I recieved this forward and deemed it so important, I decided to post it in my blog also.
I hate it when people forward bogus warnings, and I have even done it myself a couple times unintentionally but this one is real, and it's important.
Please send this warning to everyone on your e- mail list.
If someone comes to your front door saying they are checking for ticks due to the warm weather and asks you to take your clothes off and dance around with your arms up, DO NOT DO IT! THIS IS A SCAM! They only want to see you naked.
I wish I'd gotten this yesterday. I feel so stupid.
I thought it would be fun to do a guestbook for those who come and visit my little corner of the world. It would be fun to hear from you, would you sign my guestbook?
[ View Guestbook ]
[ Sign Guestbook ]
Friday, June 19, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
6 flags and house updates!
Life has been so crazy!!!
The other day we went to Six Flags again. We had a lot of fun. We brought our aunt, Lynette, and that was tons of fun. We didn't go on a whole lot of rides because it was so crowded, but we hit a lot of shows and let the little kids ride in the kiddie area. The day was going great, until I tricked Lynette onto a spinning ride (called the "Tasmanian Devil...") it is a horrible ride! It spins so much that it litterally makes people ill. My dad had warned Lynette to stay away from the ride and described it in detail. Lynette vowed she wouldn't get suckered into it and stressed that she just "can't handle spinning rides." (Hahahaha....) my wicked mind started turning. Later in the afternoon, Shelbie, Shaylah, Lynette and I went to go ride a few big kid rides. We hit a roller coaster and then (dum dum dum dummmm...dum dum dum dummmm...du du du du de do...) I suggested...The Tasmanian Devil.... We found the ride and stood in line. Lynette watched the ride and was complaining that us girls tricked her into the ride (and I admit, I pretty much downright lied about the intensity of it.) but I knew that if she honestly didn't or couldn't ride it, she wouldn't. We got on the ride and it started. And it went and went and went and went. I looked over at Lynette who looked mad. :( I was starting to get frightened. The ride ended and she looked ticked. I slunk off the ride without looking at her and bolted out. The girls came up a few minutes later and said, "Oh, you did it now...Lynette is maaaaaddddd...." She came storming past us a few moments later and headed straight to the bathroom. ...yes, I tricked her into a ride that made her sick. She was in the bathroom for several minutes. Us girls paced guiltily outside while the girls made me feel as bad as bad can be. They finally left to go back to my family, and I waited for Lynette. She came out a few minutes later, still looking horrible. We went back to my family and she sat for a while. I felt awful, but horribly enough--I couldn't stop smirking!! My mom was sitting next to her trying to make her feel better and kept shooting me the evil eye. Everytime she did, I nearly lost it! After about 40 minutes, her color returned and she started feeling better. Towards the end of the evening she forgave me--whew! (But, I will admit, I am still cackling over it to this day!)
We got the key to our house the other day!! WooHoo! We've been official homeowners for about 6 days. We've done so much work on it too! We got the livingroom painted and most of the carpet ripped out. (Hayden is laying wood on Wednesday...it will look so pretty.) Last night Jeff and a friend worked on the floor for a few hours. Then, dear Anne texted and said that Hayden and Chris wanted to come over and prep our floors for hardwood. (Aren't they so sweet?) I felt so blessed. I headed over a little while later, and while all the guys worked, Anne, Mandy and I acted weird and did weird unmentionable things. After the guys were done working, we all sat around on our dirty wood floor and hung out eating candy sticks...those sticks have really come in handy while working on the house. :) It was a pathetic sight, but lots of fun! On Sunday evening, Jeff, Shelbie, Shaylah and I were working on the house. We decided to buy a few small pizzas and eat at the house while we work. Well...this is the 1st time our stove has been used in 3 years...so naturally, it wasn't working "properly." Our first two pizzas burnt. But our 2nd pizzas turned out really yummy. We had set up a card table in our game room with a table cloth over it. Shaylah was all excited to set the table and us eat in game room together. So while the rest of us cleaned, Shaylah cooked and set our table. Then she called us back to eat. I walked through the door and laughed. It was the most pathetic sight ever! It looked like we were on death row. We all sat in a row at the table with two pieces of burnt pizza and two of good pizza on our cute plastic plates. We were all starving, so none of us were talking, we were just huntched over our plates and chewing on our cardboard pizza. Afterwards we all laughed at the patheticness of it!
