I just realized that I never wrote a title for my last blog...that really bothers me.
So, hopefully this post will be more interesting than my last few have been. I've really been struggling lately. I am hoping I don't have writers block...that'd be awful!! Also...I have an itch to write another book. If any of you have any good ideas for a story line let me know. I do pretty well with anything freaky and I can also do pretty much anything modern, but I have also written a few books from the 1800's era. Make sure if you give me a story line, you give me the whole plot. From beginning to end...otherwise I'll start it and get 1/3 the way though and quit. Which is totally disappointing. I have started countless books, written multiple chapters and quit. (I was actually just telling someone this the other day.) Then, it is totally embarrassing for me to reread them, as they sound soooo lame! I have actually only written one thing that I have been impressed with. Unfortunately, that is one of my unfinished projects. Actually, maybe I will blog that sometime for you guys to read and tell me what you think...maybe...we'll see. Um, then again...maybe not.
I am in the mood to write right now, which could be a good thing...but then again, it might not be. I'm going to make this a very random post, with no one subject. Bear with me...
Yesterday was my 12 hour day. It stretched on and on and on and on and on and...you get the picture. Actually, it was a really bad day. (And I have never had a bad day over there.) I am not going to go into any details.
Yesterday morning, my siblings caught a bunny in our front yard. It is a big black bunny with curly fur. He is so sweet! It is sad though, because he's underfed and has scabs on him, so he's obviously been abused (Because he's so tame, we know he had an owner)and has been attacked. My dad actually wonders if his fur was longer at one point, and if maybe he's been shaved. Anyways, like I said...he's so sweet! Normally, when you pick up a bunny, they freak out and start flopping around. This bunny is different, he loves being held and doesn't flinch when you pick him up. This morning the girls brought him in the room and put him on my bed. I was petting him and he totally conked out and fell asleep on my pillow. It was really cute. They named it Teddy, because his fur looks like a teddy bear. The girls had asked me yesterday if I would name it for them. The only name I was able to come up with was Pedro...and believe it or not, that was with help. I probably could have come up with a better name if I would have thought about it longer. The girls are mad at me, because I refuse to call it Teddy, I'm going to call him Pedro. He looks like a Pedro...if any of you know what a bunny named Pedro would look like... I think we are going to breed him and our female next month. This bunny is way nicer than our other male. And we'll have a shot at getting solid black babies.
Let's see...what else?
The other night...um,...Tuesday...yea, Tuesday. On Tuesday evening Jeff came over for dinner and ice cream. That was a ton of fun! I made Fettuchini Alfredo (with way too much garlic, unfortunately) and it turned out okay. It wasn't one of my better batches, but it was still good. We all ate dinner outside and the weather was simply beautiful! It wasn't too hot out, nor was it too cold. My brothers like him almost as much as I do, and he is so great with them! He's been teaching them how to juggle (I have never seen anyone in real life juggle...if you haven't seen Jeff juggle, ask him, it's amazing.) He got each of the boys a three pack of tennis balls to practice with. Since the 1st time he came over, they have been practicing like crazy. They are getting better now, and the art is slowly coming together. Before dinner, Jeff was playing baseball with them. I was walking across the yard, and he was getting ready to pitch to Shayden. He says, "Watch out, Shyloh! You might get hit." I quickly ran across the yard and he pitched the ball. I had my back to him, as Shayden hit the ball, suddenly I hear a "smack!!" and then a "ouch!!" Long story short (or not so long...) Shayden totally decked Jeff in the face with the ball. I felt sooo bad! It was pretty red and looked really painful. But, amazing guy he is, he found so much humor in it! For those of you who know us Ney's pretty well...we aren't very nice. We laughed at him all evening long. During our dinner prayer, Shayden was praying and he said, "And please help Jeff's face go back to tan..." I was on the verge of laughing, but held it in. Suddenly, my mom started snorting and blew up laughing. Jeff and I started rolling and eventually the whole room was in an uproar. It was absolutely insanely hilarious! By the way, his face is back to tan now. Anyways, after dinner, he was done playing ball. He had had enough!! Then we were ready to start the fire, I gathered wood and cardboard and an ax and matches. We pulled the burn barrel out into the middle of the lawn and built a little Indian tipi with our kindling. Then, Jeff poured tiki torch fluid all over the wood and dropped a match on it. Let's just say it was one beautiful fire. I've never seen a fire catch so quickly, nor burn so well. All the kids were in bed around 9:00, and we sat out by the fire wrapped up in big blankets eating ice cream and playing with the fire until 11:00.
