First we went to the Goodwill store--I looove that store! I got a cute Motherhood skirt and I only paid $4.00 for it. (Might I also add: I was upset to pay $4.00, the man overcharged me by .25 cents...seriously.) Later on, we went to the Motherhood store in the mall and I saw the same skirt on sale for $19.99.
This is kind of what that skirt looks like (minus the scary belly panel)

Then I went over to Kohls. I had a giftcard with $11.70 on it, and I was determined to get it out of my purse. Do you ever go shopping and find something that you really believe that God had hidden there JUST for you?? Yea, that's how I felt today.
Burried all the way in the back of the racks--on the wrong sized hanger, was the perfect dress with a perfect price! Orriginally $48...I only paid $10.30--total!! I even got a dollar and some change back. I was thrilled, I think I might even have danced out of Kohls with a stupid smile upon my face.

My family and I are planning on going to Disneyland at some point in the next 2-3 months. (Date hasn't been set yet). While we were in Motherhood, I found a "MUST HAVE" shirt for that trip.
Isn't it adorable??? I definately want the blue one, but if I can pursuade Jeff to get me the white one also... (I wish you could see the grin on my face)
Jeff promised me that if I'm showing by the time the trip takes place, he will buy me the shirt. Isn't Jeff wonderful?? :-D

C'mon belly!! Start growing! There are too many cute clothes out there just waiting for me to wear!
I loved shopping for maternity clothes with my mom. They make the most adorable clothes for prego ladies. I'll keep my fingers crossed for your getting the cute Disney for your trip to Disneyland. :)