I thought it would be fun to do a guestbook for those who come and visit my little corner of the world. It would be fun to hear from you, would you sign my guestbook? ~Shyloh~
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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

tick tick tick tick

We are exactly 4 months away!!! YAY!

Highlights of the week...

1. started wedding planning on Sunday...so much fun.
2. bought my wedding ring today...now we have both of our rings
3. today we are down to 4 months!! Count them...that's 123 days!!!


Time's a'tickin!

Things to pray for:

1. we still haven't heard from our agent...we're getting so antsy! Pray he calls soon.
2. I haven't gotten my grades from my CHM class back. Pray she get's back to me soon.
3. We're trying to book the church for the wedding. Pray the pastor responds quickly and agrees on our date.

Love ya'll....

Friday, April 24, 2009

plastic cup galore!!

Wow...two posts in one week??? WOO-HOOO!!

Here's the latest on the house...

Our agent called us today and told us that we will have a definite answer on Monday. Apparently, the bank has re-thought their denial of paying the whole 6% of closing costs and will most likely pay it. Therefore, escrow would start next week. However, if they call and refuse again, we will up our offer $2000 and ask them to pay the closing costs. And then, if they still refuse, we will just drop our offer again and agree to pay the closing costs. We're hoping though, they agree and let us just move along our merry-little way and start escrow.



So I've been spending crazy money these past few weeks. I've been buying a ton of stuff for the house. We need so much--and what I've been buying we can't register for, and besides, we need it before we move in. (For example: cleaning supplies--need those as soon as we get the key, plastic cups--can't register for them, plus we'll need them for while we're just working at the house getting it ready. Hand soap, t.p. cleaning rags, brooms, shovels, rakes, ect. Cat litter--who wants to register for that?!? lol...anyways, you get the point.)

Anyways, so I've been having so much fun getting things for the house. Today I saw a pack of 12 plastic cups. They were cute and cheap, so I decided to get them. My dad (who was with me) asked me why I needed tiny plastic cups, and I responded: "For the kids, for after we're married and they visit, and also for us while we're cleaning, painting, ect." He said: "Good point." So I buy the cups and head out to the van. I was talking with my mom and she said, "Didn't you already buy a set of plastic cups?" I started laughing and said..."Actually, now that you've mentioned it...yea...I've bought a lot of plastic cups now that I think of it." She asked me how many, and I started counting in my head..."well there was that one time I was with Shelbie--I got 4 packs...then that time alone--4 packs...then with Jeff and Shaylah--4 packs...then that other time--4 packs...then at Target--6 cups..." I paused and thought in horror..."I've got a LOT of plastic cups!!" My mom started laughing and advised that when I got home, to count how many cups I have. I came home and popped my trunk (where I keep all my stuff) and started digging through the bags. After counting all my plastic cups, I realized I have...56 plastic cups!!! The thing is, they aren't all the same style. I have 6 different styles but I had to have them in all 4 colors, so I had to buy 4 packs of each style!! Each time I bought a new set of them, I wouldn't remember how many I've gotten. Twice, I'd be with Shelbie or Jeff and they'd ask: "Haven't you already gotten plastic cups?" LOL, oops, I guess I just didn't remember exactly how many I had gotten. My mom laughed so hard when I told her, she said: "I think you are set with cups!" Yea, you think so??? Haha, now I have "disposable plastic cups!"

I was writing my list of things we still need for the house today...it's so much fun to think about it and plan for it!! Jeff and I want to start going to garage sales and see if we can find some hidden gems for cheap prices. And we decided as soon as we get the house, we're going to go to IKEA and buy a couch...so much fun!!

I've finished picking out paint for all the rooms in the house and now I am working on mentally decorating them. I have so many fun ideas!! I can't wait to get started.

Well, my family is hollering for me to come watch a movie with them...so I am off...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

house update

I've put off blogging until we have a definite answer, but since it is taking so long, I decided to post now and then again later when we have another update.

So as I wrote in my last post, we put offers on two houses. We ended up not even having a chance at the house on Cordoba, as someone else put in a higher offer. However, our offer on the house on Timberly has been accepted. (Meaning...we start escrow and it is ours.) But, the bank that owns the house is being a pain. They only want to pay 3% of closing costs--but it is their job to pay all 6%. That doesn't sound like a huge difference, but it is...it's a $6000 difference. We are a bit irritated with this, as the last people who offered on Timberly (and was accepted) offered $10,000 less than us and the bank was going to pay the whole 6%. They ended up pulling their offer right before escrow started. Then we come along and offer $10,000 more and now the bank is being picky. Our agent says though that they will give up, that they have no choice--paying closing costs is their job. It's now been over a week and we are still waiting to hear back from them. I'm getting really impatient, but I know it will work out in the end.

