A nail blogger is basically someone who has no "real" life, and the highlight of their day is painting their nails with a new color so that they can post pictures of their nails, write a few paragraphs of nonsense about the nail polish color, the brand, price, formula and write out their thoughts on it all.
I know, kinda lame...yet it sounds somewhat fun to me. I decided to give it a 10 day "trial run," to see if I really do enjoy it/like it and keep up with it.
Soooo....today would be day 1 of my nail blogging.
Day 1....today I went to three different stores before settling on a nail polish that I was really really in love with. (When I say "really really in love" that means i'm not trying to decide between two colors, I'm fixated on only one.) It was a brightish looking purple (in the bottle at least!) And was only $1.99. Of course, I was thrilled by the price (I am such a tightwad!!!) so I promptly bought it. I also, bought a base coat--which I never knew you needed!! Lately my nails have been turning pink...I guess a result from the bright colors I've been using lately!! I researched online, and everyone and their mother knew about base coats. Why didn't anyone ever tell me?!?!? (exasperated sigh...)
Anyways, I came home and excitedly began to paint my nails. First, of course, doing my base coat. Then applying the purple color, then another coat of base (doubling as a top coat.) Unfortunately, I'm a bit impatient, so I fear the base coat wasn't dry before applying the color. And the color wasn't dry before I applied the 2nd coat...thus resulting in bubbly polish. >:-/
(Of course, the bubbly polish might also have to do with how many times I had to remove the it all due to me bumping the nails and smearing the paint.)
But anyways, back to the polish...So when I finally got it all finished, the color isn't nearly what the bottle looks like!! It's a deep burgandyish-winyish-purpley color. It is very pretty indeed, just nothing like the bottle.
I'm sure by now, reading this whole long babbling post about nail polish, you're all excited to see the final results? Well.....guess what? You guys don't get to see the results. Yeah thats right, I just made you read this whoooolllleee post, and you aren't even being rewarded with a super cool picture of the color and my ever so lovely hands.
Why? Because it looks craptastic, that's why. Seriously! This is the worst paint job in the history of polish. It's bubbly and bunchy (yes! bunchy!!) and smeared. I'm going to be removing it as soon as I'm done with this post!
My final review on this polish is: loved the color, but hated the final product. All in all, for use of it on fingers, it would be considered an epic fail. I do, however, see potential in the color and formula for use on toe nails. I deem this bottle of polish be used for toes only.
(Attention!!! These are not my fingers,
but it is the nail polish I bought today)