Our marriage license issues have worked out just fine. We ended up not even applying for a state issued license. We are going to have a Quaker Marriage License. (Basically: Quakers believe it is God who marries them--not man. They do not go to the state to get married. Their license consists of a homemade certificate that the bride and groom plus their wedding guests all sign. It is completely legal and the state will recognize it as a valid license.) When I turn 18 (two months after we are married,) we will still go apply for a real license.
All my invitations are finally out--woohoo. I get so excited when we get a response card back! Bridal shower invites are also out--yay!
Last night we went to my father-in-law's house. We spent several hours planning our honeymoon and booking hotel rooms. Man, I am so glad we actually have a game plan. LOL, my goal was to just drive and see where we end up. Yikes!!
Our plan is to leave on the evening of the 22nd and stay in a quaint bed and breakfast in Monterrey. The next morning we will travel along the coast line and stop at a few places along the way (I.E. Hearst Castle & Morrow Bay...did I spell that right?) then stay that night in Solvang (which is a Swedish colony) then the next day finish the journey to San Diego. We will stay 3 nights in San Diego, then go to Anaheim (Disney Land) for two days...then head home! It will be busy, for sure...but tons of fun!
Its so relieving seeing some of these plans come together!!
26 days to go!
It's actually Morro Bay. No W. I love that place so much!