This is for you, Papa and Nana:
I decided to name my car, and it's name is Carrie.
Love you guys!
I thought it would be fun to do a guestbook for those who come and visit my little corner of the world. It would be fun to hear from you, would you sign my guestbook?
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Saturday, June 28, 2008
I bought a car!!
I bought my first car today!! I'm really excited. My dad has been taking me car shopping for a while, but I haven't liked anything we've seen. Today we went to a car dealer to look at a Ford Focus. It is a 2002 and it is white. It's super cute!! It runs really really well and the AC also works--A HUGE PLUS! They wanted $3888, but we talked them down to $3300. I pretty much emptied my savings out to get it, but it was worth it! All 4 tires are completely bald and I still need to tint the windows, but I can probably save up to get both of those fixed within the next two months or so. I'm really excited! It drives really fact it goes really fast REALLY quickly!! (I was on a 30mph road, and I was barely pressing the gas peddle...I looked at the speedometer and I was going 45!! Oh, no!!...that's going to get me into trouble!)
My mom just got home and saw their painted noses and horns...she's not very happy! My grammy just said, "Who's idea was that anyways?" My mom said, "Probably Shyloh's...if it's something naughty, then it's probably Shyloh." My mom made Shelbie go out and wipe the paint off of their little noses!
Ricky and Lucy
My parents had to run a few errands this morning, while they were gone Shelbie and I decided to paint the goat's horns!! They wouldn't sit still while we were painting their horns, so they got paint everywhere!! It's on their necks, nose and ears!! Poor Goats!
Ricky's horns are blue and Lucy's horns are pink. They weren't very cooperative with having their pictures taken, so the pictures are kind of blurry and not focused very well, but they are still really funny!

Ricky's horns are blue and Lucy's horns are pink. They weren't very cooperative with having their pictures taken, so the pictures are kind of blurry and not focused very well, but they are still really funny!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Toaster Confessions and Threats for a Sluggard

The other night my mom and I were up late sewing. While we were sewing, my grammy decided to make herself some toast. She plugged the toaster in and put her bread in, the whole time talking about toasters (yes, toasters are an odd thing to talk about...but you don't know my grammy!). During this conversation, I piped in. I started chuckling, and said, "I've never told anyone this before...because I knew that I'd be in BIG trouble, but since several years have passed...I think it's safe now." My mom and grandmother were all ears by now. My mom groaned, " I want to know?" I was red by this point, and I said, "When I was 12 or 13 years old...I was making toast and I was holding a knife with butter on it...(my mom piped in: "yessss?? annndddd??) I was looking at the spot where the handle slot was...and I decided to see what would happen if I stuck the knife in it. Well...I got zapped really badly and my arm was numb for the rest of the day. And that's how the toaster didn't croak like you thought it did." Needless to say, my mom wasn't very happy to hear that bit of news!!
I love sleeping!! I am horrible at getting up on time, and I am always in trouble for sleeping in. I slept in again this morning, and Poppet was sent in to wake me up. I was awake when she came in, but decided to antagonize her by pretending to still be sleeping. She poked me, and tapped me, and hit me, and yelled at me for several minutes and it was very obvious that she was not very happy with me. I had my eyes cracked and was watching the expression on her face at one point and I could tell that she was totally disgusted with me. She was looking at me with an expression that totally read: my big sister is a big lazy sluggard! After staring at me for a few minutes with this unchanging expression, she says, "Lolo...I am never going to 'leep with you again. GET UP!!"
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Out of the Closet

So, I'm tired of only getting comments posted from mainly my mom and my aunt (and alyssa and darylyn...okay, so maybe I do get comments posted!). I was complaining again that nobody reads my blog, and my mom told me to send it out to a few people. I haven't sent it out to many people because I wrote about my love of the High School Musical. But...since I've come out of the closet (I wore my "High School Musical" t-shirt to church on Sunday night!) I feel safe to send it out to those who haven't already recieved permission to read it! Feel free to never speak to me again after reading of my confessions!
I will write it loud and clear, so you don't have to read through my archives...
I like the High School Musical!!
(Yes, it is corny and yes, it is stupid...but it is still funny and cute!)
So, with this all said...maybe tonight I will be able to sleep in peace.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Girl Music

