I am super tired and have nothing to post about, but I am going to do my best to write a decent length post.
Last night my mom went into labor. We called the midwives around 8 o'clock, and they got here around 10 o'clock-ish. My mom was having contractions only a few minutes apart, and we all thought that we would have a baby by morning time. Jeff came over last night around 8:30, hoping that the baby would be born while he was here. But at 1:00, he decided to head home, knowing he had to be up for work the next morning at 5:00. My aunt also came over and decided to stay the night, as she too wanted to be here when the baby was born. For the next four hours, my aunt, both midwives, my grammy, and I all lay around trying to sleep. (Might I add...i'm very frustrated with this: those darn midwives slept on MY pillows!! Without my permission!! EEEEWWWW....gross.) Around 5 o'clock, her contractions fizzled out and she fell asleep. She woke up this morning and labor has stopped. (And this was NOT false labor, might I add. This was heavy labor, and we were all positive we would be holding a baby right now.) The midwives left at noon and told us to call them when she goes back into labor. Needless to say, my mom is highly discouraged. As she labored in vain all night long, and is going to have to do it again. The midwives said this is fairly common, and the baby just isn't ready to come out yet. If you could all pray that she goes back into labor soon, and that it is quick and easy, and also pray that my dad can stay calm and not be to anxious or stressed, that would be wonderful.
This is a funny story...The other day, I was talking about the baby. Shannen was listening to my conversation. I was making a joke (over the phone to my boss) that "by the time this baby is born, it's going to be burnt. It's over cooking." Of course, I was totally joking. I left for work and later on my mom called me. She says, "I just got done trying to console a very worried little boy." I was confused as to what she was talking about. She says, "Shannen is very worried about our baby. He is convinced that it is going to be burnt." I started laughing, I had no idea that he thought I was serious! Apparently, my mom and Shannen's conversation kept going. After my mom assured him that the baby wasn't going to be burnt, he asks, "Is that how black babies are born? Are they over cooked?!" Oh the innocence of children. Needless to say, my mom was not very happy with me, and was overheard by multiple siblings to have said, "Oh, I am going to kill her!" LOL. Shannen now knows that every baby is born when it is ready to be born, and that Jesus is who made black babies and that babies can't be burnt if they are overdue. (Wow! I've never told a Shannen Funny before!)
Okay, I'm ready to go take a nap. I'm super super tired. Please keep my mom, dad and family in your prayers!
Oh, poor Shannen! Do you like scaring little kids? Is it your idea of fun? Haha jk
O my good golly goodness! I want your mom to have her child soo bad!! haha! I am soo exciting! I'm gettin rather impatient! ( did I spell that right? ) haha your brother is so funny! haha Ok I'm prayin for you and your family! love ya!