J and I immediately went to Home Depot to buy a hook and then ran a few other errands. By the time we got home, Jeff needed to get ready for work. I said, "Honey can you really quickly hang my basket for me?" He said he didn't have the time, to which I scoffed at. "All you have to do is screw it into the ceiling." He started explaining that he first needed to drill a hole into the ceiling and then put a special bolt in and blah blah blah. (I don't understand "construction" talk.) I insisted that all those things weren't necessary and said I'd hang it myself.
Why? Because I'm impatient and stupid.
I climbed up on a chair, marked the spot I wanted it hung and started trying to screw it in. Jeff kept telling me it wouldn't screw in, which added fuel to my fire to make it screw in. Jeff finally stopped trying to talk me out of it, and just stood there watching me with an amused look on his face that would later turn into the "I told you so" look.
I finally got it screwed and turned with a triumphant grin to Jeff and said, "There! I got it." I ran to my fridge and pulled out a peach and an onion. I dropped the onion in the top basket and the peach in the bottom basket. As soon as I did, the whole basket dropped about 2 inches. I looked up and saw the hook wobbling. Now was Jeff's turn to say: "I told you so."
The results of my headstrong mistake? A hole in my ceiling and basket that still isn't hung. So tomorrow, Jeff has to putty the hole and do the whole thing the right way. Not to mention, he enjoyed rubbing in the fact that he "was right!"
The moral of my story? Married friends or dating friends: listen to the advice of your man when it comes to construction things. They are always right.

My lovely basket hanging before I added the onion and peach
I didn't make it to the farmers market today...boo!! :'-( Hopefully (fingers crossed!!!) Saturday will work out.
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