Like all married people, we saved the top layer of our cake for our 1 year anniversary. I was very excited to eat it, as I didn't really get to eat any cake at our wedding because we were being so rushed along. We had the cake in a big ice cream bucket in our outside freezer.
A few days before our 6 month anniversary Jeff came inside with a very moldy and wet ice cream bucket. I said, "What is
that?!?" Jeff looked a bit sheepish and said, "Um...remember a couple weeks ago how I had to unplug the outside freezer to use the extension cord?
Ummm...yea, I forgot to plug it back in." Needless to say, after 3 weeks of sitting in a hot and wet freezer our poor little cake topper was horribly moldy and definitely rancid.
I've been really disappointed about this, as I'd always looked forward to our 1 year anniversary and this tradition of eating your wedding cake. But oh well, what can we do about it?
When we got home from our anniversary get away, we went about unloading the car and straightening the house. At one point, I was cleaning the kitchen and saw a
Rayley's plastic cake lid on the counter. I was jealous, because the cake sounded yummy and I thought, "
Hmmm, I wonder if they saved us a piece." When I opened the fridge this is what I found:

A little 2 person cake with our wedding cake topper on top. (The cake topper is a Willow Tree figurine that sits on my
living room shelf. When I got home, I saw the shelf and thought, "Where is my cake topper?!") The cake was the exact same flavor of our wedding cake and the sweet note explained how they bought a "replacement cake" for my ruined wedding cake.
It was such a sweet idea, Jeff and I were thrilled and touched. That night we enjoyed a glass of
sparkling cider and a piece of delicious cake while we
reminisced about our wedding reception.