Today I needed to run an errand, but the Summer School E.S was coming, which meant I needed to stay home and watch Poppet and Lolly. I told my mom, that if she didn't mind, I'd take the girls with me to run my errand. She was fine with the idea, but was going to have Shelbie come with me, to help keep an eye on the little girls. She also wanted us to to go grocery shopping on the way home. It was a lot of fun! Poppet and Lolly were so excited to come with us! They wanted to look at everything and touch everything they could get their hands on. Poppet kept telling me, "You should buy me this..." or "that looks yummy...can I have an ice cream?" (We were by a food court.) Then, when we were in the grocery store, Lolly kept pointing at various fruits and vegtables and would say, "Apple! Apple!" (Every type of fruit or vegtable is a "apple" in her mind, just as every dog is "Ella.") Poppet had asked my mom before we left "Can I bring a snack with me?" My mom said that if she was a really good girl, when we got back home she could have a snack. When we got back home, she was quick to tell Mama what a good girl she was. For their snack, my mom got two tiny bowls out and poured a handful of carab chips in each bowl, then Poppet and Lolly sat on our hardwood floor eating their carab chips with a happy smile on their faces.
A few days ago, my mom sent Shelbie and I out to go grocery shopping. On her list she had down "BEEF Italian Sausages." Shelbie and I both looked up and down the meat counter looking for them. They had pork Italian Sausages, but no beef. Finally, I asked the meat guy for help. This guy was probably 28 years old--at least, and he was such a flirt. He walked me to the other side of the store to look at a different meat selection and offered up several different choises. He kept holding up other types of sausages (not Italian) and saying, "This type of sausage is sooo yummy sauted in...blah, blah, blah." I was trying to be polite, and I'd keep saying, "No, it really needs to be BEEF ITALIAN SAUSAGES." I gave this guy a chance, to see if maybe he was just really friendly, and he wasn't flirting. But after several minutes, I decided his chances were over. He held up another package of sausages and started telling me how yummy they were, and how to cook them, and how pork is the best kind of meat (blah, blah, blah) and I sweetly said, "No, actually, that won't work...my husband is a picky eater. He will only eat beef italian sausages," while I positioned my ring hand at such a way that he could see my ring. This poor guy immediately shut up, turned pink and gruffly said, "Oh, well then...I can't help you...sorry." And he walked off! It was so funny! Shelbie is standing behind me and she started choking, I turned to look at her, and she was trying to keep from laughing! We walked around the corner and she started rolling. She said, "Did you just drop the line? You did! You just dropped the line!!" She might think it was funny, and a bit of a lie...but hey, it worked. I just wish I would have caught onto that trick sooner!
Shyloh Ney!
ReplyDeleteYou are soo funny!
=) I love you and I will
fix my playlist as soon as possible!
haha so Shyloh whos the unlucky, i mean lucky guy??? JK! haha that soooo sounds like u 2 say that! haha ur amazing! ok ttyl!
ReplyDeleteLove Darylyn! ♫♪♥♪♫