I thought it would be fun to do a guestbook for those who come and visit my little corner of the world. It would be fun to hear from you, would you sign my guestbook?
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Friday, May 29, 2009


How many people....
How many people can you fit into a photobooth?
Not 11
We went to 6-flags a couple weeks ago. I've always had this desire to fit my entire family into a photobooth and take our picuture. My dad finally agreed. We were all hot and sweaty (as it was late in the day) when we finally found time to attempt the feat. We crammed our way in, and everyone was yelling and pushing eachother. My dad had set the camera up before we had climbed in so that all we would have to do, is push the button and smile. Somehow, in the midst of our pushing and shoving, the button was pressed. The camera started it's countdown and we all started screaming and laughing. The photos turned out hilariously. I cropped out the top photo, for reasons no other than downright vainness. Do you notice how Shadd is the only one in all the pictures who's head is perfectly positioned, and his smile never waivers? We do plan on attempting this stunt again next time, but this time--at the begining of the trip (when we don't all stink!) and we won't start the camera until we are all positioned!
Quick Update
Lets see...what have I been up to lately?
Last week I was super sick all week long! I had pink eye, some type of flu and a cold all in one week. I was achy, cranky and tired! I seriously didn't move off of the couch all week long. On Tuesday, I had a meeting at church with our wedding coordinator, I almost passed out. We had to leave early. (Speaking of which...I need to set up another time to meet with her...)
I was so excited this week, when I was able to go back to work. I needed the money desperately. Lol, after I paid my bills two days ago, I had $4.44 in my savings. haha. then...yesterday, I deposited my check...and now I have: $44.44. Isn't that hilarous? At least I think so!
Escrow is supposed to close next week. I'm super excited. If it does close, it will have been a very short escrow (which is nice.) I was able to go over to the house last week for about 2 hours while we had some inspectors over. It was a ton of fun to just walk around and see the house and all that needs done. I have a huuuugggggeee "honey to do" list for Jeff. haha. We will have to kick it into high geer when we get that key. We will only have 2 months to get it ready. I told my family, the day escrow closes, we are going to go over to the house and clean until it's dark outside. The little kids can just run around and do what they want. After cleaning for a few hours, we are going to eat chocolate cake and drink lemonade on our carpet. ('cause we have no furniture.) lol. It will be so much fun!
I am so excited today! My "professor" (I don't know what she would be called, lol) e-mailed me today and told me I passed with "flying colors" on my final test! She said she has never had anyone do as well as I did. I will admit, I am feeling pretty prideful over this! She is going to e-mail me my exact grade and the graded paper, as soon as she can. I will post a picture of my certificates as soon as I get them. I'm so happy to be done with it and to have passed! Wooo-hooo!
Ok...this is all I have for now!!
Last week I was super sick all week long! I had pink eye, some type of flu and a cold all in one week. I was achy, cranky and tired! I seriously didn't move off of the couch all week long. On Tuesday, I had a meeting at church with our wedding coordinator, I almost passed out. We had to leave early. (Speaking of which...I need to set up another time to meet with her...)
I was so excited this week, when I was able to go back to work. I needed the money desperately. Lol, after I paid my bills two days ago, I had $4.44 in my savings. haha. then...yesterday, I deposited my check...and now I have: $44.44. Isn't that hilarous? At least I think so!
Escrow is supposed to close next week. I'm super excited. If it does close, it will have been a very short escrow (which is nice.) I was able to go over to the house last week for about 2 hours while we had some inspectors over. It was a ton of fun to just walk around and see the house and all that needs done. I have a huuuugggggeee "honey to do" list for Jeff. haha. We will have to kick it into high geer when we get that key. We will only have 2 months to get it ready. I told my family, the day escrow closes, we are going to go over to the house and clean until it's dark outside. The little kids can just run around and do what they want. After cleaning for a few hours, we are going to eat chocolate cake and drink lemonade on our carpet. ('cause we have no furniture.) lol. It will be so much fun!
