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Saturday, May 3, 2008


It's been a while since I updated this!! Ooops. I'm already not enjoying the whole thought of having people read my lame posts!!

Today we worked outside all day. We are trying to get the backyard cleaned up and looking presentable for my graduation party. What tiring work!! My hands are blistered and splinted from shoveling bark all day. And I'm sunburned!! It's the strangest sun burn, by the way. I'm only burnt on the tops of my shoulders, my chest and a small corner of my back. It's very strange looking.

We let the goats, Ricky and Lucy, out for most of the day today. They were so comical, they had us laughing all day long! They were so excited to be out and they were acting very friskyish. They (the goats) are so cute!! I almost like them more than I like our dogs! They have so much character.

I'm so happy! Last Thursday was my last signlanguage lesson, and this Thursday will be my last guitar/piano lesson!! Yay! I will be so happy to be completely done with all classes. I'm trying to decide what I will do after graduation, and I'm starting to feel very stressed out. I've been working towards an early graduation for so long, but I had always thought that with graduation, the rest of my plans and dreams would be in line...but they aren't. Now that graduation is only a few weeks away, I almost wish that it wasn't so soon. I wish I had more time, to pick a different goal. A different dream. Things could be so much easier with a "normal" life goal. I keep telling myself, though, and all will fall in line in God's perfect timing. I don't know why he's stalling my dreams, I wonder if he's just trying to teach me patience. If that's the case, I'm a very slow learner.

I am off to make my family dinner. Hopefully my next post won't be so far off in the distance!

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