On Friday we went to the lagoon again. I've recently decided that I no longer believe in the *powers of sunblock,* and have refused to use any suntan lotion or sunblock since, instead I use coconut oil (which if used often works as well as sunblock and smells delicious!). My mom feels pretty much the same way I do about sun block and sunscreen and will only use it on rare occasion. Anyways, when we got to the lagoon my mom slathered all my siblings in coconut, and advised me to do the same. I told her I would in a few minutes, but ended up falling asleep. After I woke up, I quickly rubbed some coconut onto my shoulders, face and chest then I went and sat in the water. I was still really tired from the movie the night before, and I didn't really do much swimming. I just sat in a chair in the water dozing on and off. My mom kept telling me to get more coconut on, but I insisted that my back would be fine (because it wasn't facing the sun) and I had already rubbed some on my front half. I only used the coconut once throughout the day. When I went to shower off before I left, I realized with disappointment that I was pretty red. By the time I got home, I was very disappointed, because I was tender from even having my shirt rub on my burn. By the time I went to bed...I was miserable. Here it is, three days later and I am still red and it still hurts!
(I did some researching on sunscreen, and here is some of what I read. I got my information from several different web sites.)
**The idea that sunscreen prevents cancer is a myth. It's a myth promoted by a profit-seeking tag-team effort between the cancer industry and the sunscreen industry. The sunscreen industry makes money by selling lotion products that actually contain cancer-causing chemicals. It then donates a portion of that money to the cancer industry through non-profit groups like the American Cancer Society which, in turn, run heart-breaking public service ads urging people to use sunscreen to "prevent cancer."
The scientific evidence, however, shows quite clearly that sunscreen actually promotes cancer by blocking the body's absorption of ultraviolet radiation, which produces vitamin D in the skin. Vitamin D, as recent studies have shown, prevents up to 77 of ALL cancers in women (breast cancer, colon cancer, cervical cancer, lung cancer, brain tumors, multiple myeloma... you name it). Meanwhile, the toxic chemical ingredients used in most sunscreen products are actually carcinogenic and have never been safety tested or safety approved by the FDA. They get absorbed right through the skin (a porous organ that absorbs most substances it comes into contact with) and enter the bloodstream.
The benefits of sunscreen are a myth. Proponents say sunscreen prevents sunburn, but in fact, the real cause of sunburn is not merely UV exposure: It is a lack of antioxidant nutrition. Start eating lots of berries and microalgae (spirulina, astaxanthin, blue-green algae, etc.), and you'll build up an internal sunscreen that will protect your skin from sunburn from the inside out. Sunburn is actually caused by nutritional deficiencies that leave the skin vulnerable to DNA mutations from radiation, but if you boost your nutrition and protect your nervous system with plant-based nutrients, you'll be naturally resistant to sunburn. The same nutrients, by the way, also protect the optic nerve and eyes from radiation damage. That's why the consumption of berries and carrots, for example, has historically been associated with healthy eye function. (The same nutrients that protect the eyes also protect the skin.)
Think about it. Our ancestors did not have indoor lighting; they exposed their skin to the sun regularly. They didn't run and hide from the sun, they used it as nourishment to generate a crucial vitamin that supports human health in a multitude of ways. The idea that "the sun is bad for you" makes about as much sense as "water is bad for you" or "the Earth is flat." This persistent myth was invented, marketed and publicized by an industry that profits from a gullible public believing demonstrable falsehoods.
If sunlight is so dangerous, then why is virtually every living creature on planet Earth dependent on sunlight for survival? Plants use sunlight to generate their nutrition, too, and most animals eat either plants or other animals that originally ate plants. Nearly all life on planet Earth is powered by sunlight. Why does the cancer industry believe sunlight causes death when, in reality, sunlight delivers life?
The more people use sunscreen products, the more they'll get cancer. And that's due to two primary reasons: 1) Sunscreen blocks vitamin D production, a nutrient that strongly prevents cancer, and 2) Sunscreen products almost always contain cancer-causing chemicals that are absorbed through the skin and enter the bloodstream where they cause severe DNA damage, leading to cancer.
Sunlight is good for you, and sunscreen is a hoax.