Let's see...On Monday and Tuesday I worked. Nothing exciting happened. On Wednesday my family and I took a trip to Cover's Apple Ranch and Columbia. It was a lot of fun, but it was also sad, because Jeff wasn't able to come with us, as he had to work that day. We ended up bringing my aunt Lynette, with us and that was a lot of fun. It would have been way more fun though if Jeff would have been with us, I missed him like crazy all day long, and it was an awful texting day, as we were losing reception off and on all day long.
At Cover's Apple Ranch we walked around and looked at all the animals. My mom and siblings were very concerned with the baby goats, because of how hungry they were acting. Shadd kept scooping up small handfuls of hay (which was in the walkway and on the ground) and pushing pieces through the bars, which the hungry babies would devour immediately. I had found where they kept their bales of hay in a hayloft and offered to my family to go get them some hay. They all agreed, saying, "Yea, if you can find any, that would be great." They all started cracking up when I came back with a flake of hay. The baby goats were so happy. Then they (my family) started looking around at the other animals and were feeling bad for them also. We ended up feeding all the animals flakes of hay. By the time we were done, we were covered with hay pieces and were laughing so hard at what the owners of the place would say or think to see us feeding their animals. After we were done feeding all the animals, we gawked at the chickens for a while. NONE of the chickens had tail feathers!! They were all chopped off or something. They had ugly little butts too. In fact, they were just ugly chickens in general. I think they were sick or something. Then we went and ran around in the hay maze, took a million pictures and my siblings chased the ducks around for a while. As we were loading up to leave, Shaylah and Shayden caught a kitten and it's mother. They were so sweet! The kitten was adorable and so cute and sweet. Everyone was encouraging me to bring it home (since I'm supposed to be getting a new kitten anyways, the deal was I could get one for my birthday, remember?) but I decided to leave it there, because I want Jeff to get me a kitten. (Which by the way, he has promised to get me one, and he is looking for the perfect one. I'll definitely write about when he finds one.)
After Cover's Apple Ranch we went to Columbia. My siblings ran around climbing on rocks and getting into trouble, while I wrote Jeff a letter and pouted about him not being with us. (My family all made fun of me and complained that I couldn't even go one day without seeing him or writing him a letter or texting him, ect. ect. Yea, it's pretty pathetic.) After they played on the rock for a while, we walked around in town. We hit the candy store and loaded up on sugary stuff. That was a lot of fun. The Columbia Candy stores are so quaint and cute. Then we loaded up and headed home. The day was fun, but it was also sad, not having Jeff with me. Jeff makes any situation any day better.
On Thursday I worked some more, nothing new to write about with that.

Well, that's all I have for now. Jeff is over and is sitting waiting patiently for me to get done. We're going to watch "Get Smart" (on clear play) with my parents. WooHooo...that will be fun! So...for now...
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it sounds like you've been having a relatively good week...and I love your jacket :)
ReplyDeleteThat is cute. Realy realy cute.