Last night Poppet slept in my bed with me. When she laid down I asked her if she wanted to listen to some music. She got all excited and said, "Yes!! Let's listen to girl music!" I said, "What is girl music?" She tried to explain it to me, but it sounded like a lot of gibberish to me. Finally I just played a playlist (I was playing my i-pod on it's dock). She started complaining, "This isn't girl music!" (It was a male singer.) So, I skipped to the next song, which was another male singer. I said, "Is this girl music?" She says, "I don't think so." After going through several more songs, all sung by males, I got to a song sang by a female. Poppet started bouncing around and said, "This is girl music!! I want to listen to this!" It was really cute!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Overnighter at the Brook's House

Last night Shelbie and I babysat for the Brooks overnight. Branden and Joslyn went up to the mountains with two other couples for some fellowship and for a short getaway. Shelbie and I went over to their house at noon yesterday and didn't get home until 3:30 today. It was a lot of fun!!! It was like a big huge slumber party with six crazy kids. I took a bunch of pictures and I put together a slide show of a few pictures, hopefully you enjoy them. (I did take many more pictures, but it would take WAAAAYYYY too long to download them all!)I will tell you all how the day/night/second day went:
When we got there yesterday, their kitchen timer had 4 minutes left on it. When it went off, Joslyn started laughing and said, "William set the timer so he would know when you were supposed to be here, so he could go outside and greet you." (Might I add, he was standing outside when we pulled in!) Joslyn started smiling again and said, "I was telling my mom this morning that you and Shelbie were going to watch them tonight, and I was saying how they love you so much, you are like their Mary Poppins!! We are going to start calling you "Shyloh Poppins!""
Joslyn had to run a few errands before they left, and Branden wasn't home yet, so while she ran errands Shelbie and I fed the kids and we all watched "National Treasure 2."
After Joslyn and Branden were home and left, my family came over to swim for a few hours. (Yes, I did ask for permission to invite them over first!!) The Brooks have a huge huge huge deep pool and my dad had made a joke the night before about coming over for a swim. Then, yesterday morning he woke up and said, "Hey, it's going to be 102 today, ask your boss if we can come swim!" All the kids had a lot of fun!
After my parents left I brought all the kids inside and everyone got their pj's on. (It was only 6:00 at this point.) I made them dinner (Pizza and soda!) and after dinner we all went outside to play for a while. Around 7:30 we came inside and turned the TV on. We watched 2 episodes of "I-Carly," before "Camp Rock" came on.
(Side note...) Funny story about "Camp Rock:" Camp Rock is Disney's new attempt at another High School Musical. Except, Camp Rock stars the Jonas Brothers. I've been seeing previews for this movie for probably four months, and I've been looking forward to it's premier ever since I saw the first preview. (Isn't that sad?) I've been praying for four months now that would have to work the day it premiers...and guess what? I had to work!!! I was so excited!!
(another side note: Mandy Silva and I were talking about The High School musical and Camp Rock a few days ago. She was bashing on both movies, and I just smirked and nodded my head in "agreement." Concerning Camp Rock, she said, "It's like...the Jonas Brothers meet the High School Musical...uggg!")
