Just for a head's up...I'm trying to type this out while eating a Chipotle burrito...thats tough multi-tasking. (mmmmm.....yum.....)
I am going to do my best to make this a "happy" post, since my last few have been pretty serious. Sigh, I miss the goofy old days, where I would blog on Ice Cream and Deep fried oreos and life was all ducky. Now, sometimes when I read my later posts, I think "Gee...what happened...This sounds like something a boring adult would write." Sniff sniff...don't try to grow up too fast, girls. Enjoy your carefree days now, while you have them. Because before you know it, you'll be working, paying bills and trying figure out how you will live after your wedding. Lol, Wow, I'm off to a great start on this being "happy."
Hey, and re-reading what I just wrote, I know that it sounds really depressing, like I'm not happy with where I am in life right now. I want you to know, I have never been more happy, but life is getting hard. I love where I am in life right now, love where life is leading me, but I don't overly love the hardships that are coming with this new season. I find myself often wishing, "I wish I could keep Jeff, but go back and be 7 again for a while." My point with saying all that is to stress to all of you younger people...enjoy where you are in life. Don't try to rush life and try to grow up too soon. Love where you are, and live it to it's fullest. There are many things that I can see right now, that I wish I would have done while I had the chance. I know I am still young, but age has nothing to do with it; It's where you are in life. I jumped head first into adulthood in a matter of only a few months, and now, as I am realizing I am down to very little time left at home, I find myself wishing I could go back and relive certain situations in life. Wishing I would have spent more time with my sisters and brothers, wishing I would have studied harder in school, ect. ect. So...all that to say...live...laugh...love.
Anyways...on to something truly happier.

My mom is doing much better. She's been up and walking around for the past couple days now, though she is still tender and gets tired easily. She's been working with a natural health practitioner for the past week or so, and that has helped her a lot. She apologizes to all who have called her or e-mailed her in the past several days, and says she says she hopes to start returning phone calls and e-mails in the next couple days. She hasn't been online in over two weeks (her blog posts that have been added recently were scheduled--meaning they were wrote several weeks/months ago, and scheduled to be posted on certain days at certain times) nor has she been talking on the phone to anyone other than her NHP (natural health practitioner). She still has a ways to go before she is completely well, and she thanks you all for the prayers.
Shylie is getting so big! She's starting to teethe, so she's been very cranky lately and drools so much!! She's got the cutest hair, except for when my mom wets it and slicks it down like an old man. Poppet turned 4 last week, and got her first training wheel bike! She was so excited. Lolly...well, Lolly is the same old Lolly; full of spunk and spice. =/ The boys are doing well--loving the warmer weather and being able to run around outside in shorts and t-shirts. Shelbie and Shaylah are doing good too. Shelbie has been working a lot and is making a ton of money...way more than me, in fact!! (It's really not fair, actually.) But since Shelbie has been gone a lot lately, Shaylah has had to step up and pull some more weight around the house. She's loving being the part time "right hand arm" to my mom.
Jeff and I are doing fine. There's still no change in his job situation. I am still bummed and depressed, but I know God is in control. I heard two good sermons on Sunday about not losing heart during hard times, and I was grateful for that, as I really needed to hear them. I took all my wedding magazines back, but since then, I've found three others hidden in my room under my clothes, under junk on my desk and stuck on the side of the couch cushion, and I've also found a few other random books about planning thrown about my room. It's almost like they are haunting me and laughing at me: "Ha ha...ha ha..." Then, on top of that, I've got the 20+ mail order magazines that I sent for which are covering my dresser, stacked by my bed and on my nightstand. I'm ready to have a really big bonfire and use them for kindling. It doesn't help either, when I get online to check my e-mails and see 11 e-mails from various bridal resource shops. "Color Coordinate your wedding" from David's bridal, "Sale ends today!!--it's your last chance to save 10% today!!" from Jean M wedding and "Save up to $100!! Spend and save!!" from Exclusively Weddings. Rexcraft...Anne's Bridal Bargains...Invitations By Dawn...Natually Ever After...on and on and on it goes. I used to save them, but now I've begun to mark them as 'spam' and delete them because I'm tired of seeing them. Today, as I was driving home from Turlock, I drove past the apartment complex that (as of now) we are thinking of living in and I got a little choked up. It's a sinking feeling.
I comfort myself, knowing that my ways are not His ways, and his plan is better than my puny little ideas. I know that He has the perfect job for Jeff and He will make known the perfect job, in His perfect timing. Maybe right now He is using this time to teach us something.
Lol, I was also comforted a few days ago while talking with a friend. She just got engaged three weeks ago, and her and her fiance (who are going to school in Virginia,) flew home last week to "finish planning the wedding." They got engaged, and planned their wedding from Virginia all in a matter of 3 weeks. I thought..."If they can plan a wedding in three weeks from a different state, I know I could do it too." I told Jeff, "We still could possibly get married this year, all we gotta do is find you a job, and we could have our wedding planned in as little as 4 weeks time."
There was one e-mail that I got from a wedding retailer today, that I was actually glad I got. It was about celebrating St. Patricks day. Basically, if I plan a green wedding for March of next year and buy all my supplies in the next two days from "Exclusively Wedding", I will save 25% on all green items I buy. Wooo-hooo...I've always wanted a green wedding.
Yesterday Jeff and I were talking and we decided (it was his idea) to try a No Carb/No Sugar diet. (HA!!) We were on fire last night, and couldn't wait for today to start it. I talked with him this morning, and he says, "So...what can I eat? I didn't eat this morning, because I didn't know what I could eat." LOL, needless to say, we threw that idea out the window, and just decided to do a "half carb/little sugar" diet. Please keep us in your thoughts as you go about your day, enjoying your sugar and your carbs. :)
Daddy, Jeff, Loren and I are going snowboarding on Friday. I'm really hoping there is a huge storm before then, because I want to actually enjoy boarding this time, and not sleep in the lodge the whole time, like I did last time. (By the way, the storm will cause the snow to be fresh and soft, not hard and rocky like last time.) Anyways though, we're really excited and eager to go. It will be fun.
Well, that's all I got for now. I think I did a little bit better on making it more light hearted this time, didn't I?
Yay!! ☺ Im the first to comment! I usually just scan over your long posts really quickly but today I got lured in!! Idk how to spell that. haha and I am in no hurry what so ever about growing up! I have to drive next year and maybe go to beauty school and I still feel 10. I couldnt even think about even having a wedding at your age I'll be in my twentys for sure. I dont think theres anything wrong with getting married young it just probably wont be for me. haha Im thinking right now when Im your age I'll have a bf and get married young but it makes me feel better to say "In my twentys" haha I'm praying for alllll of you guys. Hope your new diet goes good and your mom gets better.
I want you to buy yourself a good novel and hole up for a day or two and finish it... just remove yourself for a while and you'll see everything diffrent... trust me. ♥♥♥you!!!
ReplyDeletegood job writing a happy post shyloh!!!keep going:)) ♥
ReplyDeleteyay, not a depressing post!!! umm, I was gonna say something else...I forgot. let me read the post again and I'll be back, lol =)
ReplyDeleteahh yes, I remember. so I'm on a diet too sort of...I'm not eating chocolate...lame. I'm like having withdrawals. and I have to get up soooo early to "exercise". but it's not doing anything!!! so I can totally sympathize with you...love you!