On Friday my family and I spent the day up at Don Pedro Lagoon. It was a lot of fun, but it was a little bit too cold. There have been a lot of fires up there lately, so it was really smokey out and it blocked the sun. We still had an enjoyable time though. We brought an enormous raft (it was either 10 by 10 or 12 by 12!!...it took us 20 minutes to enflate it!) and we all had soo much fun with that! We played king of the mountain on it, pretended it was a trampoline and the boys thought of many more uses for it. It was a lot of fun. My mom and I got into a big sand throwing fight and she dumped five fistfuls of sand down the front of my swimsuit!! I took a shower before we left, and I could have built a sandcastle with all the sand that fell out of my suit!!

*If you switch to my mom's blog (the link, titled: home, is on the side of my page) has more pictures of our lagoon trip.
That evening we went to watch a friend of mine test for his 2nd degree in black belt. (I don't know how one would word that: 2nd degree of black belt? 2nd degree in black belt? 2nd degree black belt???) anyways...two of my sister's friends were also testing, and I got a lot of really cool pictures. Black belt tests are really cool, you get to watch people who have a black belt and are testing for a higher degree spar with eachother ("spar" meaning: beat eachother up) and we also get to watch them break boards...which is REALLY cool, but very painful looking! Everytime we go watch a test, my dad always comes home feeling big and bad. Last summer we went and watched the same friend test for his 1st degree, and also watched him break boards. Two days later we went camping. My dad picked up a piece of wood (a super thin piece, might I add) he says, "If James can break a board...the so can I!! Hold this for me!!" Let's just say...it didn't end well and the board didn't break (my wrists almost did...but not the board.)
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