It was my birthday on the 25th. My siblings, Jeff, Catie and I went to see the High School Musical 3. Out of everyone who was invited, only Catie showed up...sniff sniff. I see how I rate. (Thank-you Catie for coming!!) I had originally planned on giving you all the guilt trip for standing me up, but after watching the movie, I can't harass you guys. The movie STUNK!! It was extremely disappointing. I'm not going to go into details, you'd have to watch it yourselves but I was sorely disappointed. After the movie, Jeff and I brought my siblings home and went to grab a bite to eat. After we ate, we went to Target and returned a bunch of blue and green baby clothes for my mom. Then we got to pick out a bunch more pink clothes. It was so much fun!! After we went to Target, we ran next door to the shoe store. Jeff tried on a few pairs of Converse and finally settled on the basic black and white pair. I think they look great on him! When we were done at the shoe store we headed home. My mom had invited my aunt and uncle over for dinner, which was fun. We hardly ever see my uncle (only on birthdays,) so it's always a treat to see him. My mom had made lasagna for dinner. It was amazing tasting. Everything was going great--the food and the fellowship--until my uncle decided to use a pack of Round Table pizza pepper on his lasagna and salad. (Don't ask why...he's strange like that.) He did this on his first serving and thought it was delicious. Then he also did that on his second serving. He was scarfing his food down like a starving animal...when he suddenly stopped, fork in the air. He stared at his plate for a long time. My aunt (seeing his face) says, "Micah...are you okay? Are you going to get sick? Micah?!?" Someone else says, "Is there something in there?" My uncle nodded his head, unable to say anything. Jeff, jokingly asked, "Is it moving?" My uncle nodded his head again, and everyone jumped out of their seats to look at his plate. (Before I go on with this story, I want to add...My uncle is a sheriff, a detective and also on the swat team. All his co-workers know him as: "Officer Green." He gets sick so easily and so often!!) A few moments go by, as everyone is staring at his plate and announcing with horror that his lasagna has little larva on it. (From the pepper packets, which we've had in a drawer since May from Round Table!! eeewwww...)Without a warning, he jumped up from his chair and rushed to the front yard and got sick everywhere! Those of us in the house were laughing so hard, yet we were so disgusted! After my uncle gained composure and came in, we all started cleaning out the drawer. We dumped absolutely every sauce packet, cheese packet and pepper packet in there. Then we boiled the utensils and wiped out the drawer. My uncle didn't lose his green shade of color for several minutes after this situation occurred.
I'd write more...but I'm supposed to go to a meeting at church and I need to leave in about ten minutes. So I'm off to get ready...
Wow! Thats so great yet discusting!
ReplyDelete(I know I did NOT spell that right but whatever)im so bummed about HMS3. I kept telling everyone that it's better be good since its the last. Sigh. In guess a good thing can only last for so long! LOL.
Love you shyloh! And wanna hold that new baby!
ewww.. :) i'm sorry i didn't come shyloh.. i was participating in more holy things aka the all night prayer meeting thingy so i slept in till 11 30 and it was like noon before i got on the computer to see what time you were going:( glad you're ha\/ing fun with your baby sister:)
gross that is super disgusting!!!! GROSS. Sorry Shyloh I kinda got grounded, sniff sniff!! Ok I wanna see that sweet baby sister of yours!!!! POST MORE PICTURES!!!! = ] bytheway Jeff did a great job doin worship on Sunday!!! Ok i loveeeeeeeee ya so much!
I think HSM is made for younger kids. Kellie and Kendall love them alot. Any way POOR UNCLE WHOS NAME I FORGOT! I have short term memory loss jk. I wouldve came if I wasnt so far away. I wouldve just sat and admired Sharpay/Ashley Tisdale's clothes. =)
ReplyDeleteLove ya, Kylene