I found out I was pregnant the 6 days before our 1 year anniversary. Jeff was home when I took the test, and it was SOOO hard not to give away my exciting secret. He asked me several times that evening why I looked so happy and I had to bite my tongue to keep from telling him.
I started thinking up creative ways to tell him. I knew I wanted to do something with pink and blue balloons, I just wasn't sure what.
My first thought was to fill his trunk full of helium balloons and not tell him. At his job, when he leaves at night, its required that the security guard checks the trunks of everyone's cars to make sure they aren't stealing anything. My plans was that when the security guard opened the trunk billions of pink and blue balloons would fly out and Jeff would see. But then I realized that at 4am, that would probably give the poor guard a heart attack. I decided to store that idea in the back of my mind for future use.
My second idea, was to to blow up hundreds of pink and blue balloons and have them lying around in our house when we returned from our anniversary get away. That was the plan I went with.
Shelbie and Shaylah came over that week and helped me blow up literally about 200 balloons. We stored them all in the game room and stuck a big "Jeff stay out" sign on the door. We wrote "boy" and "girl" with question marks all over the balloons.

I asked my sisters to come to the house while we were gone and to pull the balloons out of the game room. I was on egg shells allllll week just dying to tell Jeff the news!!!!
It was even harder, and a bit comical, because all weekend long Jeff kept saying, "You are totally pregnant." "You've got to be pregnant!" "You need to take a test." I guess I was showing a lot of prego symptoms. ;-) I did loootttsss of peeing! I was SOOO sleepy! And I ate like a wild buffalo! Each time he said something like that, I just had to bite my tongue and keep quite...so hard!!!!
It was finally Sunday and I was very eager to head home and break the news to him. My family went above and beyond with the decorations ;-) As they were doing the balloons, my mom said, "I wish we had streamers too!" Which of course, when you don't have streamers...what's the next best option? Yea, toilet paper.
Jeff was taken back by the toilet paper and said, "Is this my surprise?" Assuming that the "surprise" was just a tp'd house as a "Welcome home" gift. I semi-nodded-semi-pointed to the balloons. He kicked a balloon that was in his way and said, "I like the balloo-" Suddenly he leaned down and picked up a balloon and realized that it said "Baby B due 2011."
It clicked with him immediately and he started cheering, "I KNEW IT!!!!!" He was very excited!!!! Later on he said that he liked that way I told him, and that it was the best surprise he's ever had.