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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

New Camera, Poopy Perfume, and a new Kitten

Yay!! My camera came today. It is so beautiful!! The 75-300 lens is the most amazing thing I've ever seen! If I were to take a picture of one of the kids out on the swing set while I was sitting on the couch, I would be able to capture every detail of their face. I can't wait until the next time I go tubing, we will be able to get some really cool pictures!

Yesterday afternoon Poppet was complaining that she needed to use the bathroom. She was upset with Shadd, who was taking his time in the front bathroom. After listening to her complain for a few minutes, I finally told her to use the girls bathroom, I just wanted her to make sure she flushed the toilet and came out as soon as she was done. She promised she would and ran off to the Girls' bedroom. After about fifteen minutes of her not coming out, Lolly came walking out with two bottles of my perfume. I got really upset (both of the girls are ALWAYS into my perfumes and they've broken several of my bottles) and stormed off to my bedroom to clean up their mess. When I walked into the room, Poppet was leaning up against the bathroom door staring at the toilet with a horrified look on her face. I didn't pay attention to her expression, as I started to chew her out for being in our room still. She quickly slunk out of the room without saying anything. I cleaned up the counter and the floor and I kept thinking, "where are the rest of my perfumes?" Well, as I am thinking this, I notice some water on the tile. I follow the water trail to the bathroom, and I see a few puddles of water. I groan and stand up to walk into the bathroom and my jaw almost hit the floor. I felt like Donald Duck when he gets mad (you know...his face turns red, his ears start smoking and then a loud whistle...yea.) The toilet was FULL of poop, toilet paper and five of my perfumes!! The lids were also floating in the water, and a few of the bottle sprayer tops were floating around. I started screaming her name and the various ways I was going to punish her. Finally, I stormed out of my room, grabbed her arm and drug her back to the room. She knew I was upset, so she didn't really protest. I grabbed a kitchen cleaning glove and shoved her arm in it and faced her towards the toilet. I pointed at the poop filled, perfume floating toilet and said, "Get them out." Princess Poppet stared at me with horror and realized I was serious. She started crying, "No!! Lolo! Not me!! That's yucky. There's poop in there!" Long story short...I made her stick her little arm in the poopy toilet and fish out every one of my perfumes. She cried the whole time (and I think she even gagged a few times!) and was very upset with me when she was done. I don't think I have ever been more mad at her in my entire life!! I let her have it, I held a grudge against her all day long. She felt so bad! But...the good news is: she hasn't thrown any more of my stuff into the toilet. I got home from work today and as soon as I walked through the door, Poppet says, "I was a good girl today! Lolo...I was a good girl today!" It crossed my mind as I wrote this: wouldn't it be sad if Poppet wasn't the one who threw them in the toilet? What if it was Lolly?

I got a new kitten a few days ago. It is really cute. It is younger than the other kitten, and a little bit cuter. It also has a really sweet personality. It also likes me!!! (Which is a huge surprise, no cats like me.) I've been enjoying sleeping with it at night, it sleeps right by my head. This is weird, but it likes feet! When I first got it, I was kind of sad, I realized how much I missed the other one. And this one is so young that it still really misses its mommy, so it spent the first day crying for it's mommy, and not paying attention to me. So I was really upset, I felt like the other kitten needed me, but now I need this kitten and it didn't need me. But it really likes me now, and I'm glad that I got it. (Thank-you Uncle Micah and Aunt Lynette!!!) It still doesn't have a name...so I'm open to options. It's a boy, but we are going to get it fixed, so it will be an "It". It doesn't have to necessarily be a "boy" name, but I'd love some ideas! Please keep the kitten in your prayer, my mom and I are really scared that this kitten will catch what the other kitten had (we think it had kitten parvo). We don't ever want to see another kitten go through what the last one went through. Please pray for it.

I'll post pictures of the camera, Poppet picking out my perfumes (yes we took pictures...my mom and sisters thought the whole thing was hilarious and they video taped and took pictures throughout the whole thing), and the kitten hopefully soon.


  1. Okay, tell me after a day of calming down that the "poopy toliet" wasn't one of the funniest if not THE funniest naughty things that has ever happened in Neyville?? Not to mention that she was just soooo cute in her princess dress with that yellow glove covering her whole entire arm!! You'll tell your children all about what "auntie" Poppet did when she was 3!
    Hugs to you honey!

  2. Oh my goodness....That is the most funniest thing I've ever heard! Haha!! I am sure you didn;t think it was funny...but it was very entertaining. ( is that how you spell it??) Well,
    Have a great day! Love yoooouuuu!

    ~ alyssa ~

    P.s. I am on a different computer! hehe

  3. Hey shyloh i sai i would comment on you and so i am... i love your blog it is very cute..do you take your own pics for your blog??? because they are veru pretty! i would most likey feel really dumb is you got them off the internet...but whatever! I'm use to feeling dumb if you know alyssa like i do well i'm sorta like her..LOL!

  4. ♪♥♫Darylyn♫♥♪June 9, 2008 at 5:27 PM

    haha that is soo funny! i mean horrible wat ur sister did!!!!!
    lol ok ttyl
    love ya