I am so excited today! My "professor" (I don't know what she would be called, lol) e-mailed me today and told me I passed with "flying colors" on my final test! She said she has never had anyone do as well as I did. I will admit, I am feeling pretty prideful over this! She is going to e-mail me my exact grade and the graded paper, as soon as she can. I will post a picture of my certificates as soon as I get them. I'm so happy to be done with it and to have passed! Wooo-hooo!
Ok...this is all I have for now!!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I got online today to create a wedding ticker...I realized i'm off 2 days in my counting...
84 more days to go!
84 more days to go!
I got online today to create a wedding ticker...I realized i'm off 2 days in my counting...
84 more days to go!
84 more days to go!
My candles came today. 10 holders were broken. UPS trashed them. :( I ned to order another box.
We ordered our converse the other day. They are custom designed. Mine say "bride," Jeff's say "groom." His look like a tux, mine are lavender and white. They are cute. Our order was processed today. (Finally, I was really go shoot them through the phone.) They froze our converse.com account because I used Jeff's debit card and my shipping address. They needed to have a phone confrence with Jeff and his debit card company to proove he is really Jeff before unfreezing it. Who would have thought a shoe company would have caught that?
After tying 250 bubbles, buying plates, cups, napkins, ect (all in lavender) ordering our shoes and more...I saw a picture of Gerbera dasies (assorted colors) and decided to change my colors again. Everyone flipped out. I was outvoted. :(
I picked my flowers today.
Our agent is closing escrow next week...
I ordered stickers and stamps today!!
86 more days to go...
We ordered our converse the other day. They are custom designed. Mine say "bride," Jeff's say "groom." His look like a tux, mine are lavender and white. They are cute. Our order was processed today. (Finally, I was really go shoot them through the phone.) They froze our converse.com account because I used Jeff's debit card and my shipping address. They needed to have a phone confrence with Jeff and his debit card company to proove he is really Jeff before unfreezing it. Who would have thought a shoe company would have caught that?
After tying 250 bubbles, buying plates, cups, napkins, ect (all in lavender) ordering our shoes and more...I saw a picture of Gerbera dasies (assorted colors) and decided to change my colors again. Everyone flipped out. I was outvoted. :(
I picked my flowers today.
Our agent is closing escrow next week...
I ordered stickers and stamps today!!
86 more days to go...
My candles came today. 10 holders were broken. UPS trashed them. :( I ned to order another box.
We ordered our converse the other day. They are custom designed. Mine say "bride," Jeff's say "groom." His look like a tux, mine are lavender and white. They are cute. Our order was processed today. (Finally, I was really go shoot them through the phone.) They froze our converse.com account because I used Jeff's debit card and my shipping address. They needed to have a phone confrence with Jeff and his debit card company to proove he is really Jeff before unfreezing it. Who would have thought a shoe company would have caught that?
After tying 250 bubbles, buying plates, cups, napkins, ect (all in lavender) ordering our shoes and more...I saw a picture of Gerbera dasies (assorted colors) and decided to change my colors again. Everyone flipped out. I was outvoted. :(
I picked my flowers today.
Our agent is closing escrow next week...
I ordered stickers and stamps today!!
86 more days to go...
We ordered our converse the other day. They are custom designed. Mine say "bride," Jeff's say "groom." His look like a tux, mine are lavender and white. They are cute. Our order was processed today. (Finally, I was really go shoot them through the phone.) They froze our converse.com account because I used Jeff's debit card and my shipping address. They needed to have a phone confrence with Jeff and his debit card company to proove he is really Jeff before unfreezing it. Who would have thought a shoe company would have caught that?
After tying 250 bubbles, buying plates, cups, napkins, ect (all in lavender) ordering our shoes and more...I saw a picture of Gerbera dasies (assorted colors) and decided to change my colors again. Everyone flipped out. I was outvoted. :(
I picked my flowers today.
Our agent is closing escrow next week...
I ordered stickers and stamps today!!
86 more days to go...
I need to get our save the dates out.
We've waited too long...
Need to alter my dress.
Meet with Cathy.
Pay phorographer.
Work on invitations.
Finish guest list.
Ect. Ect. Ect.
So much to do. I don't have much help. I feel a bit overwhelmoed. It will be okaay though. I'll figure it out.
Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out. Breath in...