So, at 8:00 we turned to the Disney channel to watch my long awaited Camp Rock movie. While we watched the movie, we ate ice cream. The Brooks buy amazing ice cream!! They buy Dryer's, Bryer's, Ben and Jerry's, and the other brand of ice cream that starts with a "H" and it's really good quality (I can't pronounce the name, let alone spell it!). Anyways, they buy really yummy ice cream. During the commercials, we'd go in the basement and play "Animals and Goblins." Animals and Goblins is pretty much hide and go seek/tag in the dark...pitch black darkness. (picture a basement with lights off, it's 9:30, so it's dark out and pillows are covering the windows. It's dark!!
After Camp Rock we all sat around and talked about it. A few of the kids said they liked it better than the High School Musical, some said it was equivalent to the High School Musical. (My personal opinion, if you care to hear it, is it was just okay. I thought that who ever wrote it did a crummy job, and the lead actor was obviously an amateur. But I did think it was a cute story line, it was really clean and the music was cool. But I still think the High School Musical is better.)
Around 10:30 I finally got the kids in bed, and Shelbie and I closed the house up and went to bed. Let me tell you...that is a scary house in the dark!! It is super old, so it isn't very secure. All the windows are really old and very easy to open...even when they are locked. Their basement has a really old door on it, and I was totally terrified that someone would get in from in the basement. I was so glad that Shelbie was with me!
Shelbie and I watched "What a Girl wants" on my i-pod before going to sleep. I sleep like a rock, when I fall asleep, I stay asleep until it is time to get up. Poor Shelbie!! She got up five times in the middle of the night to take care of Addie!! Then, when she was in bed apparently I pushed her into the crack all night long and hogged all the blankets! Needless to say, she was not very happy with me this morning!
After breakfast, we all got our swim suits on and went swimming. (Yes, it was still in the 9:00 hour!) Branden says that his children are members of the Polar Bear club, they swim year round (and their pool is NOT heated!) We swam ALL day long!! Shelbie and I are so pooped out! (But we did get a LOT of color!)
At 2:00 I went inside and made a bunch of Ice Cream cones. It was so hot out, I let the kids eat their cones inside the pool. After we were done eating our cones, it started getting cloudy out. A few minutes later we started hearing thunder in the distance. Arden started freaking out, she says, "Shyloh, I hear thunder...we should get out." I could hear the thunder also, but it was in the distance, so I figured we were still okay. I told her to chill, and we all kept swimming. It started raining on us and the thunder was getting closer. Arden finally got out of the pool and said, "I hope you guys don't die." Not even five minutes later, Shelbie started yelling, "Lightening!! Get out of the pool!" She was pointing to a tree nearby where she saw the lightening. We all jumped out of the pool, and Bennet was yelling: "Dry off and go to the basement!! Shyloh get the babies out of bed, we all need to go to the basement!" I told him to calm down, and told them all (who were all freaking out by now!) that it was fine, we just needed to be out of the pool. We all went inside ot dry off and change. Then we sat down and watched a few episodes of "Tom and Jerry."
At 3:00 Branden and Joslyn got home.
So, that is how our past 24+ hours went. It was a lot of fun and everyone was sad when we left. Anna started crying!! "Don't leave, please!" I told her I'd be back on Monday, and she said, "When is Monday! How far away is Monday! Can you come tomorrow?"
We are so excited to go to bed our own soft comefy beds!! And I am really excited to sleep with Poppet! I told her when I got home, "I missed you, Poppet!" And she says, "I missed you a whole lot! I get to 'leep with you tonight! I had to 'leep with Daddy last night."
(Click the "X" in the corner to play slideshow again!)
Monday, June 16, 2008
Grocery Shopping

