Last night Shelbie and I babysat for the Brooks overnight. Branden and Joslyn went up to the mountains with two other couples for some fellowship and for a short getaway. Shelbie and I went over to their house at noon yesterday and didn't get home until 3:30 today. It was a lot of fun!!! It was like a big huge slumber party with six crazy kids. I took a bunch of pictures and I put together a slide show of a few pictures, hopefully you enjoy them. (I did take many more pictures, but it would take WAAAAYYYY too long to download them all!)I will tell you all how the day/night/second day went:
When we got there yesterday, their kitchen timer had 4 minutes left on it. When it went off, Joslyn started laughing and said, "William set the timer so he would know when you were supposed to be here, so he could go outside and greet you." (Might I add, he was standing outside when we pulled in!) Joslyn started smiling again and said, "I was telling my mom this morning that you and Shelbie were going to watch them tonight, and I was saying how they love you so much, you are like their Mary Poppins!! We are going to start calling you "Shyloh Poppins!""
Joslyn had to run a few errands before they left, and Branden wasn't home yet, so while she ran errands Shelbie and I fed the kids and we all watched "National Treasure 2."
After Joslyn and Branden were home and left, my family came over to swim for a few hours. (Yes, I did ask for permission to invite them over first!!) The Brooks have a huge huge huge deep pool and my dad had made a joke the night before about coming over for a swim. Then, yesterday morning he woke up and said, "Hey, it's going to be 102 today, ask your boss if we can come swim!" All the kids had a lot of fun!
After my parents left I brought all the kids inside and everyone got their pj's on. (It was only 6:00 at this point.) I made them dinner (Pizza and soda!) and after dinner we all went outside to play for a while. Around 7:30 we came inside and turned the TV on. We watched 2 episodes of "I-Carly," before "Camp Rock" came on.
(Side note...) Funny story about "Camp Rock:" Camp Rock is Disney's new attempt at another High School Musical. Except, Camp Rock stars the Jonas Brothers. I've been seeing previews for this movie for probably four months, and I've been looking forward to it's premier ever since I saw the first preview. (Isn't that sad?) I've been praying for four months now that would have to work the day it premiers...and guess what? I had to work!!! I was so excited!!
(another side note: Mandy Silva and I were talking about The High School musical and Camp Rock a few days ago. She was bashing on both movies, and I just smirked and nodded my head in "agreement." Concerning Camp Rock, she said, "It's like...the Jonas Brothers meet the High School Musical...uggg!")
So, at 8:00 we turned to the Disney channel to watch my long awaited Camp Rock movie. While we watched the movie, we ate ice cream. The Brooks buy amazing ice cream!! They buy Dryer's, Bryer's, Ben and Jerry's, and the other brand of ice cream that starts with a "H" and it's really good quality (I can't pronounce the name, let alone spell it!). Anyways, they buy really yummy ice cream. During the commercials, we'd go in the basement and play "Animals and Goblins." Animals and Goblins is pretty much hide and go seek/tag in the dark...pitch black darkness. (picture a basement with lights off, it's 9:30, so it's dark out and pillows are covering the windows. It's dark!!
After Camp Rock we all sat around and talked about it. A few of the kids said they liked it better than the High School Musical, some said it was equivalent to the High School Musical. (My personal opinion, if you care to hear it, is it was just okay. I thought that who ever wrote it did a crummy job, and the lead actor was obviously an amateur. But I did think it was a cute story line, it was really clean and the music was cool. But I still think the High School Musical is better.)
Around 10:30 I finally got the kids in bed, and Shelbie and I closed the house up and went to bed. Let me tell you...that is a scary house in the dark!! It is super old, so it isn't very secure. All the windows are really old and very easy to open...even when they are locked. Their basement has a really old door on it, and I was totally terrified that someone would get in from in the basement. I was so glad that Shelbie was with me!
Shelbie and I watched "What a Girl wants" on my i-pod before going to sleep. I sleep like a rock, when I fall asleep, I stay asleep until it is time to get up. Poor Shelbie!! She got up five times in the middle of the night to take care of Addie!! Then, when she was in bed apparently I pushed her into the crack all night long and hogged all the blankets! Needless to say, she was not very happy with me this morning!
After breakfast, we all got our swim suits on and went swimming. (Yes, it was still in the 9:00 hour!) Branden says that his children are members of the Polar Bear club, they swim year round (and their pool is NOT heated!) We swam ALL day long!! Shelbie and I are so pooped out! (But we did get a LOT of color!)
At 2:00 I went inside and made a bunch of Ice Cream cones. It was so hot out, I let the kids eat their cones inside the pool. After we were done eating our cones, it started getting cloudy out. A few minutes later we started hearing thunder in the distance. Arden started freaking out, she says, "Shyloh, I hear thunder...we should get out." I could hear the thunder also, but it was in the distance, so I figured we were still okay. I told her to chill, and we all kept swimming. It started raining on us and the thunder was getting closer. Arden finally got out of the pool and said, "I hope you guys don't die." Not even five minutes later, Shelbie started yelling, "Lightening!! Get out of the pool!" She was pointing to a tree nearby where she saw the lightening. We all jumped out of the pool, and Bennet was yelling: "Dry off and go to the basement!! Shyloh get the babies out of bed, we all need to go to the basement!" I told him to calm down, and told them all (who were all freaking out by now!) that it was fine, we just needed to be out of the pool. We all went inside ot dry off and change. Then we sat down and watched a few episodes of "Tom and Jerry."
At 3:00 Branden and Joslyn got home.
So, that is how our past 24+ hours went. It was a lot of fun and everyone was sad when we left. Anna started crying!! "Don't leave, please!" I told her I'd be back on Monday, and she said, "When is Monday! How far away is Monday! Can you come tomorrow?"
We are so excited to go to bed tonight...in our own soft comefy beds!! And I am really excited to sleep with Poppet! I told her when I got home, "I missed you, Poppet!" And she says, "I missed you a whole lot! I get to 'leep with you tonight! I had to 'leep with Daddy last night."
(Click the "X" in the corner to play slideshow again!)
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