I made cinnamon rolls today. They turned out really well, and they look beautiful. I'm hoping they taste the same!
Let's see...what else?
On Saturday I am going to the ocean. I helped plan an ocean trip for our college and career group, and I can't wait! It will be so much fun. Last time we went, we didn't have any buckets or shovels, so building a sandcastle was really difficult. After that trip, I went out and bought a ton of buckets, so this time, we should be set! I need to make cookies tomorrow to bring with us on Saturday. This time, I don't plan on getting a sunburn.
I have come to realize that two things are an art to me: Eating ice cream & Sleeping.
Eating ice cream should be something you do carefully and deliberately. It should never be rushed or forced. When eating ice cream, never scoop it while it is frozen. It will make you irritated and cranky, not to mention it is a big bummer when the scooper slips and hits your hand. Trust me, I'd know! Never do tiny pathetic scoops, they always need to be big and heaping. Never ever think about your weight while eating ice cream, it will ruin it for you. Big spoons are a definite no-no while eating ice cream, eat ice cream with small scoops so that you can enjoy each and every bite. Freezing the spoons for a few minutes before eating off them helps the flavor out in a big way. (But for this to work, they have to be real silver spoons!) I'm sure there is more to mastering the art of eating ice cream, but currently, this is all I can think of. As the rules come to my mind, I will post them.
Now...for sleeping.
Every bed should have more than 3 pillows on it:
a toddlers bed should have at least three pillows on it.
a twin bed should have at least four pillows on it.
a full bed should have at least five pillows on it.
a queen bed should have at least six pillows on it.
and a king bed should have at least eight pillows on it.
I have a full size bed, but I am blessed enough to have eight pillows on it. The rule with pillows, is you never want your head to be on two pillows, otherwise you will wake up with a terrible kink. Here's how my bed is set up at night: my body pillow goes against the wall, for my back to be parallel to it. One pillow lays flat at the head of my bed, while another one goes beneath that, but at a steep slant. The fourth pillow goes on the other side of me. The fifth and sixth pillows go under the blankets, for my legs. And the last two pillows are thrown into various spots of my bed, for my random sleeping habits. Every bed should have a nice mattress and a nice memory foam pad. Unfortunately, my bed does not yet have a memory pad, but it will eventually...soon. Again, these are the only rules I can think of for mastering the art of sleeping. If I come up with more, I will definitely post it. I want to see all my readers become masters in the arts of eating ice cream and in the art of sleeping.

funny!!! poor jeff, lol!!!
ReplyDeleteok soo i agree with you on how 2 eat ice-cream, only i like a big spoon most of the time.. and when i sleep well thats a different story, i have a full sized bed, and i have 4 pillows on it, and 3 small ones just cuz, well my favorite pillow is lik completely FLAT so that even when i use a pillow it doesnt really feel like i am using one, haha ya i push all of my other pillows to the side, or throw them on the floor, haha ya im kinda weird like that! haha ok i need 2 go!! love you! = ]
Haha. Your family is so stinkin' funny.
ReplyDeletePoor Jeff!
I agree with you about icecream. Its so funny because when I go to Coldstone or Baskin Robbins I always ask to " taste" an icecream just because I want to eat my real icecream with a little spoon! Haha.
And I am ashamed to admit..I have not yet reached the master art of sleeping. =) Love you!
I won't say 'poor Jeff' because every body else did. But it will get stated anyways because I willingly typed the words (whew! that was a mouthful). I have read some of your books, and I think they were good! You should post them.
ReplyDeleteheehee:) i am not going to tell you to post your writing stuff unless you want to because sometimes i write stuff and it would be difficult to show it to like, the WHOLE WORLD:)just kidding. and i agree with you about eating ice cream slowly, you can't taste it all the way if it's stuffed too much in your mouth:) ok talk to you later.
ya you should post ur books! i meant to say that! haha DO IT!!