The other day we went to Six Flags again. We had a lot of fun. We brought our aunt, Lynette, and that was tons of fun. We didn't go on a whole lot of rides because it was so crowded, but we hit a lot of shows and let the little kids ride in the kiddie area. The day was going great, until I tricked Lynette onto a spinning ride (called the "Tasmanian Devil...") it is a horrible ride! It spins so much that it litterally makes people ill. My dad had warned Lynette to stay away from the ride and described it in detail. Lynette vowed she wouldn't get suckered into it and stressed that she just "can't handle spinning rides." (Hahahaha....) my wicked mind started turning. Later in the afternoon, Shelbie, Shaylah, Lynette and I went to go ride a few big kid rides. We hit a roller coaster and then (dum dum dum dummmm...dum dum dum dummmm...du du du du de do...) I suggested...The Tasmanian Devil.... We found the ride and stood in line. Lynette watched the ride and was complaining that us girls tricked her into the ride (and I admit, I pretty much downright lied about the intensity of it.) but I knew that if she honestly didn't or couldn't ride it, she wouldn't. We got on the ride and it started. And it went and went and went and went. I looked over at Lynette who looked mad. :( I was starting to get frightened. The ride ended and she looked ticked. I slunk off the ride without looking at her and bolted out. The girls came up a few minutes later and said, "Oh, you did it now...Lynette is maaaaaddddd...." She came storming past us a few moments later and headed straight to the bathroom. ...yes, I tricked her into a ride that made her sick. She was in the bathroom for several minutes. Us girls paced guiltily outside while the girls made me feel as bad as bad can be. They finally left to go back to my family, and I waited for Lynette. She came out a few minutes later, still looking horrible. We went back to my family and she sat for a while. I felt awful, but horribly enough--I couldn't stop smirking!! My mom was sitting next to her trying to make her feel better and kept shooting me the evil eye. Everytime she did, I nearly lost it! After about 40 minutes, her color returned and she started feeling better. Towards the end of the evening she forgave me--whew! (But, I will admit, I am still cackling over it to this day!)
We got the key to our house the other day!! WooHoo! We've been official homeowners for about 6 days. We've done so much work on it too! We got the livingroom painted and most of the carpet ripped out. (Hayden is laying wood on Wednesday...it will look so pretty.) Last night Jeff and a friend worked on the floor for a few hours. Then, dear Anne texted and said that Hayden and Chris wanted to come over and prep our floors for hardwood. (Aren't they so sweet?) I felt so blessed. I headed over a little while later, and while all the guys worked, Anne, Mandy and I acted weird and did weird unmentionable things. After the guys were done working, we all sat around on our dirty wood floor and hung out eating candy sticks...those sticks have really come in handy while working on the house. :) It was a pathetic sight, but lots of fun! On Sunday evening, Jeff, Shelbie, Shaylah and I were working on the house. We decided to buy a few small pizzas and eat at the house while we work. Well...this is the 1st time our stove has been used in 3 years...so naturally, it wasn't working "properly." Our first two pizzas burnt. But our 2nd pizzas turned out really yummy. We had set up a card table in our game room with a table cloth over it. Shaylah was all excited to set the table and us eat in game room together. So while the rest of us cleaned, Shaylah cooked and set our table. Then she called us back to eat. I walked through the door and laughed. It was the most pathetic sight ever! It looked like we were on death row. We all sat in a row at the table with two pieces of burnt pizza and two of good pizza on our cute plastic plates. We were all starving, so none of us were talking, we were just huntched over our plates and chewing on our cardboard pizza. Afterwards we all laughed at the patheticness of it!
There was this ugly beam in the middle of the kitchen and livingroom. We poked a nail through it (to see if it was supporting someting) and realized it was just foam! We immediately started demolishing it...
Here are some pictures!
Cake Topper
My cake topper arrived yesterday! I got it off ebay. At first I wasn't going to do a topper, but after my mom asked about it, I figured it must be something important that people do. I got on ebay and started looking around and didn't like ANYTHING!! Right as I was about to give up, I saw this one. It is a unique idea--I've never seen or heard it done, plus it is a keepsake. I loved it immediately!

