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Monday, September 1, 2008

What a day...

What a day!! Today we planned on going to the Labor Day picnic at our church. We all had a late night last night, and didn't get up this morning until 9:00 (and 9:30 for some of us). We all got ready to go and I made a batch of cookies. We finally got to church an hour late (which was fine, it's just a picnic.) Everyone was having a great time, the kids were all off playing with their friends and my mom and I were talking while watching the baptisms. Shelbie and her friend Catie were leaning up against the wall talking to each other and giggling. Shelbie suddenly went quiet (for about thirty seconds) which is no big deal, she's quiet by nature. The next minute she was slumped over on the ground, out cold. I didn't watch her go down, I was watching the pastor baptize a girl, and I heard my mom say, "Shelbie...SHELBIE!" I turned around, a bit confused. I was thinking Shelbie was just ignoring my mom, which surprised me...I was even more surprised when I saw her on the ground. My mom and I both quickly grabbed one of her arms and tried lifting her. Her head was rolling and her eyes never moved not to mention, they were really glassy looking. We both lifted her dead weight and started walking as quick as possible down to the bathroom. We kept asking her if she was okay, but she was still really out of it. She kept saying she felt like she was going to get sick. We were almost to the bathroom when Seth (from the college & career group, he's a nurse) came running over to see what was wrong. He had his backpack full of his medical stuff and started helping out right away. Another guy, who's name I don't know, carried her into the inside bathroom (where there's a powder room) and laid her on the couch. Seth was great, he immediately started checking her vitals and trying to cool her off. In the mean time, several people had gathered around outside of the bathroom to pray. In this group was Jeff (so many thanks to you, Jeff!) Annie, Katelyn O, Laurie Kee, Deb O. and a few others. They were all so wonderful. Everyone was praying and telling my mom and I that Shelbie would be okay. During all this, the rest of the children were outside playing and carrying on. They ended up finding out what happened, but it didn't really effect them too much. I think that it helped where we were at, they were preoccupied. After Seth checked her vitals (something was wrong with them...like her heart rate or something, I'm not sure what), someone called the ambulance. I totally freaked out with this, I pass out a lot, but I've never gone to the hospital, so I was convinced it wouldn't be okay. The ambulance came and loaded her up, which took a while. During this, Shelbie finally started coming too. I wanted to go with them in the ambulance, but the driver wouldn't let me. They left, and the rest of us kids were at the church still. Everyone was so concerned! Everyone was offering to drive the kids home (my dad was still at work, he was on his way to the church when she passed out). I wanted to go to the hospital, which is why I wasn't driving the kiddos home. My dad called and it was decided that he'd come to church, bring the kids home and leave his car for me to take to the hospital. While he was heading to the church, the Kee's totally took over with my family. The boys (Hayden & Chris) were so sweet, and took it upon themselves to make my brothers their lunches, while Annie and I think Mandy or Katelyn made my little sisters their lunches. Jeff stayed with me and kept reminding me that God was in charge and it would be okay, just keep praying. All the women kept praying too. After Annie made the girls their lunches (might I add...the lunches the boys made were actually nutritious, that impressed me.) she made me a plate and insisted that I eat, though I never did. Finally my dad got to the church. We quickly packed up the chairs and blankets (with Jeff's help) and walked out to the van. My dad, seeing my current condition (I was really shaky), wouldn't let me drive and decided that he'd just drop me off at the hospital on his way home. Jeff then offered to drive me to the hospital, I felt bad taking him away from the church, but he was truly genuine about it, so I took him up on his offer. My dad headed home, and we headed to the hospital. On the way there, he kept reminding me about God's goodness and played k-love on the radio to keep our thoughts on God. I was really thankful when we got to the hospital, he actually walked me in and waited with me until my mom came out to walk me back into Shelbie's room. (I had been dreading going in alone, so this was so appreciated.) After he left, my mom and I went in to see Shelbie. A ton of tests were ran on her and they all came back fine. My dad came down after dropping the kids off at home and getting them settled. When he got to the hospital, I had to go sit in the waiting room (only two people could be with her). For over an hour I sat alone in the waiting room (without my i-pod...which really stunk.) listening to all the sick people cough, gag, get sick, groan, whine and cry. I felt totally germ infested. I'm bathing in alcohol tonight. It was sad sitting in there though, seeing all the sick people. So I guess it was a good thing I didn't have my i-pod, I was able to sit and pray for people. Finally, my dad came out with me. He said all the tests came back fine. The doctor wants us to follow up with our own doctor and gave us a bunch of paperwork to give him tomorrow. She recommend having Shelbie wear a halter monitor (which will monitor her heart for a few days), and maybe a MRI. As of this point they are guessing that it is just a girl thing, as alot of girls will have fainting episodes when they are her age. She was discharged from the hospital and came walking out looking fine. We headed home (had to stop at the church to get my dad's car) and she was totally fine. She was actually really sparky too. She made a lot of funny one-lined jokes. She still doing great, she's just tired. (This is actually the 2nd time she's passed out in about 4 days...not to this degree though,and she has been having dizzy spells for the last month which is why they are more conerned and want more follow up tests.) So keep her in your prayers. For those of you who prayed or helped out with various things...thank-you so much! We really appreciate you!

Then, as this wasn't enough excitement for the day...after we'd been home for about an hour. Poppet was playing in the hallway by the wooden bench. I was in my room and I heard a huge thud! and then screaming. My mom quickly ran into the hallway and scooped her up. When I came out to see what was going on, she had Poppet's foot in the kitchen sink, running cold water on it. Apparently, Poppet had tipped the bench over onto her foot, and somehow it only landed on her tiny toe. Her toe is so swollen and purple, with a nasty little cut on it. We think it's broken. Poor Poppet! She's handling the pain well though, she's still hobbling around playing.

Anyways, these are just a few of the fun things we encounter on a day-to-day basis in a big family. I was laughing and telling Shaylah a little bit ago, it's funny...when something bad happens to us, it's usually multiple bad things at once. At least we only have to dread bad stuff a few times a year!

Anyhow...What a day!


  1. What a day. I'm glad you're all safely home. We have all been praying for Shelbie the whole day (let her know she didn't miss out on lunch, those hot dogs were nasty).
    BTW... you, my dear Shyloh, were the one who delivered the 'Traveling Sales Woman' into my hand, you might have to suffer through. Your chances are good though, so far everyone wants 'Stevey the Pumpkin'.

  2. Omygoodness Shyloh !! That was quite a day.. I'm totally praying for Shelbie.. Ok hope you have a blessed day today, o and I'm glad you guys are all safe !!!!!

  3. i was actually gonna txt u soon and ask how shelbie was doing. but ur blog filled me in. it was one crazy day! im so glad that everything seems to be okay tho.
    p.s. think of something dangerous to do and let me kno when and where. katie o

  4. glad everything is o.k. with Shelbie (for the meantime). I'm still praying for you and your family. I'm sorry about Poppet's toe (I've fallen in love with your little sister...ask me later why). Your family had a hectic day! Bless Jeff! I really didn't want you driving, and he took care of that!

  5. Kaitie O. has a face book account. She told me she knew you had a blog, and I think she just put your name in google.
