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Thursday, January 1, 2009

~First post of the New Year...2009~

Happy New Years!!!

This will be a semi-random post.

On Tuesday I went to Yosemite with Jeff's family. I've never been to Yosemite before, so I'm really excited that all my memories will include Jeff. It was super cold and covered in snow. We had so much fun! We had snowball fights, made snow angels, had more snowball fights and took so many pictures!! I got soaking wet (my fault for rolling around in the snow, lol.) I left my house at 7:30am and I didn't get home until 11:00pm. It was an amazing day!

Yesterday was New Years eve...duh. My mom, sisters and I cleaned and cooked all day. We made a million snacks and candies for our late night. The Kee family came over (Kevin and RoseAnn Kee) and everyone had a blast! We ate food and fellowshiped all evening.

Today we all slept in until 11am. Jeff is leaving for Detour today, so he came over at noon to eat lunch with me and say our "goodbye's." I was woken up this morning by my mom's perky: "Goodmorning merry sunshine!" song. I groaned. Lol, the day after Christmas is the best day of the year (because all we do is eat leftovers and relax) and New Years day is the worst day of the year. Why? Because it does something strange to our mothers. Somehow, overnight they completely change. Tell me, are your mom's like this? New Years eve they are completely normal, and in the morning they are completely different. Their new favorite word is: "Simplify. And suddenly the only thing on their mind is: "It's a new year!! woo hoo! Let's clean our rooms, go through our drawers and closets, go on a diet, run a mile, copy the bible!!" It's so...exausting. Usually I don't like New Years...but this year, I'm actually excited. I laid in bed last night before I fell asleep thinking..."It's a new year!! Yay!! Tomorrow I'm going to empty all the candy out of my dresser drawers (I admit, my drawers are FULL of candy), go through my clothes, clean my room...start jogging, do my devotions..." I'm really excited to get started.

Jeff and my New Years Resoluntions are:

A) we are going on a diet and are going to be in perfect shape by the time of the wedding.

B) we want to do daily devos and start praying as a couple more.

What are your new years resolutions? Post your answer in a comment form.

A few days ago, my flat iron broke on me (it fell apart...litterally.) So yesterday, I went out and bought a new one. This thing is SO high powered!! It heats up so hot! Shelbie and my aunt ran an errand yesterday. While they were gone, I straightened my hair. They got home while I was still working on it, and as they walked through the door, they both exclaimed: "What is burning!!" From the bathroom I called, "My hair!!" Needless to say, I'm getting a hair cut hopefully tomorrrow.

This afternoon my mom and two sisters and I all made tamales. It took forever, but they will be so yummy when we eat them tonight!

Ok, this is all I can think of to write. I am not in a blogging mood right now, which explains the lame, pictureless post. I am off to dress in black and mourn the absense of my sweetie. Lol, I am kidding. I am going to go start emptying the candy out of my dressers. Happy New Years!


  1. I don't do "resolutions" but one of my goals is to simplify, simplify, simplify! That is always my goal!! Isn't it grand Sunshine?!

  2. LOL...Maybe I should by your Mom a Simplify sign for her house like I have. New Year's is the best, it's like hitting the reset button. One of my goals will to be less sarcastic and also to beat Marni and Duane at the Family Fued game. High goals....I know:)

    Love you!

  3. Hi Shyloh, No resolutions here, but I am cleaning and so are the girls...book shelves, closet floors and the garage! :) You are not alone. Ha!
    love Rose Ann

  4. oh, yeah, my mom changes! guess what I did today? cleaned my desk...next is the closet.
    my resolutions...uh, lose 10 lbs, grow way closer to Jesus, become more diligent in prayer and devotions...

  5. oh, i cleaned my room:) it took me about three days but now it looks really really clean and nice:) my resolutions are to get up earlier so i don't always look like i just woke up when i get to school:) and to keep up with my devo's and praying, definitely. and it is really nice to feel like we can just forget all about the dumb things we did last year:) love you:)

  6. had to say...i KNOW jeff missed you while at detour. several times i saw him just sitting there looking lonely...haha.
    oh, and i asked him if he was missing you...and of course he said yes. You're so lucky, he's a great guy!

  7. Haaaaaaahhhhaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! The only difference in my mom is the fact that she is the one asking ig we can turn on Rock Band 2 and play.

  8. HEHE! My resolutions are to not dwell on dumb stuff like boys and blablabla and to devote myself to CHRIST and grow in HIM, and read the whole old testament,to pray more, and to start workin out..haha long list! lolz
