I haven't actually "updated" in a long time...so here I go.
Last Saturday we all went to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom again. It was a lot of fun. We all have season passes now, so Jeff and I are planning on bringing Shelbie and Shaylah at least monthly from here on out. We want to take advantage of our season passes. The weather was nice. When we first got there, it was a little cold. But it ended up warming up a little and ended up being a lovely day. It wasn't overly crowded, so the ride lines were really short. At one ride, the Medusa, Shelbie, Shaylah, Jeff and I rode it three times in a row without waiting in a line of more than three people. And yes...I rode some more roller coasters.
I still don't have any good pictures of my kitten, but it's getting cuter by the day. I can't believe it's still alive though, as Poppet and Lolly literally fight over it. I'm feeling very irritated with all my siblings, as they are always holding it and petting it, and now it doesn't like me nearly as much as it likes them. (If you've noticed...I keep saying "it." "It" is currently undergoing a name change. Sophia just doesn't match it's personality!) It is super hyper and very frisky and playful. Sometimes downright stupid, as it calls out the older cats and even picks fights with them. If it had any sense at all, it'd run at the very sight of a few of our adult cats. Jeff won't admit it, but he likes the kitten too. I joked the first few nights I had it, that it was going to spend the next night with him. He firmly objected to that idea! But everyday when he gets here he fetches the little ball of fluff and spends several minutes petting it and loving on it. The names we are thinking of are: Tiki, Tiggy (which is what Lolly calls her) and of course we're still thinking of Sophia.
I don't think I've written about this yet...but I bought a wedding dress two weeks ago. I didn't plan on buying one this soon, I was wanting to wait until the new year, but it was a great deal, beautiful, and I couldn't pass it up. My mom and I had gone dress shopping that morning, just so we would have an idea of a size. I found the dress I wanted and the size I needed. We were going to go back in January and get it. We got home and I left to run a few errands. While I was gone, my mom called me and told me to come home to look at something. I came home and found her on e-bay looking at wedding dresses. She was watching several of them, but one stuck out. It was beautiful, same style as the one I wanted at David's Bridal (which was $500...on sale), brand new and really cheap. We decided to bid on it and see what happened. We won. We only paid $102, including shipping. I eagerly waited for it to arrive for the next week. It came on Saturday. And guess what...it barely fits! It is a corset style, (which means it adjusts)and we had it adjusted to the largest size and buttons were still pulling. Since it's an e-bay dress, and I can't return it. I'm going to have to lose some weight. My mom said ten pounds should be good. You will all be proud of me...since the declared diet beginning date, I have only eaten one spoonful of ice cream. (I'm having serious ice cream with drawls...please pray for me.)
Let's see what else...oh hey! Today I also bought the first piece to the bedding Jeff and I picked. (I included a picture of the full set, the piece I bought is the blue duvet with small flowers on it.) The two main blankets are both over $300 each!! CRAZY! But there was a sale going, and I got it for over half off. (Praise the Lord!)Hopefully next month there will be another sale and I can get the white one with pink flowers on it. It's pretty, huh?

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving! YAY! Hopefully I will write on Friday or Saturday and tell about our Thanksgiving over here. So for now...
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay you posted:)) that sounds really fun picking out stuff for getting married:)good luck on your diet.. that sounds hard:) love you!
woohoo!!!!!!!!shyloh FINALLY posted...I'm praying for you with your ice cream withdrawls...love you