Before I launch myself into the story, let me give you some background to the story... yogurtmill is probably the most expensive yogurt place around. But with that said, we could both get larges with toppings and still pay less than 10 bucks. When we go to these little pay per ounce places, we both fill those cups til they're ready to expload and load them with toppings yet still pay less than 7 bucks...
So, back to today's feature presentation :)
So we go into Ooodles, and on the way in, I said to Jeff, "If they charge more than 35 cents an ounce, lets skip it." Of course, they charge 36 cents--Which just ticked me off!! I was ready to storm out of the place and go back to my faithful Yogolicious, but my husband lives in 'Peace County' and insisted that "One cent extra won't break the bank." (Sigh...)
I whined and complained the whole time I served my yogurt, and told Jeff, "We really need to buckle down this pay period and spend as little as possible. Let's not get as much today." I was such a tightwad, that I refused to get the gummy worms and instead opted for the gummy bears because they weigh less. (I know pathetic, right?) And later, when Jeff went to add a pump of hot fudge, I asked him to use the plain chocolate syrup instead...again...because it weighs less.
Anyways, so we finally finish up and head up to the counter. We take our spoons out and sit the cups on the scale. The gal ringing us up was a trainee, and her boss was coaching her along. After seeing how many ounces they weighed, I quickly added it up in my head and was very satisfied that we should only be paying about 4.50 for both cups. I was horrified when the lady said, "Ok, that'll be $10.81." WHAT?????
As we walked out to the car, I told Jeff, "We could have bought 4 thrifties for that price. We could have gotten 2 giant yogurt mill yogurts for that price. We could have gotten 6 yogolicious yogurts for that price. I'm going to get sick, I can't eat this." We sat in the car for several minutes trying to figure out what had happened....they didn't feel that heavy!!
During all this thinking and crying, I took the picture that's posted above. I had planning on blogging: STAY AWAY FROM OODLES!!
But alas, I won't be writing that today. Because, you see, my wonderful husband, seeing how upset I was, decided to go in and inquire as to "What on earth?!?" He was gone for several minutes and finally came back about 11 minutes later with a triumphant grin on his face... "$4.31!!" He exclaimed! He explained that the trainee accidentally multiplied our order by two and forgot to deduct the weight of the cups. Thus, after correcting her mistake the price turned out to be... (Drum roll please...) cheaper than Yogolicious!!!
I'm thinking Ooodles's yogurt might weigh less....?
Hahahahahaha, I'm so pathetic.
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