I slept in today, and when I sleep in I usually get no computer freedoms. (Which is why there are often so many gaps of time in my blog!) Well, my mom has recently compiled a list of chores that she has been auctioning off to my siblings. However, she assigned me one chore. I had to grout my tile in my bathroom and closet. She has been paying the rest of the kids with cash, but I wasn't going to get paid for this. I guess after she thought about this for a while, she decided to offer up some type of reward for me. Since I have a job, I feel that wasting an hour doing a chore for two dollars is a huge waste of my time and effort, when I can go swim with the Brooks children for an hour and make eight dollars. My mom decided to appeal to my lazy side as a way of negotiation. My offer?...If I grouted my closet tile, I could have 30 minutes of computer time. If I grouted my bathroom...I get an hour of sleep in time. After a bit more negotiation, I was given the ok to mix up this laziness in any way I choose. Hence: I have 1 1/2 hours of laziness coming to me...I can choose to use all of that time sleeping, all of that time on the computer, or do 1/2 and 1/2, or 3/4ths and 1/4th, ect. ect. I eagerly started grouting, and realized that even though the job goes quickly, it's not physically easy. My arms and legs are killing me!! I had to squat the whole time, which was burning my legs, and I had to use a lot of arm muscle to spread the grout. (Keep in mind while reading my whining...I'm the girl who spent 20 minutes skipping rocks in a lake (or should I say "attempting to skip a rock?"...I can't skip rocks!) and I complained about my arms hurting for the next three days! I'm also the girl who carried five buckets of water to dump in a pool and I whined about my back for the next three days. So, I guess I'm kind of wimpy. Anyways...) I put my i-pod in it's dock and cranked the volume and listened to a sermon from Miles McPherson...it was really good, might I add. The job went really quickly (it only took 45 minutes or so) and nothing bad happened, but I couldn't help but groan while doing the job. About a year ago,(my dad laid the tile
over a year ago!! isn't that sad?!) a friend offered to grout the tile for me and actually showed up to do it, but I felt bad and told him that my dad was going to do it really soon...well, as you can tell, that never happened. So as I was on my hands and knees plastering grout all over, I couldn't help but think, "Man, why was I so polite? I should have taken him up on his offer and put him to work!!" Isn't that awful?!? I make myself feel so guilty so often!
I decided today that I was going to get some sun on my white body. I have recently decided that I am never going to use sunblock or sunscreen ever again (because it is scientifically proven to cause some types of cancer, and it doesn't even protect you from the sun's harmful rays), so I got my swimsuit on and grabbed my i-pod and headed outside. I had planned on only laying out there for thirty minutes or so...but I ended up falling asleep. I woke up once to my mom taking a picture of me and saying, "I am taking this picture, so when you complain later about "how did I get a sunburn?" I can show you a picture of you asleep in the sun and say, "That's how." Well, I ended up falling back asleep and woke up a while later to Ricky choking. The girls had let both goats out of their cage and they had hosed them off to cool them off. Well, in the process, Ricky got his collar stuck on something (don't ask how...it's a long story) and he was flipping out and panicking. I fell back asleep after helping release Ricky and woke up a third time to a strange noise. I sat up and realized with horror, Lucy was peeing on my blanket I was sleeping on. That ruined my nap, and I headed in. I checked myself out in the mirror and was laughing at my mom, "Ha, I didn't get burned...heck, I didn't even get some color! What's wrong with me!?" My mom just laughed. Well...here I am a few hours later, and my shoulders itch. My mom just started laughing again and said, "I don't want to be prideful and tell you that "I told you so"...but, I did tell you so!" Isn't that cruel of her?!
She (my mom) took several pictures of the bathroom tile: before, during and afterwards. She is going to post the pictures soon, so make sure you get on her page to check my hard work out!
Well, I've already blown at least 30 minutes of my lazy time and I still need to get on Fandango and order some movie tickets (My dad and I are going to the midnight showing of "The Dark Knight"...I am really excited, I've never gone to a midnight showing before!) so, I'd better get scooting!
By the way, for those of you who care...all my movies that I converted worked! Yay, I'm so proud of myself!
hey it's monique.....
ReplyDeletedid you know i saw you the other day...except i didn't know it was you...and i don't know if you knew it was me....it was at church...i was with alyssa and AFTER you left she was like that was shyloh...i was like that was....ugh i was so mad we didn't get to met! :( did you know it was me...comment on mine for the answer!
hey Shyloh, i wish i cud of been there! grouting sounds fun! haha yes i love 2 do weird stuff like that! =] i think its fun! haha
ReplyDeleteonly burning doesnt sound fun! ICK i burn like no other! haha
ReplyDeletei'm sorry you had to grout...i've experienced it and it's no fun!
Hey, call me and let me know what program you used for downloading your movies...i have TONS that I want to put onto my ipod.