Today I needed to run an errand, but the Summer School E.S was coming, which meant I needed to stay home and watch Poppet and Lolly. I told my mom, that if she didn't mind, I'd take the girls with me to run my errand. She was fine with the idea, but was going to have Shelbie come with me, to help keep an eye on the little girls. She also wanted us to to go grocery shopping on the way home. It was a lot of fun! Poppet and Lolly were so excited to come with us! They wanted to look at everything and touch everything they could get their hands on. Poppet kept telling me, "You should buy me this..." or "that looks yummy...can I have an ice cream?" (We were by a food court.) Then, when we were in the grocery store, Lolly kept pointing at various fruits and vegtables and would say, "Apple! Apple!" (Every type of fruit or vegtable is a "apple" in her mind, just as every dog is "Ella.") Poppet had asked my mom before we left "Can I bring a snack with me?" My mom said that if she was a really good girl, when we got back home she could have a snack. When we got back home, she was quick to tell Mama what a good girl she was. For their snack, my mom got two tiny bowls out and poured a handful of carab chips in each bowl, then Poppet and Lolly sat on our hardwood floor eating their carab chips with a happy smile on their faces.
A few days ago, my mom sent Shelbie and I out to go grocery shopping. On her list she had down "BEEF Italian Sausages." Shelbie and I both looked up and down the meat counter looking for them. They had pork Italian Sausages, but no beef. Finally, I asked the meat guy for help. This guy was probably 28 years old--at least, and he was such a flirt. He walked me to the other side of the store to look at a different meat selection and offered up several different choises. He kept holding up other types of sausages (not Italian) and saying, "This type of sausage is sooo yummy sauted in...blah, blah, blah." I was trying to be polite, and I'd keep saying, "No, it really needs to be BEEF ITALIAN SAUSAGES." I gave this guy a chance, to see if maybe he was just really friendly, and he wasn't flirting. But after several minutes, I decided his chances were over. He held up another package of sausages and started telling me how yummy they were, and how to cook them, and how pork is the best kind of meat (blah, blah, blah) and I sweetly said, "No, actually, that won't husband is a picky eater. He will only eat beef italian sausages," while I positioned my ring hand at such a way that he could see my ring. This poor guy immediately shut up, turned pink and gruffly said, "Oh, well then...I can't help you...sorry." And he walked off! It was so funny! Shelbie is standing behind me and she started choking, I turned to look at her, and she was trying to keep from laughing! We walked around the corner and she started rolling. She said, "Did you just drop the line? You did! You just dropped the line!!" She might think it was funny, and a bit of a lie...but hey, it worked. I just wish I would have caught onto that trick sooner!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Ten Weird Quirks

One of my mom's first blogs was a post about herself. I realized, that I never did that. So, today I am going to do something similar. I am going to post my 10 strangest "quirks."
1) I have 7 pillows on my bed (1 body, 2 king, 2 normal, & 2 feather.) And yes, I do sleep with all 7 pillows...and yes, all at once. I can not sleep without them. The other night, all my pillows were dirty (from the kitten) and all but my two king size pillows were in the wash, (or due to be washed) I could not sleep for ANYTHING!! I was awake until 3:00am, trying to get comfy.
2) I have 8 blankets on my bed, and I sleep covered up with them matter if it is Summer or Winter. I like my bedroom window open, the fan on and the small fan aimed at me on "high."
(I feel soooo bad for my future husband!!)
3) I can't fill something up (i.e: i-pods, mp3 players, drawers, boxes, ect.) Every time I download something to my i-pod, I have to check and see home much space I have left (keep in mind...I have more than 60MGs of free space left on it!) on it. If I used up more space than I think I should have (like if I download a movie, and it takes up 1 1/2 mgs) then, I have to delete something to increase my free space.
4) Even though I can't fill something (like an i-pod or a box) I always get antsy when my cell phone battery has only two bars left. Even though I know it will last me another four days, it still bothers me. And if my I-pod doesn't show that is completely full, it drives me nuts! Same thing with a water bottle. Usually every time I take a drink, I top it off, to make sure it is full.
5) I hate wearing shoes, but I love buying them!
6) I have a foot fetish. I love taking pictures of people's feet...even if they are people who I don't know. Expecially babies and toddlers, 'cause they do have the cutest stinkin' feet.
7) I am partly color blind.
8) I want "double digit" children...that is so weird...I mean, who does that anymore?
9) I have a weird habbit of staring at people's eyes...I like iridology, so I find myself staring at their eyes to see if they have any "spots" or "marks," and I also like to see the color of their eyes (did you know that the only two "real" eye colors are Blue and Brown...the other colors people have are not "natural" but due to unhealthy living, and yes, it is possible to change your eye color to a "real" color.)
10) I've written a ton of books (a few chapter books and several children's books) but I've never pursued publishing them
One of my many convictions is: my first kiss will be at the alter when the pastor says, "You may now kiss the bride." (Now that is weird!)
Friday, June 13, 2008
Painted Toe Nails, New Carpet & Cow's Milk

