Monday, December 27, 2010
Multitude Monday
Monday, December 20, 2010
Multitude Monday
191. Babies in boots
192. Christamas programs at Church
193. Holiday Baking
194. Going to the movies with my family
195. Working Sewing Machines
196. NEW WINDOWS!!!!!
197. Wind storms
198. Rearranging my bedroom
199. Playing my piano
200. Being the guest of attraction on my mom's blog
Monday, December 13, 2010
Multitude Monday
Monday, December 6, 2010
Multitude Monday
172. Black Friday
173. Family Traditions
174. "Its a wonderful life"
175. Long drives with my hubby
176. Putting up Christmas lights with Jeff
177. New Christmas ornaments
178. Setting up our Christmas Tree
179. Feeling my baby move!!
180. Hearing my baby's heart beat for the 1st time
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Our Christmas lights!
(btw...those fuzzy looking things on the lawn are 3 little deer. The fuzziness is credited to my terrible camera phone.)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
We set up our Christmas tree a few days ago, but that's about as far as we've gotten with decorating the inside of our house. LOL, hopefully tomorrow we get the inside tackled. :) This year, I decided to leave the round boring ornaments off the tree, and only put up the special ones we've acquired. Last year we decided to every year each of us buy a new ornament that represents something from that year. So, last year's ornament was a round ball ornament. One side of it was Miley Cyrus's face and the other side was Zac Efron's face. (You know those candy filled metal ball ornaments? Yea, we bought those and broke them apart and stuck them together to get one.) Lol, and for those of you who don't know the joke behind that....they are our not-so-secret crushes. As we put that ornament on our tree this year, we were both blushing and laughing over the memories it held.
This year, we actually bought two ornaments.
Jeff picked out this one:
And I picked out this one:
(only mine says: "2009" instead of "The Millers" lol)I think though, because I got an ornament representing last year, I should be able to pick out a second one...besides, our tree looks so...naked! It only has a few little ornaments on it!
We have a Christmas tree lot down the road from our house, and since we have a fake tree, we missed out on the experience of walking through the lot in the brisk coldness with a warm cup of hot chocolate in our hands. So, we decided that Friday evening we're going to go on a date to the Christmas tree lot. I can't wait! :)
As a side note: I'm 19 weeks--almost 5 months along!! I know I haven't been good about blogging this pregnancy, so I'm vowing to make sure I'm a faithful blogger next baby around. By then, we'll actually have Internet in our house, so I'll have access to my blog. :)
Sooo...that's all I have to say about the Christmas Season for now! Hopefully I actually remember to post pictures of our house tomorrow. But if I do forget...just take my word on it: It looks so pretty and Christmassy!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Multitude Monday
Monday, November 15, 2010
Multitude Monday
Monday, November 8, 2010
Multitude Monday
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Multitude Tuesday
132. My family
133. upcoming family vacations...
134. Shylie and her finding Nemo kick :)
135. Handmade candy bombs
136. Birthday parties
137. New sewing machines!
138. Watching Jeff make cookies...
139. Vitamin C
140. Making it to the 15 week mark!!!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Multitude Monday
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Multitude *Wednesday*
Monday, September 27, 2010
Multitude Monday
Monday, September 20, 2010
Multitude Monday
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
182. 'B' vitamins
183. Gift Cards!
184. Beautiful Weather
185. Overtime
186. Anticipation of upcoming camping trips
187. Saltine Crackers
188. Mad Money
189. New Clothes
190. Big Bowls.....
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
On 2nd thought...
Shopping Deals!!
First we went to the Goodwill store--I looove that store! I got a cute Motherhood skirt and I only paid $4.00 for it. (Might I also add: I was upset to pay $4.00, the man overcharged me by .25 cents...seriously.) Later on, we went to the Motherhood store in the mall and I saw the same skirt on sale for $19.99.
This is kind of what that skirt looks like (minus the scary belly panel)

Then I went over to Kohls. I had a giftcard with $11.70 on it, and I was determined to get it out of my purse. Do you ever go shopping and find something that you really believe that God had hidden there JUST for you?? Yea, that's how I felt today.
Burried all the way in the back of the racks--on the wrong sized hanger, was the perfect dress with a perfect price! Orriginally $48...I only paid $10.30--total!! I even got a dollar and some change back. I was thrilled, I think I might even have danced out of Kohls with a stupid smile upon my face.

