the world. It would be fun to hear from you, would you sign my guestbook? ~Shyloh~
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Monday, January 31, 2011

27 week belly photo

We're down to just about 13 weeks to go!!!

Highs and Lows

High of the day:
Jeff giving me a much needed back massage this morning
(thanks Sweetie!!)

Low of the day:
Tonight's dinner.
As my dad said, "Dinner tonight was the perfect way to end January."
(He HATES the month January--thankgoodness February begins tomorrow!!)

Multitude Monday

241. having a clean gameroom

242. home made Cinnamon apple muffins

243. My sweet hubby

244. watching Maycie play with Nemo

245. Infusium 23

246. Feeling the baby move!

247. 5 pound weights

248. Daddy being on vacation this week!

249. my hopechest
(my dad made this for me when I was 15! Isn't it beautiful?)

250. buying new maternity clothes!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Highs and Lows

High of the day:

1) going to Calvary chapel Modesto and hearing David Burdick preach
2) after church going shopping and getting me some new maternity shirts and a pair of jeans!

Low of the day:

having a weigh in with my mom, and finding out I'm losing the "whoever gains the most weight buys the other couple dinner" bet. :-( Time for a diet.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Highs and Lows

High of the day:
Washing my sheets and putting my bed together
(Can't wait to crawl into my clean sheets tonight!!)

Low of the day:

Our washing machine getting sick (It's better now--thank-you Jeff!) and flooding out our indoor laundry room. Eeeek! What a mess!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Highs and Lows

High of the day:
Nibbling on Shelbie's delicious chocolate chip cookie dough
(Correction and apologies...it was SHAYLAH'S cookie dough, not Shelbie's!)

Low of the day:
Driving to Modesto for no reason...twice

Miracle of Life

January is National Sanctity of Life month. This video has been going around on Youtube, facebook and other sites to show people the Miracle of pregnancy and a baby's life.

It's an incredible video, absolutely amazing in every way.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Highs and Lows

High of the day:

going grocery shopping and finally getting some food in this house!

Low of the day:

New blog content--highs and lows

Something that my parents started doing at dinner times about.....6 years ago(?) was every evening after a meal, Daddy would say: "Highs and Lows." We'd start at one end of the table, and work our way around, each person stating the "High" --the best part-- of their day and the "Low" --the worst part-- of their day. It's always been fun to come together at the end of a day and hear about every one's best and worst parts of the day.

This tradition is still going in the Ney house, and I have no doubt that in 10 years when many of us are married with children of our own, we will still be doing highs and lows when we are all gathered around for a meal together. I hope to keep this tradition running in Jeff and my family as well, as I'm sure my siblings will do with their own families.

For now though, I have decided to add "Highs and Lows" to my blog posting. I'll try to do it daily, but I'm not going to make any promises...you all know how I am with making "I'll post daily promises." ;-) I'll do it in the evenings, after my day has come to an end.

Hopefully, since this is an easy enough goal, I will be able to keep up and be faithful with posting daily.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

27 week sono video

This obviously isn't a video of MY baby, but I decided in celebration of the 3rd trimester, I'd post a video of a 27 week sonogram. It's amazing to see what our baby (aproximately) looks like!! And its super cool to see the movements they make at this stage...now I know what some of those little flutters, kicks and nudges are!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

3rd trimester

Today marks 27 weeks--apparently the beginning of the 3rd trimester!!!! (3rd and FINAL trimester!!!!)


Only 13 weeks to go!!!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Multitude Monday

231. Having Internet!!!!!!!

(Got it up and running today!)

232. Shaylah's delicious Chicken Cordon Bleu for dinner

233. French Vanilla cupcakes with homemade frosting

234. having a Dog Run

...now when we're gone, we don't have to worry

about Maycie destroying anything!

235. Weekly Chinese Checker matches with Amanda

236. Focus on the Family radio

237. Beautiful weather!

238. Getting yard work done

239. Shylie's morning wake up calls

240. Smashing cupcakes into daddy's face

(It was fun enough, it even over-came the punishment of paybacks)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Multitude Tuesday ;-)

221. Colored Pencils
great for highlighting in bibles and good books

222. Created to be his helpmeet

~A good reminder of what I should be as a wife and practical steps as to how to become that wife.~

223. Playing the Wii with my family

224. Wii Boxing...great workout!

225. Going to Coldstones with my family

226. Not having the Coldstones worker recognize me
from when I was there 4 hours earlier with Jeff

227. The dead batteries in the girls bathroom scale

228. Sophie the Giraffe Keychain
(Cutest thing EVER

229. the SPCA

230. early bedtimes

Monday, January 3, 2011

Multitude Monday

211. Christmas!

212. homemade laundry soap

213. Having a costco membership

214. New Books

215. Revelations from the Lord

216. Sunday Potlucks

217. homemade smoothies in my new jamba juice cup

218. Working Cell phones

219. New Year's Resolutions

220. A New Year!

~A fresh start~