Cake Topper
My cake topper arrived yesterday! I got it off ebay. At first I wasn't going to do a topper, but after my mom asked about it, I figured it must be something important that people do. I got on ebay and started looking around and didn't like ANYTHING!! Right as I was about to give up, I saw this one. It is a unique idea--I've never seen or heard it done, plus it is a keepsake. I loved it immediately!

Our carpet is ripped out and we've been painting. Hayden is laying wood Wednesday. Tonight Chris, Hayden, Anne and Mandy came over. They helped with some stuff then we just hung out and were weird. It was a lot of fun.
I picked out wedding invites today. We are getting them Wednesday.
I have so much wedding stuff to do!
68 days to go...
I picked out wedding invites today. We are getting them Wednesday.
I have so much wedding stuff to do!
68 days to go...
Our carpet is ripped out and we've been painting. Hayden is laying wood Wednesday. Tonight Chris, Hayden, Anne and Mandy came over. They helped with some stuff then we just hung out and were weird. It was a lot of fun.
I picked out wedding invites today. We are getting them Wednesday.
I have so much wedding stuff to do!
68 days to go...
I picked out wedding invites today. We are getting them Wednesday.
I have so much wedding stuff to do!
68 days to go...
Our carpet is ripped out and we've been painting. Hayden is laying wood Wednesday. Tonight Chris, Hayden, Anne and Mandy came over. They helped with some stuff then we just hung out and were weird. It was a lot of fun.
I picked out wedding invites today. We are getting them Wednesday.
I have so much wedding stuff to do!
68 days to go...
I picked out wedding invites today. We are getting them Wednesday.
I have so much wedding stuff to do!
68 days to go...
Our carpet is ripped out and we've been painting. Hayden is laying wood Wednesday. Tonight Chris, Hayden, Anne and Mandy came over. They helped with some stuff then we just hung out and were weird. It was a lot of fun.
I picked out wedding invites today. We are getting them Wednesday.
I have so much wedding stuff to do!
68 days to go...
I picked out wedding invites today. We are getting them Wednesday.
I have so much wedding stuff to do!
68 days to go...
We fially got our save the dates out!! Nw we only have 3 weeks for the actual invitations to be out.
It's so fun owning a house! We've been cleaning like crazy for the past few days. I love being a homeowner.
I took my dresss in yesterday to be altered. I have another apt on July 10th.
Annie has been over so much helping clean. Anne rocks. :D
We are going to spend tomorrow over there too. The boys will work outside-us girls inside. :)
I need to order tables and chairs tomorrow.
I don't know how many days left...will figure it out tomorrow.
It's so fun owning a house! We've been cleaning like crazy for the past few days. I love being a homeowner.
I took my dresss in yesterday to be altered. I have another apt on July 10th.
Annie has been over so much helping clean. Anne rocks. :D
We are going to spend tomorrow over there too. The boys will work outside-us girls inside. :)
I need to order tables and chairs tomorrow.
I don't know how many days left...will figure it out tomorrow.
We fially got our save the dates out!! Nw we only have 3 weeks for the actual invitations to be out.
It's so fun owning a house! We've been cleaning like crazy for the past few days. I love being a homeowner.
I took my dresss in yesterday to be altered. I have another apt on July 10th.
Annie has been over so much helping clean. Anne rocks. :D
We are going to spend tomorrow over there too. The boys will work outside-us girls inside. :)
I need to order tables and chairs tomorrow.
I don't know how many days left...will figure it out tomorrow.
It's so fun owning a house! We've been cleaning like crazy for the past few days. I love being a homeowner.
I took my dresss in yesterday to be altered. I have another apt on July 10th.
Annie has been over so much helping clean. Anne rocks. :D
We are going to spend tomorrow over there too. The boys will work outside-us girls inside. :)
I need to order tables and chairs tomorrow.
I don't know how many days left...will figure it out tomorrow.
We are homeowners!! Today we got the key to our house. :) We are so excited. All my family came over and ate icecream and drank lemonade. The kids just ran around in circles--loving the emptyness. :) Just like in my dream. :) Kevin (our agent) didn't give us both keys--so we couldn't get in. We were going to go through the backyard and climb through a window when Shannen's face appeared in a window inside!! He had gotten in!(I guess our laundry room door was unlocked and opened....later we found it it was because our 9 year old neighboor boy was in the house "exploring.") Jeff carried me oer the threshold.