87 more days to go...
We've waited too long...
Need to alter my dress.
Meet with Cathy.
Pay phorographer.
Work on invitations.
Finish guest list.
Ect. Ect. Ect.
So much to do. I don't have much help. I feel a bit overwhelmoed. It will be okaay though. I'll figure it out.
Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out. Breath in...
87 more days to go...
I need to get our save the dates out.
We've waited too long...
Need to alter my dress.
Meet with Cathy.
Pay phorographer.
Work on invitations.
Finish guest list.
Ect. Ect. Ect.
So much to do. I don't have much help. I feel a bit overwhelmoed. It will be okaay though. I'll figure it out.
Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out. Breath in...
87 more days to go...
We've waited too long...
Need to alter my dress.
Meet with Cathy.
Pay phorographer.
Work on invitations.
Finish guest list.
Ect. Ect. Ect.
So much to do. I don't have much help. I feel a bit overwhelmoed. It will be okaay though. I'll figure it out.
Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out. Breath in...
87 more days to go...
We have less than 3 months to go!!
I am amazed and scared, lol, that this is really happening!! This is for real!
We have 3 weeks left on escrow. I am so excited to get in and clean and start painting. :)
Wedding planning is coming slowly. It's hard to get help. My mom is really busy, and isn't around much to help.
We've been trying tobuild up our video game collection recently. We want to have a good "game room" with decent/fun games in it. Some are hard to track down.
88 days to go...
I am amazed and scared, lol, that this is really happening!! This is for real!
We have 3 weeks left on escrow. I am so excited to get in and clean and start painting. :)
Wedding planning is coming slowly. It's hard to get help. My mom is really busy, and isn't around much to help.
We've been trying tobuild up our video game collection recently. We want to have a good "game room" with decent/fun games in it. Some are hard to track down.
88 days to go...
We have less than 3 months to go!!
I am amazed and scared, lol, that this is really happening!! This is for real!
We have 3 weeks left on escrow. I am so excited to get in and clean and start painting. :)
Wedding planning is coming slowly. It's hard to get help. My mom is really busy, and isn't around much to help.
We've been trying tobuild up our video game collection recently. We want to have a good "game room" with decent/fun games in it. Some are hard to track down.
88 days to go...
I am amazed and scared, lol, that this is really happening!! This is for real!
We have 3 weeks left on escrow. I am so excited to get in and clean and start painting. :)
Wedding planning is coming slowly. It's hard to get help. My mom is really busy, and isn't around much to help.
We've been trying tobuild up our video game collection recently. We want to have a good "game room" with decent/fun games in it. Some are hard to track down.
88 days to go...
New Blog
Actually...I decided to just create a new blog that I will dedicate to all wedding details....I will give the link in this post, but you will also be able to get to it from my side page.
Wedding Journal
Recently, it was reccomended that I keep a daily journal of wedding planning. I liked the idea and started journaling that night. I decided I would try to daily update my blog also, with what I journaled, so that my readers also know what is going on with wedding planning and such.
Monday, May 25, 2009
seeking video games...
Jeff and I are trying to build up a video game collection for our "game room." I have a PS2--with no games, except all the ddr games. And also have a nintendo 64-- without controllers and only a few games. Somewhere, Jeff has a xbox and we'd like a Wii eventually.
If anyone has any games, game consolls, controllers, ect. that they don't use anymore and would be interested in selling...please let me know!
If anyone has any games, game consolls, controllers, ect. that they don't use anymore and would be interested in selling...please let me know!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Flavor Inventory
The following flavors are currently out of stock. Unfortunately, they can not be back ordered at this time.
Old fashioned candy sticks: flavor Bubblegum
Old fashioned candy sticks: flavor Butterscotch
Old fashioned candy sticks: flavor Tutti Fruitti
Old fashioned candy sticks: flavor Bubblegum
Old fashioned candy sticks: flavor Butterscotch
Old fashioned candy sticks: flavor Tutti Fruitti
Cookie Maker...

I am looking for anyone who is interested in helping make cookies! I need about 1,000 cookies for wedding favors! We are doing a cookie buffet! This is the perfect oppertunity for you to show off your baking skills! If you have some extra free time and are interested...please let me know!
