It's been an exciting day in the Ney house today!! We bred our bunny almost a month ago, and a bunnies pregnancy usually only lasts 28 days. We've been studying our bunny since we bred her, and we've all been worried that maybe she was too young to breed or maybe she's "broken," as we noticed that she didn't grow any bigger in size. Day 28 came and went (it was last Saturday) and we were all very disappointed. Well, yesterday morning I was outside with Shelbie and I was whining (something I'm pretty good at) about having a broken bunny. I kept saying, "Just throw them in the same cage for a while, let's try it again." Shelbie kept saying no, and wouldn't do it. I finally came inside and asked my mom if I could put the female bunny in the male's cage. My mom said, "No, let's wait a while." (She was already hesitant, because we couldn't help but think that the bunny might be too young. But, she also wanted to wait until the entire family could watch...yea, it's weird what we choose to watch for entertainment. Next time I drop the line: "This is a rated "G" house!" on anyone, remind me that my entire family gathers around to watch our bunnies mate.) I was pretty irritated with the whole situation, but figured we'd try again soon. Last night Shelbie came inside and said that the bunny was pulling out her chest fur (bunnies pull out their chest fur to make a nest for their babies). We all were excited and thought, "Well, maybe she's just overdue." (Well, almost all of us. Pessimistic me thought, "Oh, not only is she broken...she's also rabid and in her rabidness she's ripping out her fur." Where did I come from?!? There's gotta be something wrong with me!) This morning we got up and my mom asked me to go out to the Farm area and do something. I headed out and while I was in the area, I noticed how much fur was in the bunny's nesting box. I was shocked and walked over to see if her chest was bald (which, by the way...it isn't. It's still very furry) and as I peeked into her cage, I noticed a few little pink bodies rolling around in her fur. I was so excited and I ran inside to get the rest of the kids. (Yay, we don't have a "broken bunny!") We all went out and oohed and ahhed over the babies. We think we have five of them, though we can't actually dig around to count them yet. We've been told to not touch the babies until they are 12-14 days old, otherwise the mommy bunny will smell us humans and will freak out and kill them, thinking its for their own "good." (I called a friend this morning to tell the good news. And I was told to "NOT TOUCH THEM!!" I said, "Yea, I've heard the mom bunny will kill them if she smells a human on them." But...not only will the mom kill them, but also eat them. "Yea, we had some baby bunnies once and we were all so excited that we held them and petted them all...the next day half of them were missing. Yea, the kids were traumatized." ...ya think?!) I was pondering this conversations throughout the day, and I realized that I think God made them ugly as newborns for their own good. I really have no desire to touch one right now, they look like little rats. But in a few weeks, when I will want to hold them, they will be adorable! I didn't take any pictures to post, because they are really unsightly, but as they get bigger and cuter I will post a picture. We have for sure three dwarf bunnies, and two black belt bunnies. The black belt bunnies will get us more money (we are going to sell them when they get older, and breed the mom again). Now, my family is razzing me about my inconsiterativeness (is that a word?!). My mom keeps saying, "Poor Pandy, (the mom bunny's name) she was hours away from popping and you wanted to throw her in Pepper's cage. Shame on you!" (
Yea...not one of my brighter moments in life!...I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer.) This situation just proves my mom's theory for human pregnancies: "Not every apple ripens at the same time." I'll post pictures of them soon!
(These are not our bunnies.) The black and white bunnies are Black Belts, I don't know what the other litter bunnies are, and the long floppy eared bunny is also not a black belt, again, I don't know what it is. Thank goodness they get cuter!!

awwww thats soo koo! oo i wanna c what they look lik now! haha! wow ur family does watch weird things, our whole family wud b lik i dont wanna c that! haha
ReplyDeletecongrats to the Ney's on their new bunnies. More animals for the farm...