In TODAY'S newspaper there is a coupon for a
free car wash at Prime Shine. If you get the paper, the coupon is in section "B," make sure you cut it out! If you don't get the paper, I suggest you run to Walmart and buy a few papers. (Walmart sells the paper for .37, a car wash is $6.00...what a deal!) I had considered buying twenty papers and selling the coupons for $3.00 each, but my dad made me feel guilty and put a stop to that money making idea. So, anyways, I figured if I can't make money selling the coupons myself, I'd at least let you know how you can SAVE some money. (If you take my idea, and I find out that you sold the coupons yourself, I'll be very upset!) So pass this news on, tell your mom and dad and any of your friends who may drive. I repeat: the coupon is only in today's newspaper.
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