I was on ebay looking at plates. Don't ask why, I'm not sure. When suddenly, my eyes fell upon a lonely little plate that just screamed at me: "I belong on your wall! Buy me and give me home!!!!" It was this plate:

I ignored it and continued looking. Suddenly, another little plate started yelling at me: "I need a home!!!"
And then, yet another!!!
And more!!!!
I had no idea, that so many poor little orphaned plates were sitting on ebay looking for a home. A nice wall to adorn. A little piece of prettyness to doll up a lonely wall.
And that's when it hit me: my naked little mirror wall is going to become a home for all these lonesome little plates! My mirror shall have dozens of little plate siblings.
I decided not to do any special arrangement, I'm just going to slowly start collecting them and randomly adding them to my wall. My wall and myself--plus all those orphaned plates, are thrilled with this idea!
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