My family and I are planning on going to Disneyland at some point in the next 2-3 months. (Date hasn't been set yet). While we were in Motherhood, I found a "MUST HAVE" shirt for that trip.
Isn't it adorable??? I definately want the blue one, but if I can pursuade Jeff to get me the white one also... (I wish you could see the grin on my face)
Jeff promised me that if I'm showing by the time the trip takes place, he will buy me the shirt. Isn't Jeff wonderful?? :-D

How a bowl should be licked
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
7 weeks today
At 7 weeks, the babies are the size of a tic-tac or a blueberry (which ever visual picture you like best!) and weight whatever it is an eyelash weighs. (lol) This week their little brains will be growing at a crazy rate of 100 cells per minute. Insane right?! The mouth hole, ear holes and nostrils are forming this week, as their little faces are beginning to take shape. Their eyes are wide open, but they don't have any irises yet (the colored part.) Little arm and leg "paddles" (digits will form later on) are growing and forming this week and the umbilical cord will be visible by the end of the week.
Here is another mind boggling fact: he's or she's (or one of both!) are 10,000 times bigger today than they were at conception. Wow!
I would post a picture of what they look like right now, but it's kind of I'll spare you. Maybe in a few weeks when they actually look like babies.
I've never had morning sickness before with my last two pregnancies, but this time I've had a lot of it. (Not a horrible case, but enough to make me feel like everything is progressing well.) Mama and I realized a few days ago that with our miscarriages we never experienced any of the barfies, so we're feeling pretty excited and positive to be feeling a bit green now. It's weird how something so unpleasant can be turned into something good and happy when looked at in a different light.
Certain smells have been turning my stomach lately, such as...onions, ranch, beef, the soap in our shower, Jeff's cologne and a whole lot more. I've noticed that I've eaten a LOT of potato products lately. That's one food that's not triggering my smell senses and causing a case of the barfies.
My cupcake cravings are back, its time to track down my tried and true recipe and mix up a batch! Mmmmm!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Multiple Monday
Friday, September 3, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
gender guessing game--a bit lame =)

The Story of our Cake Topper
A few days before our 6 month anniversary Jeff came inside with a very moldy and wet ice cream bucket. I said, "What is that?!?" Jeff looked a bit sheepish and said, "Um...remember a couple weeks ago how I had to unplug the outside freezer to use the extension cord? Ummm...yea, I forgot to plug it back in." Needless to say, after 3 weeks of sitting in a hot and wet freezer our poor little cake topper was horribly moldy and definitely rancid.
I've been really disappointed about this, as I'd always looked forward to our 1 year anniversary and this tradition of eating your wedding cake. But oh well, what can we do about it?
When we got home from our anniversary get away, we went about unloading the car and straightening the house. At one point, I was cleaning the kitchen and saw a Rayley's plastic cake lid on the counter. I was jealous, because the cake sounded yummy and I thought, "Hmmm, I wonder if they saved us a piece." When I opened the fridge this is what I found:

It was such a sweet idea, Jeff and I were thrilled and touched. That night we enjoyed a glass of sparkling cider and a piece of delicious cake while we reminisced about our wedding reception.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
How I told Jeff...
I found out I was pregnant the 6 days before our 1 year anniversary. Jeff was home when I took the test, and it was SOOO hard not to give away my exciting secret. He asked me several times that evening why I looked so happy and I had to bite my tongue to keep from telling him.
I started thinking up creative ways to tell him. I knew I wanted to do something with pink and blue balloons, I just wasn't sure what.
My first thought was to fill his trunk full of helium balloons and not tell him. At his job, when he leaves at night, its required that the security guard checks the trunks of everyone's cars to make sure they aren't stealing anything. My plans was that when the security guard opened the trunk billions of pink and blue balloons would fly out and Jeff would see. But then I realized that at 4am, that would probably give the poor guard a heart attack. I decided to store that idea in the back of my mind for future use.
My second idea, was to to blow up hundreds of pink and blue balloons and have them lying around in our house when we returned from our anniversary get away. That was the plan I went with.
Shelbie and Shaylah came over that week and helped me blow up literally about 200 balloons. We stored them all in the game room and stuck a big "Jeff stay out" sign on the door. We wrote "boy" and "girl" with question marks all over the balloons.

I asked my sisters to come to the house while we were gone and to pull the balloons out of the game room. I was on egg shells allllll week just dying to tell Jeff the news!!!!
It was even harder, and a bit comical, because all weekend long Jeff kept saying, "You are totally pregnant." "You've got to be pregnant!" "You need to take a test." I guess I was showing a lot of prego symptoms. ;-) I did loootttsss of peeing! I was SOOO sleepy! And I ate like a wild buffalo! Each time he said something like that, I just had to bite my tongue and keep hard!!!!
It was finally Sunday and I was very eager to head home and break the news to him. My family went above and beyond with the decorations ;-) As they were doing the balloons, my mom said, "I wish we had streamers too!" Which of course, when you don't have streamers...what's the next best option? Yea, toilet paper.
Jeff was taken back by the toilet paper and said, "Is this my surprise?" Assuming that the "surprise" was just a tp'd house as a "Welcome home" gift. I semi-nodded-semi-pointed to the balloons. He kicked a balloon that was in his way and said, "I like the balloo-" Suddenly he leaned down and picked up a balloon and realized that it said "Baby B due 2011."
It clicked with him immediately and he started cheering, "I KNEW IT!!!!!" He was very excited!!!! Later on he said that he liked that way I told him, and that it was the best surprise he's ever had.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Multiple Monday