I got on the PMZ website today and found two other houses that are 3 bedroom and 2 bathroom that I am interested in. I think I'm going to e-mail our agent and ask to see them. It's not going to hurt for us to put in another offer and see what happens.

Guess what? In the past week we have gone from having nothing for our house to having most of the main things we need. In a week we've gotten a nice refrigerator, a nice washer and dryer, a water dispenser, a vacuum cleaner, a freezer, a table, a set of living room lamps (I got 3 lamps on clearance the other day for a total of $10!!!!) and a really nice treadmill. (WOW) We are almost set!! The Lord has really blessed us. We've been so worried over the past few weeks about how we will afford these items and within a week the Lord has practically dropped them on our lap for virtually nothing. He is so good.

Now all we need is furniture.

I will keep you updated on any further details....continue keeping us in your prayers!


Matching Jammies!! Aren't they adorable?

I'm such a germa-phobe!

Cleaning our fridge~Fun Fun!!

Check out the shirts! (Click on it to view up close)

The back of the shirts say our name and say "Ney Baseball--2009"

Saturday, April 18, 2009

God doesn't give you the people you want, He gives you the people you NEED - To help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you into the person you were meant to be

Friday, April 17, 2009

Withholding any part of ourselves from God is the same as saying, "Thy will be done up to a point, mine from there on."

Monday, April 6, 2009

House pictures

I couldn't figure out how to caption the pictures with my template. So I'll caption them here.

The first picture (the one of the house with the bricks) is the house on Cordoba. That is the only picture that they included in the listing.

The second picture(with the cobble stone)is the house on Timberly.

The third picture is the kitchen. I love the tile, isn't it awesome!?!?

The fourth picture is part of the backyard. (The backyard is very small, which is a bummer)

The fifth picture is another picture of the kitchen.

I also had a picture of the patio in that post, but it got deleted and I'm too lazy to repost it. :)

We are buying a house!

In trying to redeem my name, I just want to tell you all that I have sat down to blog multiple times over the last few weeks. In fact, I just deleted a post that I had started to write, but had to quit in the middle of. So, I haven't been neglecting my blogging completely.

This post is going to be happy and exciting!! I have much to tell...


....are you sure?

Ok...here I go...

Jeff and I are buying a house!! Ok, let me back up and tell you the full story.

So two weeks ago, my dad came home and was very excited to tell Jeff and I about a new idea. (Remember, in the past we were looking at being a year away from getting married and Jeff was job hunting?) Well, here's my dad's idea...

Buy a house--because the housing market is so bad right now, monthly payments would be HALF of what it would be to rent an apartment!! Therefore, we would be able to afford to get married this year on what Jeff makes now.

So, here is what we have been up to in the past two weeks.

As soon as we found out about this option, Jeff immediately went through the process of getting qualified for a loan. Much to our great happiness...he got qualified!! We then started house hunting. We went and looked at a few houses, and then two days later put an offer on two different houses. I will include pictures in this post. We are now waiting to find out what happens.

Our agent called Jeff today and told him that the house that we really really really want has another offer on it, that is higher than what we offered. But he said that even if we offered more, we still most likely wouldn't get it--for reasons that neither Jeff or I understand nor remember. LOL. BUT...he did say that the other house we offered on is looking pretty positive for us. He thinks we will probably get approved for that one, and most likely will get it. We will find out within the next few days! YAY!! The house that we really really wanted is a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom and it is on Cordoba Ct. The other house we offered on (which is just as cute, and we like as much) is only 2 bedroom 1 bathroom, which is a bummer, as we'd like something bigger, but it will work and it will be okay. (So to clarify...our agent says he thinks we will get the house on Timberly. Our chances of getting the house on Cordoba are very very very small.)

If we get the house, Jeff will just stay at his job for a little bit longer. (We now understand why he wasn't able to get a job--you have to be at the same job for 2 years before buying a house. The Lord had something better for us, than a new job.)We will probably have to sell his car (to come up with the money for the down payment). He will probably be at the job he is at now for several more months, just until we get the house, get married, get him a new car and get on our feet again. Then he will look for a new job again.

By buying a house, we can get married this year. If we get this house, our date is:

August 29, 2009.

Right now we are very excited, and we are just praying. Praying for the Lord to open doors that need opened and close doors that need closed. We are also praying for the Lord to provide the money for us for the down payment, the closing costs and the repairs it will need. So please keep us in your prayers. I will keep you all updated!!