I know it's been a while since I last posted...all I can say is: ooops.
Not much has been going on in the Ney house lately. My mom is still very much pregnant and everyone is out of patience. We've had another round of sickies go around and finally everyone is feeling better. Of course though, that doesn't last long. (Unfortunately in a big family when someone gets sick, it will go through everyone else. When the last person gets it, it starts all over again.)And now I have a cold. It started out really minor; I scratched my throat on a candy bar and it turned into a cold. Isn't that a bummer?!? And I was so excited to escape the families germs and I ended up choking on a stupid candy bar...which turned into a cold. Oh geez. Needless to say, I'm not very happy about that. Then...Poor Jeff came over and caught my bug also. (Hey...I warned him!) So now we are both sick together, which makes it a little better, but it still stinks. I feel so bad for Jeff, he looks so sad! He was over today and spent about two hours laying on the couch looking so pitiful. I made him vegetables, gave him vitamins and rubbed his forehead. So anyways, please keep him in your prayers.
Tonight Shelbie and I babysat for the Brooks. Their cousins, the Porters, were over also, so we had 11 children. One word: insanity!! lol. It actually wasn't that bad, until bed time. The two of us alone, had to get 11 children (who haven't seen eachother in a month) ready for bed and laid down. They were all so excited to be together and were so hyper! We laid them down at 8:30. When we left at 11:00 they were all still awake and giggling and goofing off together. My throat is SO hoarse from standing at the bottom of the stairs and yelling: GO TO SLEEP!
This was a really scattered and boring post. I'm sorry. But it is almost midnight, and I am exhausted. So until my next post...
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