I've received a lot of negative comments on my post about wearing skirts. (I posted it also on a different website.) Many people took everything I said out of context and focused mainly on the fact that I'm saying girls wearing pants are unbiblical--which I did not say in any way, shape or form in my post. Another thing a few people are unhappy with is the fact that I am "judging girl's hearts"---which I most certainly am not doing. Here's my answer to their unhappy comments. Hopefully my blogger readers read it for what it was meant to be. :)
My intentions here are not to create a big debate over what is right or wrong, and that was not what I meant to happen by writing my post. The Lord has been showing me some things and working on refining my own heart and life. With that said, I wanted to share it in case their was someone else who the Lord may speak to thru it. I am by no means judging someone for what they wear and I would hope that people know me better than that and would read my post and see my heart behind it. It was in no way intended to offend. I was merely pointing out some things that I have noticed. If we are very honest I think most of us would recognize the fact that girls tend to act much more inappropriate with the opposite sex when wearing pants. I don’t know why it is, it much be psychological but when I see girls wearing dresses or skirts they really tend to act much more lady like. My post was a challenge to whoever wants to try wearing dresses or skirts for a time and to take note of how they act. I know it makes a difference with me. I also said that I am not burning all of my jeans! (I love my jeans!!) I am just choosing not to wear them for everyday. I completely agree that the Lord judges the heart of a person and not the outside! Aren’t we grateful for that! I know I am!
Everyone is making this into a “pants vs. skirts” issue and “judging the heart” issue. Neither are true. Not once in that post did I say “You have to wear a skirt to be a feminine woman.” Nor was I judging anyone. My whole point was, skirts are more feminine! Yes, you can wear jeans and feel feminine--I know I do. Also, how one dresses has nothing to do with being more “spiritual” than the next--another thing I never said.
Anyone who knows me knows that I am very strong with strong opinions and a very strong personality. Can I carry my own luggage? YES!! I can also open my own car door, find my own chair, mow my own lawn and, well, pretty much anything a guy can….I can do better! (JK!) With all that said, do we girls enjoy men being polite? Don’t we all feel special when a boy opens a door for us? Or offers to carry a bag for us? I don’t think just because we are “equal” to men, means we have to “prove it” by going out of our way to do things ourselves.
I never said in my post anything about women being less than a man nor being incapable of doing this type of work. I myself am a very strong girl and personally do enjoy doing rougher work, this is probably the reason my nickname at home is ‘Girl Son.’ But this has nothing to do with whether you can carry your own luggage or not. This post had to do with the heart, and us just remembering our roles. Sometimes what we put on physically changes our whole attitude. Just like a child who puts on dress up clothes and how their attitude changes, so does ours.
I know it was a long post, but I can’t help but wonder if people actually read the whole post or just got hung up on the part of wearing skirts and assumed I was saying pants are unbiblical--which is completely untrue. Did anyone continue reading what I said on guy-girl relationships? Out of this whole post, only a few paragraphs had anything to do with serious reasons for wearing skirts. A lot of it was on boy-girl relationships and the last part was just random goofy reasons to wear a skirt.
I have a real heart for young girls, and I want to see them stand for purity and be God honoring in how they dress and how they act with the opposite sex. So…once again, I challenge the young girls to even for a short period to try wearing skirts. See if you notice a difference in how you act around the opposite sex, and even how you act in general.
My intentions here are not to create a big debate over what is right or wrong, and that was not what I meant to happen by writing my post. The Lord has been showing me some things and working on refining my own heart and life. With that said, I wanted to share it in case their was someone else who the Lord may speak to thru it. I am by no means judging someone for what they wear and I would hope that people know me better than that and would read my post and see my heart behind it. It was in no way intended to offend. I was merely pointing out some things that I have noticed. If we are very honest I think most of us would recognize the fact that girls tend to act much more inappropriate with the opposite sex when wearing pants. I don’t know why it is, it much be psychological but when I see girls wearing dresses or skirts they really tend to act much more lady like. My post was a challenge to whoever wants to try wearing dresses or skirts for a time and to take note of how they act. I know it makes a difference with me. I also said that I am not burning all of my jeans! (I love my jeans!!) I am just choosing not to wear them for everyday. I completely agree that the Lord judges the heart of a person and not the outside! Aren’t we grateful for that! I know I am!
