Last night I went to church and ended up in a small group with one of the most encouraging women I know. Somehow our conversation strayed off onto people in different countries who's faith in God is so alive. We were talking about how, people who come to God in these foreign countries, usually do so with a complete knowledge that this decision could cost them their lives. Daily, it is a struggle for them to live for God, and keep their heads. We were talking about how so many of them are persecuted on a daily basis, and when they make this decision to open their lives to God, they know...that could be the end of them. They make it their complete life goal, to live for Christ in every way, and bring as many people to Him as possible, all while they fear for their lives. But, they would willingly lay down their lives to prove their love for God. We were talking about the difference between their faiths and our faith. It is such an easy thing for us Americans to come to Christ. We make that decision, and the thought of losing our life never crosses our mind. For the most part, losing our lives for God is not very common, and we don't have to fear it. We were discussing how these people in different countries, know the cost of having God in their lives, and they treasure Him greatly. They don't take God for granted, as so many of us do. We can have Him in our lives, with pretty much no pain or fear. We don't see how important this really is. We take Him for granted so often. We don't live our lives for Him to the fullest. And we don't see the full picture of God, we will probably never have to make that choice: God or us. The leader of our group was telling us how these people in other countries pray that we experience persecution. They pray it in the most Godly way of course, they just pray that we learn how important this gift of God is, and we need to learn how to treasure it the way we should. They have learned this with their own lives, and they pray that to a point, God permits some type of pain or persecution to occur in our own lives to teach us of His true greatness, and how we should treat Him and our faith in Him. I don't know if any of that makes sense, I hope it did. But ever since we had this conversation, it has really been on my heart and mind. I realized it is so true, we all take Him for granted. Would we treat Him the way we do now, if our lives were at stake? No...we'd live our faith out to the fullest. This is just something for you to ponder for the next few days. Ask yourself, "Am I taking God for granted? Am I living my life the way I should. Am I treating God right?" Is God just a friend, an acquaintance...or is he your best friend? I could ramble on this subject for a long long time, but I think I got most of the point down. I honestly challenge each of you to think about this for a few days and see what you can change in your lives to make sure that you aren't taking the gift God has given us for granted.
wow this really spoke to me! you made a lot of sense for sure! ever since i have read the JESUS FREAK book i have thought about this a lot, but i kinda have forgotten lately, soo thanks this was a super good reminder! love you!