I've been wanting to get a "bigger" dog for some time now, as I am hoping to soon stay at my own home at night and my two little lap dogs don't make me feel very safe. :) We had planned on waiting a while and maybe getting a bigger dog breed after we have a baby who's around 18 months old. But after I got thinking about that, I realized that's a looonng way down the road, and I really don't want to continue spending the night at my family's house for the next x-amount of years. lol. It's become a bit of a headache to come over here in the evenings and then at 4 pack my stuff and go home.
We've been talking for several months now about getting a dog and eventually breeding her. (We'd both love to experiment the whole "puppy" process!) We had thought about breeding Yorkies, but we decided we didn't want a bunch of ankle biters running around in our house. So we then turned out thoughts towards Siberian Huskies (they are such beautiful and HARD to find dogs!!) We had completely decided to go down the Husky route, until I started reading about them online...and yikes!! There isn't much good about them, unless you live in the snow! Our next thought was Labradors. I started reading on them, and have yet to read one negative thing about them. We decided to get a lab.
On Sunday we went and looked at a litter of labs. They were all so cute! Because they were 10 weeks old, the lady selling them was getting nervous that they weren't going to sell. (The bigger they are...the harder they are to sell) Therefore she offered us a fantastic price. I went and picked her out yesterday. The picture I'm posting isn't a very good one--she refused to open her eyes for me and the picture makes her look HUGE! (which she really isn't!!) She's absolutely beautiful and has adorable "wings" on her back. (Perfect wing shaped white patches on her shoulders...it reminds me of Mario from Mario party, lol.)
We came up with the name Maycie, and it suits her well. :-) Supposedly labs are really easy to train...and I SURE HOPE SO!!! So far i'm not having much luck with potty training her. We hope to breed her in a few years, as long as she is physically healthy and able. Therefore, I MUST train her well!! I am very bad at training my dogs...I've got a history of B.A.D. pets, so I'm hoping I redeem myself with Maycie. I've been creating a list of tricks and basic commands I want her to learn. And I found a cool video online earlier that impressed me. (I will try to include it in this post.) Allow me to brag a little here...I have already successfully taught her to fetch and bring it back....now I've just got to get her to "drop it." LOL. And boy! Does she ever love to chew!!
Whether we breed her eventually or not, I'm really excited to have a bigger dog breed who will one day protect our house. She has a super sweet personality and really likes me, lol. Sounds prideful, I know, but she does. :) Jeff and I hope that Maycie turns out to be a really good dog. We want her to be the dog that we bring with us everywhere!! ...camping, yosemite, to the park, on walks, to the lake!! ect ect ect!!! She's a Bauman now. :)
Well, here's that video...Hopefully I get Maycie doing this stuff soon!! (BTW...the dog in the video is 10 weeks also!!! amazing!)
This is a very sleepy Maycie!!!

Not to be left out...here's Ella.
"What?!? Leave me alone...i'm trying to sleep!"
Doesn't her haircut look good?

And finally...ugly Sarah.
Believe it or not, she looks good with her new haircut also.
And I know you all love seeing pictures of Jeff and I (not!)
I will post better pictures of the dogs when they are all awake. LOL. Right now they're all thinking "leave me alone!!"
Sarra is not ugly.