I just got back from cleaning. Dear Anne came and helped me. So did Shelbie and Shaylah. It was a lot of fun.
I met with our wedding coordinato today (and this time I didn't pass out!!) --so much needs done!!
More later...
71 days to go...?? is that right?
I just got back from cleaning. Dear Anne came and helped me. So did Shelbie and Shaylah. It was a lot of fun.
I met with our wedding coordinato today (and this time I didn't pass out!!) --so much needs done!!
More later...
71 days to go...?? is that right?
We are homeowners!! Today we got the key to our house. :) We are so excited. All my family came over and ate icecream and drank lemonade. The kids just ran around in circles--loving the emptyness. :) Just like in my dream. :) Kevin (our agent) didn't give us both keys--so we couldn't get in. We were going to go through the backyard and climb through a window when Shannen's face appeared in a window inside!! He had gotten in!(I guess our laundry room door was unlocked and opened....later we found it it was because our 9 year old neighboor boy was in the house "exploring.") Jeff carried me oer the threshold.
I just got back from cleaning. Dear Anne came and helped me. So did Shelbie and Shaylah. It was a lot of fun.
I met with our wedding coordinato today (and this time I didn't pass out!!) --so much needs done!!
More later...
71 days to go...?? is that right?
I just got back from cleaning. Dear Anne came and helped me. So did Shelbie and Shaylah. It was a lot of fun.
I met with our wedding coordinato today (and this time I didn't pass out!!) --so much needs done!!
More later...
71 days to go...?? is that right?
Tomorrow my save the dates will go out. Then we can start on the invtations. :) WooHoo!
I tried my dress on the other day...it is so messed up. :( I am calling the alterer tomorrow.
I need to buy more candles tomorrow. I found a lot online of 1008 candles for $350...is that an overkill???
We also need to figure out if we will have a honeymoon and if so, plan it.
So much to do!
2 months, 2 weeks and 1 day. A.K.A...74 days. :)
I tried my dress on the other day...it is so messed up. :( I am calling the alterer tomorrow.
I need to buy more candles tomorrow. I found a lot online of 1008 candles for $350...is that an overkill???
We also need to figure out if we will have a honeymoon and if so, plan it.
So much to do!
2 months, 2 weeks and 1 day. A.K.A...74 days. :)
Tomorrow my save the dates will go out. Then we can start on the invtations. :) WooHoo!
I tried my dress on the other day...it is so messed up. :( I am calling the alterer tomorrow.
I need to buy more candles tomorrow. I found a lot online of 1008 candles for $350...is that an overkill???
We also need to figure out if we will have a honeymoon and if so, plan it.
So much to do!
2 months, 2 weeks and 1 day. A.K.A...74 days. :)
I tried my dress on the other day...it is so messed up. :( I am calling the alterer tomorrow.
I need to buy more candles tomorrow. I found a lot online of 1008 candles for $350...is that an overkill???
We also need to figure out if we will have a honeymoon and if so, plan it.
So much to do!
2 months, 2 weeks and 1 day. A.K.A...74 days. :)
Monday, June 8, 2009
lows and highs...
So today was just a bad day.
1st...I woke up late and kinda got in trouble... :(
2nd...Jeff texted me and said he got his 1st speeding ticket. (waaaa!!!)
3rd...I called to turn on all our water, gas, electricity...down payments are going to kill us!!! (and we already wiped out our savings accounts to pay the down payment on the house.)
4th...I couldn't even get our water turned on, because I didn't have our house deed. (and that's so stupid!)
5th...we found out today that we aren't even going to get our key tomorrow. We won't get it until Wednesday now. (grrrr...)
So I was a mess today. Between our financial situation, the house situation, and more...it was just a depressing day. LOL
But...the highlight of my day was hanging out with my future sister in law! We met for lunch and hung out for several hours. We hit every Hallmark in Modesto looking for my cake topper and also went to both Gottchalks. We got my cake cutter and server 80% off! And it is super pretty... I really like it! We almost went to see a movie, but it was playing too late so we skipped it. All together it was a lovely afternoon. :)