Everyone is making this into a “pants vs. skirts” issue and “judging the heart” issue. Neither are true. Not once in that post did I say “You have to wear a skirt to be a feminine woman.” Nor was I judging anyone. My whole point was, skirts are more feminine! Yes, you can wear jeans and feel feminine--I know I do. Also, how one dresses has nothing to do with being more “spiritual” than the next--another thing I never said.
Anyone who knows me knows that I am very strong with strong opinions and a very strong personality. Can I carry my own luggage? YES!! I can also open my own car door, find my own chair, mow my own lawn and, well, pretty much anything a guy can….I can do better! (JK!) With all that said, do we girls enjoy men being polite? Don’t we all feel special when a boy opens a door for us? Or offers to carry a bag for us? I don’t think just because we are “equal” to men, means we have to “prove it” by going out of our way to do things ourselves.
I never said in my post anything about women being less than a man nor being incapable of doing this type of work. I myself am a very strong girl and personally do enjoy doing rougher work, this is probably the reason my nickname at home is ‘Girl Son.’ But this has nothing to do with whether you can carry your own luggage or not. This post had to do with the heart, and us just remembering our roles. Sometimes what we put on physically changes our whole attitude. Just like a child who puts on dress up clothes and how their attitude changes, so does ours.
I know it was a long post, but I can’t help but wonder if people actually read the whole post or just got hung up on the part of wearing skirts and assumed I was saying pants are unbiblical--which is completely untrue. Did anyone continue reading what I said on guy-girl relationships? Out of this whole post, only a few paragraphs had anything to do with serious reasons for wearing skirts. A lot of it was on boy-girl relationships and the last part was just random goofy reasons to wear a skirt.
I have a real heart for young girls, and I want to see them stand for purity and be God honoring in how they dress and how they act with the opposite sex. So…once again, I challenge the young girls to even for a short period to try wearing skirts. See if you notice a difference in how you act around the opposite sex, and even how you act in general.
Dear Cousin,
ReplyDeleteI see what you are saying, and I can understand the views of others in disagreement with you. I respect your point of view. But I think it is only fair to say that a female "can" be feminine while wearing pants/jeans too, can they not? And you cannot lump all females into a category of behaviors based on what they wear. Yes there will be different behaviors for different reasons, but you cannot assume that the way someone dresses is the sole and main cause of such behaviors. Behaviors come from the inside of a person's heart and head, what they choose to do. Life is made up of choices, and no matter what source of influence is behind those choices, they are still choices and all must be respected. I respect your choice and hope others respect it too!!!!
As I hope you respect and don't judge the choices of others as well.
good luck in your quest and goal :)
hope all is well!
ReplyDeleteI have no idea what others are saying about your first post, but I personally enjoyed it (and this one)! I felt like you had opened your diary to let me read what God has been showing you. :) I was in no way taken back, but I was encouraged! You spurred me into thinking about what ALL you were saying (I read the whole post :]). I will definitely think, pray, and study more about the skirt/pants deal. When I get a chance I am going to buy a few skirts and try wearing them for a while, but I honestly don't have any now. I have always been a jeans girl, but I do know that when I have worn skirts I felt way more feminine. :)
About the boy/girl relationships... I can't believe how "right now" that was for me. I am currently reading Boy Meets Girl by Josh Harris, and I'm right at the point where he points out the roles that God has given us. I have to remind myself that guys are my brothers in Christ as of now and it's not right to "scope" them out and look for boyfriend/fiance/husband material. LOL!
Oh yeah I like to have died laughing about the skirt flying up/pants falling down thought... that was too funny!
Wow, I got every thing you said how it was ment to be said. I was actually shopping yesterday for skirts because I was thinking the same thing.. now here I am reading your recent posts going "I was just thinking this!" Haha