I'm pretty sure that most of you who read my blog, have also read my mom's blog. (If the link titled "Home" on the side of my page, which will lead to my mom's blog.) A few days ago, she posted a story about Poppet realizing that eggs came from Chickens. (It is a cute story, you need to read it...I think it was posted two or three days ago. It is titled something like "Chickens and eggs.'") Anyhow, today Shelbie gave Poppet a glass of milk. Poppet took a few drinks of it and says, "Yuck!! This is COW'S MILK!! I don't like cow's comes from cows!" She set her cup on the counter, and refused to drink anymore of it! It was very funny! She's becoming so knowledgeable about where food comes from, and that is really not good!

I painted Poppet and Lolly's toe nails yesterday a bright pink color. They were both so excited and showed the whole family their "pretties." Well, I left the polish on the kitchen counter, because my toes needed an extra coat, but needed to dry first. I ended up putting the second coat on, but didn't put the polish up. I ran an errand this afternoon, and when I got home my mom handed me the bottle and says, "You need to go put this up, get me some nail polish remover and a handful of cotton balls." There was nail polish all over the side of the bottle, and I knew that the girls had to be the culprits. I said, "What did they do with this?" My mom (still glaring at me) says, "They painted the playroom walls and carpet." (Might I add...this is NEW carpet!!) Sooo...while I sat and blogged about this story, my mom was sitting on the carpet with cotton balls, trying to remove bright pink nail polish. At one point she says, "This is interesting...who left the nail polish out?" I said, "I did." She says, "Hmmm...Well, that's odd. You are the one who left it out, yet I'm the one sitting here scrubbing it out, while you sit and blog about it." She's not very happy, if you can't tell!
Poppet slept with me last night, and it was kind of fun. She is such a sweet sleeper. Before she falls asleep, she'll rub your back, play with your hair and cover you up. It's really cute. But once she's asleep, she gets kind of difficult. She can't stand to be covered up!! Her legs were freezing cold last night, and I tried to cover her with the sheet, (might I add, she was totally crashed) as soon as the sheet touched her, she woke up and started thrashing around whining, "DON'T COVER ME UP!! I'M HOT!" The other annoying thing she does, is in her sleep she will flop her legs around. So, I'll be peacefully sleeping, and suddenly --OOOF! She will throw one of her legs on my stomach. (My mom is always worried that she will suffocate under all my pillows (I have 7 pillows on my bed!) but I don't think so...she can definitely take care of herself at night!)
My mom found some more pictures of Bubbles, I wanted to post them, because he was so darn cute! He was the cutest kitten ever!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Loosing kids and a movie watching kitten