I need to go sell more candy tomorrow...I need to make $40 more... Jeff and I decided to use the candy money to buy my ring. So now we are more determined to start selling again. :D
1st...I woke up late and kinda got in trouble... :(
2nd...Jeff texted me and said he got his 1st speeding ticket. (waaaa!!!)
3rd...I called to turn on all our water, gas, electricity...down payments are going to kill us!!! (and we already wiped out our savings accounts to pay the down payment on the house.)
4th...I couldn't even get our water turned on, because I didn't have our house deed. (and that's so stupid!)
5th...we found out today that we aren't even going to get our key tomorrow. We won't get it until Wednesday now. (grrrr...)
So I was a mess today. Between our financial situation, the house situation, and more...it was just a depressing day. LOL
But...the highlight of my day was hanging out with my future sister in law! We met for lunch and hung out for several hours. We hit every Hallmark in Modesto looking for my cake topper and also went to both Gottchalks. We got my cake cutter and server 80% off! And it is super pretty... I really like it! We almost went to see a movie, but it was playing too late so we skipped it. All together it was a lovely afternoon. :)
I need to go sell more candy tomorrow...I need to make $40 more... Jeff and I decided to use the candy money to buy my ring. So now we are more determined to start selling again. :D
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Today we finished our Save the Dates. They turned out very pretty. Now, all we need is a stamp pad. Then they will be ready to send out on Friday. :) They are like 4 months late--but better late than never, right?
I ordered all my isle decorations and tulle tonight. I got my tulle on ebay from a store for $1.95--compared to $9.00 at Michaels.
I realized since we aren't having a dance, there isn't any reason for me to buy glow sticks. :( I really wanted those too.
Oh ya! My stamp is on sale online. :( That made me mad...well, maybe I will buy another one.?
Ooohh...I need more stickers...I forgot about that...
78 more days to go...
I ordered all my isle decorations and tulle tonight. I got my tulle on ebay from a store for $1.95--compared to $9.00 at Michaels.
I realized since we aren't having a dance, there isn't any reason for me to buy glow sticks. :( I really wanted those too.
Oh ya! My stamp is on sale online. :( That made me mad...well, maybe I will buy another one.?
Ooohh...I need more stickers...I forgot about that...
78 more days to go...
Today we finished our Save the Dates. They turned out very pretty. Now, all we need is a stamp pad. Then they will be ready to send out on Friday. :) They are like 4 months late--but better late than never, right?
I ordered all my isle decorations and tulle tonight. I got my tulle on ebay from a store for $1.95--compared to $9.00 at Michaels.
I realized since we aren't having a dance, there isn't any reason for me to buy glow sticks. :( I really wanted those too.
Oh ya! My stamp is on sale online. :( That made me mad...well, maybe I will buy another one.?
Ooohh...I need more stickers...I forgot about that...
78 more days to go...
I ordered all my isle decorations and tulle tonight. I got my tulle on ebay from a store for $1.95--compared to $9.00 at Michaels.
I realized since we aren't having a dance, there isn't any reason for me to buy glow sticks. :( I really wanted those too.
Oh ya! My stamp is on sale online. :( That made me mad...well, maybe I will buy another one.?
Ooohh...I need more stickers...I forgot about that...
78 more days to go...
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Save the Date Cards
Today we finished our Save the Date cards. (Do not be offended if you don't recieve one. :) we are only sending them to our out of state friends and family--you will still be invited by formal invitation.) They are really pretty and they were super easy to put together. We are sending them out in a postcard format. Today we got our paper backing and put them together. Here is a picture of two of them. (We have 5 different designs...)
Save the Date Cards
Today we finished our Save the Date cards. (Do not be offended if you don't recieve one. :) we are only sending them to our out of state friends and family--you will still be invited by formal invitation.) They are really pretty and they were super easy to put together. We are sending them out in a postcard format. Today we got our paper backing and put them together. Here is a picture of two of them. (We have 5 different designs...)
