This might possibly be the longest length between posts I've ever had!! Almost daily, I think to myself, "I should blog today...what should I write about?" I've been having the hardest time coming up with stuff to write. I'm giving up right now though, on having anything of deep interest to write about. I'm just going to start typing and see where it leads...
A few weeks ago a few of my siblings started cutting out snowflakes. They started to get very creative with them and made over 50 of them within a few days. A few days later, we had a birthday party for my uncle. During the birthday party, a few of my siblings started showing a few of the kids who were over how to make snowflakes. Before we knew it, all the adults and the children were sitting around the table cutting out snowflakes. By the time they all left, we had countless snowflakes (some of them got very creative and in depth! We had some insane snowflake makers at our house!) and a huge mess of tiny little bits and pieces of paper scraps, that we would spend the next three days cleaning. LOL. As we looked at the stack of snowflakes on our tables, we wondered what we should do with them. We came up with a great idea...


The kids glittered all of the snowflakes, and Jeff and I spent the next two days hanging them all up. Then the kids made a few paper chains, which we also hung up. After those were hung up, they made several tiny Christmas trees and ornaments, which we also hung up. Their recent addition to the 'Christmas Wonderland' is a paper chain of little people. It's been so fun to decorate!
I'm sure most of you have already started your shopping or even finished your shopping by now...guess what? ...I haven't even begun. (OH NO!!)
I've been working 4-5 days a week for the past few weeks and it's been great. I've actually been able to start saving money, not just pay bills. So that's been really wonderful.

Shylie has gotten so adorable!! She smiles all the time. The other day I was holding her, and she had a look of amusement on her face. She kept smiling and was making little cooing noises. I'm convinced that she was laughing at me. My feelings were kind of hurt. Shylie is by far the cutest Ney Baby yet. (Other than me, of course.) When she was born, Jeff and I would say: "Oh she's so cute...but ours will be cuter..." But now we look at her and say, "She's cute...and will still probably be cuter than our babies." You know she's cute when we're saying that. (By the way...this is really random...but Jeff was the cutest boy ever!! Like when he was about 12-13...he was so adorable. I'll post a picture of him sometime.)It's been so fun to have another little baby around, but this has probably been the saddest new baby experience for me. I'm never home anymore, (whether at work, church or at home, but talking with Jeff.) so there are days, when I've gone a few days in a row without even holding her. I've gone a few days, where I don't even really see her, such as last night. I was heading off to bed, saw her and though: "I haven't seen her all day long!" I gave her a kiss on her head and headed off to bed. When I do hold her, or am home to be around her, I truly treasure those times. Because I know, my time with her is so short. I have nine more months left with family. And while I am obviously sooo sooo sooo excited to start my new life with my best friend, Jeff, it is still a sad thought to think..."9 months is all I have left with family, as life is now." Poor Shylie won't ever remember me living at home, possibly Poppet and Lolly could even forget. (This is how life is right now: I get home from work, ever one says "HI" and I get a few hugs. Around 4 o'clock, Lolly comes in and start talking to me: "Jeff come home? When Jeff come home?" When he finally gets here, she goes nuts yelling and screaming with delight: "Jeff home! Jeff home!" What happened to the days, where it was: "Shyloh home!! Shyloh home!" lol, I don't mind. Lolly adores Jeffrey.) I encourage all of my young readers...make the most out of the time you have with them now. Because before you know it, your life will change and your time with them will grow shorter and shorter and shorter. Like an hourglass...time goes by so quickly.
I thought I had so much more I could come up with to write...but I'd have to spend some time thinking about it to come up with something, and I must go get ready for work now. So...until...uh...next time. (lol, hopefully "next time" is sooner than this time!)
yea!!! A post!! I am so excited I miss reading your post's!!!! Woash, I wish I knew how to make paper snowflakes! LOLZ... Sounds fun!!! Awwwwww your little sister sounds sooo cute!! Ok yeppers I have to go now cause me and Janell are gonna see a movie at 3 and I have to do some stuff before that and get ready, so yea I love you and am prayin for you and Jeff!!!
the snowflakes look really cool:) good job hanging them up:) oh, i haven't started Christmas shopping yet either:) i'm so happy you posted:))) love you:)
ReplyDeleteyay!!! my shyloh posted!!! (actually, that was a miscommunication. you're not MY shyloh anymore, you're jeffs)
ReplyDeleteAh, Shyloh, you made me cry. You are the sweetest big sister. :)
ReplyDeletelove ya, Rose Ann
p.s. Fisher is the cutest boy ever...remember? Oh, and I have you way beat on time between posts...like I don't think I have posted since October.
I know what you mean about not being able to think of anything to write. And I take offence to Caitie's comment... you were MY Shyloh before you were Jeff or Caitie's (sobing and wailing)!
ReplyDelete:(:) Those are the two emotions I am expressing about this post. Hehe. The happy is that you are going to go li\/e with Jeff and be best friends and stuff but the sad is that the little tiny siblings you ha\/e might not e\/en remember when you li\/ed at home. That would definitely break MY heart. Me spending se\/enteen years with my family and a few of my siblings not e\/en remembering when I li\/ed with them. But I am sure that God will work all of your life out. He always does.