Tonight I had to work. Joslyn's sister, Holly, and her five children are down from Alabama (that makes 11 children!!) so Joslyn asked me to bring Shelbie with me. It was really easy, all of the children are really well behaved and super calm. Our only "mishap" was when Holly's 2-year old got locked out of the house. We had all been playing outside, around 8:00-ish and I finally decided to bring them all in and lay Hudson (Joslyn's two year old) and Addie (her 1 year old) down. Little Timmy had been upstairs with me when I was laying Hudson and Addie down, but he went downstairs after a few minutes to be with Shelbie and the other kids. When I finally made it downstairs, I put a movie in for all the kids and popped some popcorn for them. Since there were so many children, I didn't even notice that Timmy was missing. After several minutes we heard some faint crying from their back porch. Everybody looks outside and said, "Ohhh...Poor Timmy is locked outside!" We brought the poor little guy in, and he was a blubbering mess. I felt so bad! We made him a chocolate bottle and gave him some popcorn, and he soon quit crying and forgot the whole situation. Still, I felt like a horrible babysitter! I practically rang Shelbie's poor neck, since she didn't see him get out, but after a few minutes of talking about it, we realized their bathroom door (which leads to their back porch) was opened. So apparently, Timmy had gone downstairs, ended up in the bathroom and went outside, locking the door behind him! So, I guess it wasn't totally all my fault!! (I did feel better later though, one of Holly's little girls, Jossy, said, "You are a fun babysitter. I really like you." I said, "Oh, well, thank-you." She says, "No, I'm not just being polite, I really mean it...our babysitters in Alabama are boring...they just sit on the couch talking on the phone or watching movies on their i-pods. They are boring. You aren't like that.")
The Brook girls had been wanting to watch the High School Musical 2 and I thought that tonight would be a good night to let them watch it, with their cousins and all. So I brought the laptop (which has the movie on it). I had planned on playing it off of I-tunes--which usually works. For some reason, it wouldn't work for me tonight. Every time I clicked on the "I-tunes" tab, a sign would pop up saying "No wireless connection." Finally I decided that it wouldn't play because it has no Internet (again, this has never been a problem). Anyhow, I asked Brandon (Joslyn's husband) if they had a router. He said that he did, but it isn't wireless. For thirty something minutes he rummaged through cupboards and the garage looking for the cable that would enable the Internet on the laptop so that we could watch the movie. After a long time of looking, he finally found it and had to connect it to his computer...which took another fifteen minutes or so. After it was all connected and everything was set to go, Holly walks in the house with her DVD collection, and says, "Girls I have the High School Musical 2, if you want to watch it!" I started laughing and said, "That would have been nice to know...45 minutes ago!" What are the odds of that happening?
I still miss Bubbles. I was telling Shelbie tonight, that he was the only cat I've ever had that wanted to sleep as close as he possibly could to me. I was telling her, how he would sleep so close to me at night (on my pillow) that I could bury my face in his belly and he'd purr and roll around. He was so sweet at night! A few nights ago, Shelbie's best friend Catie came over to stay the night with her. They were watching "The High School Musical" in the living room, and I was watching it with them. Finally I got tired and decided to go to bed. I went to my room and put my i-pod on it's dock and played the High School Musical on it. I was laying at the end of the bed, so that I could see the I-pod screen, and Bubbles was at the head of the bed. He was sleeping when I came to bed, but as soon as I started playing the movie he woke up and was very curious. He came creeping to the end of the bed and stared at the i-pod screen with utmost fascination. Finally he perched himself on the edge of the pillow--directly in front of the i-pod screen and proceeded to watch the ENTIRE movie!! It was so cute, his little head bobbed up and down with the actors and every time a song came on, his tiny ears would perk up. When he was sick, my mom told me to go lay him down and play a movie for him, and he watched the same movie twice. He had such character. I really miss him. I told my mom that for my birthday in October (so it's 5 months away) I want a new kitten. I told her I want it to be long haired and gray, and I has to have the Parvo shot before it even sets foot in the house. She's not sure if 5 months is long enough, so I told her that if she still feels that way come October, I can wait until Christmas. No matter what, though, I want another kitten. I don't really like cats, but loosing two kittens has really made me a cat fan. I wish the other cats in our house liked me more. We have five cats in our house, and not one of them will sleep with me, or even let me pet them. Isn't that sad?
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
In Memory Of Bubbles
Monday, June 9, 2008
High School Musical Freak
Shannen is possessed with the high school musical!! It might be normal for a 7-year-old girl to go nuts over the High school musical, but is it just me...or is it a bit strange for a 7-year-old boy to love it sooo much he owns the High school musical merchandise?