Today I was a stressed mess. It's not even funny. I seriously was a rag. I think Jeff was even scared of me today. :(
I'm really not wanting to do the wedding at our church--for many reasons. (They have SO many rules...but my major thing, is they won't allow us to have an open dance floor.) But we can't ind anywhere else that will hold everyone or is affordable. I was so mad and upset.
I realized though that I've lost perspective of the wedding. Our goal should be to glorify God and be a light o purity to those who watch our ceremony--not to have the "best" wedding ever. And now...I feel bad. :( We will just stick with CC and it will all be fine...
We got our bride's maids dresses yesterday. They are very pretty.
79 days to go...
I'm really not wanting to do the wedding at our church--for many reasons. (They have SO many rules...but my major thing, is they won't allow us to have an open dance floor.) But we can't ind anywhere else that will hold everyone or is affordable. I was so mad and upset.
I realized though that I've lost perspective of the wedding. Our goal should be to glorify God and be a light o purity to those who watch our ceremony--not to have the "best" wedding ever. And now...I feel bad. :( We will just stick with CC and it will all be fine...
We got our bride's maids dresses yesterday. They are very pretty.
79 days to go...
Today I was a stressed mess. It's not even funny. I seriously was a rag. I think Jeff was even scared of me today. :(
I'm really not wanting to do the wedding at our church--for many reasons. (They have SO many rules...but my major thing, is they won't allow us to have an open dance floor.) But we can't ind anywhere else that will hold everyone or is affordable. I was so mad and upset.
I realized though that I've lost perspective of the wedding. Our goal should be to glorify God and be a light o purity to those who watch our ceremony--not to have the "best" wedding ever. And now...I feel bad. :( We will just stick with CC and it will all be fine...
We got our bride's maids dresses yesterday. They are very pretty.
79 days to go...
I'm really not wanting to do the wedding at our church--for many reasons. (They have SO many rules...but my major thing, is they won't allow us to have an open dance floor.) But we can't ind anywhere else that will hold everyone or is affordable. I was so mad and upset.
I realized though that I've lost perspective of the wedding. Our goal should be to glorify God and be a light o purity to those who watch our ceremony--not to have the "best" wedding ever. And now...I feel bad. :( We will just stick with CC and it will all be fine...
We got our bride's maids dresses yesterday. They are very pretty.
79 days to go...
Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.
Here is an interesting question...
If you saw ME in a police car what would you think I got arrested for? Reply to me in a comment format. Then feel free to copy and paste into your own blog or into an e-mail. It will be interesting to see how many crimes we all get accused of. :)
If you saw ME in a police car what would you think I got arrested for? Reply to me in a comment format. Then feel free to copy and paste into your own blog or into an e-mail. It will be interesting to see how many crimes we all get accused of. :)
really cool website
I recieved an e-mail today, leading to this link. It is really cool, and I encourage all of you to check it out. It is a test (I took the adult test--but I think there is a youth test also) that helps you find out what your spiritual gifts are. This is something that would be very helpful for all of us. Let me know what you think of it.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Ooopsie-Daisy Candy Co
The Ooopsie-Daisy Candy Company just recieved a shipment in the following items:
Cherry Cola--stick candy
Sour Apple--stick candy
Root Beer--Stick Candy
Strawberry's N Cream--stick candy
Quanities are limited, so hurry and get your order in!
Cherry Cola--stick candy
Sour Apple--stick candy
Root Beer--Stick Candy
Strawberry's N Cream--stick candy
Quanities are limited, so hurry and get your order in!
Ooops...the dresses will get in on July 13th---not the 18th. :)
*special thanks to Anne Kee who corrected my error.
*special thanks to Anne Kee who corrected my error.
Ooops...the dresses will get in on July 13th---not the 18th. :)
*special thanks to Anne Kee who corrected my error.
*special thanks to Anne Kee who corrected my error.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Bride's maids dresses
Today we went and picked out the bridesmaids dresses.
Dress #1

Dress #2

Dress #3

Dress #4

Dress #5

Dress #6

I wanted Shelbie's in a lighter color lavender, but it wouldn't get in until August. As it is, we are pressed for time. So we went ahead and ordered them all in the same color, and I will incorporate the lighter lavender on the guy's side.
We had a lot of fun picking them out. I think my sisters were loving dressing up. LOL, we could hear them giggling in the dressing room. :) They'll get in on July 18th...we almost waited too long. :( that wouldn't have been good!
Bride's maids dresses
Today we went and picked out the bridesmaids dresses.
Dress #1

Dress #2

Dress #3

Dress #4

Dress #5

Dress #6

I wanted Shelbie's in a lighter color lavender, but it wouldn't get in until August. As it is, we are pressed for time. So we went ahead and ordered them all in the same color, and I will incorporate the lighter lavender on the guy's side.
We had a lot of fun picking them out. I think my sisters were loving dressing up. LOL, we could hear them giggling in the dressing room. :) They'll get in on July 18th...we almost waited too long. :( that wouldn't have been good!
Yesterday we went to Jordan Cavanaugh's (now it's Hertwig) wedding. It was geourgeous. ...gorgeous...? spell check! I got a couple good ideas from it.
Tomorrow we are going bridesmaid dress shopping. That will be fun! Hopeully we find something they like, I love and all our ban accounts adore.
Tomorrow night will be wedding planning night. My mom wants to start setting aside Monday evenings to planning. I am looking forward to that.
...81 days to go
Tomorrow we are going bridesmaid dress shopping. That will be fun! Hopeully we find something they like, I love and all our ban accounts adore.
Tomorrow night will be wedding planning night. My mom wants to start setting aside Monday evenings to planning. I am looking forward to that.
...81 days to go
Yesterday we went to Jordan Cavanaugh's (now it's Hertwig) wedding. It was geourgeous. ...gorgeous...? spell check! I got a couple good ideas from it.
Tomorrow we are going bridesmaid dress shopping. That will be fun! Hopeully we find something they like, I love and all our ban accounts adore.
Tomorrow night will be wedding planning night. My mom wants to start setting aside Monday evenings to planning. I am looking forward to that.
...81 days to go
Tomorrow we are going bridesmaid dress shopping. That will be fun! Hopeully we find something they like, I love and all our ban accounts adore.
Tomorrow night will be wedding planning night. My mom wants to start setting aside Monday evenings to planning. I am looking forward to that.
...81 days to go
2 months, 3 weeks and 2 days to go.
Today my tableware order came in. The colors are pretty. I litterally have boxes and boxes of stuff stacked in my room.
Tomorrow is Jordan Cavanaugh's wedding. I hope to get some good ideas. :)
I can't believe we only have 2 months left!
Oh! And I bought these really cool rocks on ebay today. They start out small and suck in water and expand 400x their size! Wow.
83 days to go...
Today my tableware order came in. The colors are pretty. I litterally have boxes and boxes of stuff stacked in my room.
Tomorrow is Jordan Cavanaugh's wedding. I hope to get some good ideas. :)
I can't believe we only have 2 months left!
Oh! And I bought these really cool rocks on ebay today. They start out small and suck in water and expand 400x their size! Wow.
83 days to go...
2 months, 3 weeks and 2 days to go.
Today my tableware order came in. The colors are pretty. I litterally have boxes and boxes of stuff stacked in my room.
Tomorrow is Jordan Cavanaugh's wedding. I hope to get some good ideas. :)
I can't believe we only have 2 months left!
Oh! And I bought these really cool rocks on ebay today. They start out small and suck in water and expand 400x their size! Wow.
83 days to go...
Today my tableware order came in. The colors are pretty. I litterally have boxes and boxes of stuff stacked in my room.
Tomorrow is Jordan Cavanaugh's wedding. I hope to get some good ideas. :)
I can't believe we only have 2 months left!
Oh! And I bought these really cool rocks on ebay today. They start out small and suck in water and expand 400x their size! Wow.
83 days to go...
I went out to dinner tonight with Daddy and Mama. It was kinda sad because we will probably only get to go out once more before i'm gone.
I didn't get any planning done today.
I made my appointment with David's Bridal for my bridesmaides dresses. That will be fun.
I need to call Cathy.
84 more days to go. :)
I went out to dinner tonight with Daddy and Mama. It was kinda sad because we will probably only get to go out once more before i'm gone.
I didn't get any planning done today.
I made my appointment with David's Bridal for my bridesmaides dresses. That will be fun.
I need to call Cathy.
84 more days to go. :)
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