If you can't tell, the thing he is wearing around his neck is a high school musical necklace key ring. It says "High School Musical" all over it, and at the bottom is a High School Musical dog tag with a picture of all of the High school musical cast. The little black circle on his hat is a High school musical pin and the necklace is lined with various High school musical pins. If I bought him a pink High School musical t-shirt, he'd wear it! Isn't this funny?
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
If you can't tell, the thing he is wearing around his neck is a high school musical necklace key ring. It says "High School Musical" all over it, and at the bottom is a High School Musical dog tag with a picture of all of the High school musical cast. The little black circle on his hat is a High school musical pin and the necklace is lined with various High school musical pins. If I bought him a pink High School musical t-shirt, he'd wear it! Isn't this funny?
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
Friday, June 6, 2008
Oreo Attack

Today I deep-fried oreos. It was really yummy. I used plain oreos and mint oreos. The mint oreos were kind of weird tasting, but the normal oreos were really good! I asked my dad if he liked them, and he said, "No, not really. They're like a heart attack waiting to happen!" Then a little bit later he said, "Those Oreo Attacks are yucky cold!" (Which by the way, they are really nasty when they are cold. They are way better fresh!)
Deep Fried Oreos:
2-3 Cups of pancake mix (the dried kind)
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups milk
3 teaspoons oil
oil for frying
I combined two recipes and then altered them to taste better. So, really try it however you would like, it won't hurt, it just might not turn out. :)
Preheat the oil to 350 or 375. (I went with 350 which is still hot enough to fry something in, personally, 375 isn't even on a candy thermometer, so it scares me to get oil that hot.)
Dip the oreos in the batter until covered and then place in the oil. Watch them closely, because they brown quickly.
Flip them only once, otherwise they look really ugly.
Remove the cookies, roll them in powdered sugar and eat warm.
I want to try deep frying some oreos in a chocolate cake batter, that would probably be really good. My other idea was to use Strawberry Oreos (a limited edition flavor) and fry them in a strawberry cake batter, that would be good too. Or even better, fry them in an angel food cake batter...well, that might not turn out so well.
This is way off of the subject, but I wanted to point out something dad posted a comment on my blog a few days ago. Isn't that sweet?
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Promised Pictures
Here are the pictures I promised I'd post.

It's beautiful, isn't it? I have three lenses for it. Someday I will take three different pictures, (using the different lenses) to show you the differences.

Isn't he adorable?!? We still haven't named him yet, but we like the name "Bubbles." Doesn't he look like a "Bubbles?" The name also kind of sticks, because we keep praying that God will put him in a bubble and protect him from catching the sickness.

He is sooo lazy! It is so funny, he will be playing one minute and I am not joking or exadderating, ten seconds later he'll be crashed. Yesterday he was attacking a shoe, and a minute later he was sleeping. When he sleeps, he sleeps hard. We can pick him up and pass him around without him waking up. It's really cute.

This is Poppet looking in the toilet,(probably crying)and trying to work up the nerve to stick her arm in and get my perfumes out!

Yay! One down, four to go.

Yes...I did finally forgive her!

It's beautiful, isn't it? I have three lenses for it. Someday I will take three different pictures, (using the different lenses) to show you the differences.

Isn't he adorable?!? We still haven't named him yet, but we like the name "Bubbles." Doesn't he look like a "Bubbles?" The name also kind of sticks, because we keep praying that God will put him in a bubble and protect him from catching the sickness.

He is sooo lazy! It is so funny, he will be playing one minute and I am not joking or exadderating, ten seconds later he'll be crashed. Yesterday he was attacking a shoe, and a minute later he was sleeping. When he sleeps, he sleeps hard. We can pick him up and pass him around without him waking up. It's really cute.

This is Poppet looking in the toilet,(probably crying)and trying to work up the nerve to stick her arm in and get my perfumes out!

Yay! One down, four to go.

Yes...I did finally forgive her!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
New Camera, Poopy Perfume, and a new Kitten

Yay!! My camera came today. It is so beautiful!! The 75-300 lens is the most amazing thing I've ever seen! If I were to take a picture of one of the kids out on the swing set while I was sitting on the couch, I would be able to capture every detail of their face. I can't wait until the next time I go tubing, we will be able to get some really cool pictures!
Yesterday afternoon Poppet was complaining that she needed to use the bathroom. She was upset with Shadd, who was taking his time in the front bathroom. After listening to her complain for a few minutes, I finally told her to use the girls bathroom, I just wanted her to make sure she flushed the toilet and came out as soon as she was done. She promised she would and ran off to the Girls' bedroom. After about fifteen minutes of her not coming out, Lolly came walking out with two bottles of my perfume. I got really upset (both of the girls are ALWAYS into my perfumes and they've broken several of my bottles) and stormed off to my bedroom to clean up their mess. When I walked into the room, Poppet was leaning up against the bathroom door staring at the toilet with a horrified look on her face. I didn't pay attention to her expression, as I started to chew her out for being in our room still. She quickly slunk out of the room without saying anything. I cleaned up the counter and the floor and I kept thinking, "where are the rest of my perfumes?" Well, as I am thinking this, I notice some water on the tile. I follow the water trail to the bathroom, and I see a few puddles of water. I groan and stand up to walk into the bathroom and my jaw almost hit the floor. I felt like Donald Duck when he gets mad (you know...his face turns red, his ears start smoking and then a loud whistle...yea.) The toilet was FULL of poop, toilet paper and five of my perfumes!! The lids were also floating in the water, and a few of the bottle sprayer tops were floating around. I started screaming her name and the various ways I was going to punish her. Finally, I stormed out of my room, grabbed her arm and drug her back to the room. She knew I was upset, so she didn't really protest. I grabbed a kitchen cleaning glove and shoved her arm in it and faced her towards the toilet. I pointed at the poop filled, perfume floating toilet and said, "Get them out." Princess Poppet stared at me with horror and realized I was serious. She started crying, "No!! Lolo! Not me!! That's yucky. There's poop in there!" Long story short...I made her stick her little arm in the poopy toilet and fish out every one of my perfumes. She cried the whole time (and I think she even gagged a few times!) and was very upset with me when she was done. I don't think I have ever been more mad at her in my entire life!! I let her have it, I held a grudge against her all day long. She felt so bad! But...the good news is: she hasn't thrown any more of my stuff into the toilet. I got home from work today and as soon as I walked through the door, Poppet says, "I was a good girl today! Lolo...I was a good girl today!" It crossed my mind as I wrote this: wouldn't it be sad if Poppet wasn't the one who threw them in the toilet? What if it was Lolly?
I got a new kitten a few days ago. It is really cute. It is younger than the other kitten, and a little bit cuter. It also has a really sweet personality. It also likes me!!! (Which is a huge surprise, no cats like me.) I've been enjoying sleeping with it at night, it sleeps right by my head. This is weird, but it likes feet! When I first got it, I was kind of sad, I realized how much I missed the other one. And this one is so young that it still really misses its mommy, so it spent the first day crying for it's mommy, and not paying attention to me. So I was really upset, I felt like the other kitten needed me, but now I need this kitten and it didn't need me. But it really likes me now, and I'm glad that I got it. (Thank-you Uncle Micah and Aunt Lynette!!!) It still doesn't have a I'm open to options. It's a boy, but we are going to get it fixed, so it will be an "It". It doesn't have to necessarily be a "boy" name, but I'd love some ideas! Please keep the kitten in your prayer, my mom and I are really scared that this kitten will catch what the other kitten had (we think it had kitten parvo). We don't ever want to see another kitten go through what the last one went through. Please pray for it.
I'll post pictures of the camera, Poppet picking out my perfumes (yes we took mom and sisters thought the whole thing was hilarious and they video taped and took pictures throughout the whole thing), and the kitten hopefully soon.
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