If you have a favorite cookie that you would like to make, please let me know. If you need ideas...here are some below:
Chocolate Chip
Oatmeal w/white chocolate chips w/craisins
Chocolate chip w/nuts
White chocolate chip & macadamia nut. (my favorite! :))
I don't want anyone to feel like they have to, but if has some time or would just like to help us out, we would really appreciate it. :)
Thanks Girls!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
The countdown officially begins today!!!
we have exactly 3 months to go...
that's only 91 days!!
Inventory Update...
By noon on May 29th...the following flavors will be available....
Strawberries n cream
Root Beer
Cherry Cola
Island Punch
These flavors can be ordered now, and will be available to you as early as Sunday, the 31st.
I am sorry, but the flavors you voted for (peaches n cream & passion fruit) were not available at this time. I will purchase them as soon as they are in stock with my vender. I am sorry for the inconvienence.
And once again, thank-you for your business.
Strawberries n cream
Root Beer
Cherry Cola
Island Punch
These flavors can be ordered now, and will be available to you as early as Sunday, the 31st.
I am sorry, but the flavors you voted for (peaches n cream & passion fruit) were not available at this time. I will purchase them as soon as they are in stock with my vender. I am sorry for the inconvienence.
And once again, thank-you for your business.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Profit Update
The Oopsie-Daisie Candy Co. is making wonderful profit for a newborn business. Already, the company has made enough to buy 4 new flavors.
Inventory Update
The Oopsie-Daisie Candy Company is currently completely out of the following items:
Old fashioned Candy sticks in: grape
Old fashioned Candy sticks in: grape
Monday, May 18, 2009
voting time...
Ok, my company has now earned enough money to purchase two more boxes of different flavors. Please take the poll on the side of my page.
And lol, don't you dare vote on "Rum and Butter"...cause I am not purchasing that flavor. :)
And lol, don't you dare vote on "Rum and Butter"...cause I am not purchasing that flavor. :)
flavor inventory
Flavors "Wild Cherry" and "Cherry Cheesecake" are currently out of stock.
We currently still have the following flavors:
Blueberry (2)
Blue Raspberry (3)
Banana Split (4)
Blueberry Cheesecake (2)
Bubble Gum (3)
Buttered Toffee (2)
Carmel Apple (2)
Cherry Snow (4)
Cotton Candy (6)
Cherry Limeade (4)
Cinnamon (2)
Grape Delight (2)
Mandarin Orange (2)
Raspberry Lemonade (1)
Root Beer (2)
Red Raspberry (2)
Sour Green apple (2)
Strawberry Shake (5)
Strawberry Shortcake (3)
Pina Colada (4)
Watermelon Slice (3)
We currently still have the following flavors:
Blueberry (2)
Blue Raspberry (3)
Banana Split (4)
Blueberry Cheesecake (2)
Bubble Gum (3)
Buttered Toffee (2)
Carmel Apple (2)
Cherry Snow (4)
Cotton Candy (6)
Cherry Limeade (4)
Cinnamon (2)
Grape Delight (2)
Mandarin Orange (2)
Raspberry Lemonade (1)
Root Beer (2)
Red Raspberry (2)
Sour Green apple (2)
Strawberry Shake (5)
Strawberry Shortcake (3)
Pina Colada (4)
Watermelon Slice (3)
Grand Opening...
I am happy to announce....
Here is my final list of flavors:
Peppermint (200)
Strawberry (200)
Orange (100)
Bubblegum (100)
Butterscotch (100)
Tutti Fruiti (100)
Lemon (100)
Grape (100)
Prices are as follow:
.25 each
(numbers indicate packages)
1. 5 for a $1.00
2. 10 for $2.00
3. 15 for $3.00
4. 25 for $5.00
5. 50 for $10.00
6. 75 for $15.00
7. 100 for $20.00
8. 200 for $40.00
Also available are: Carnival Lolli Pops
They are availbable in the following flavors and amounts:
Blueberry (2)
Blue Raspberry (3)
Banana Split (4)
Blueberry Cheesecake (2)
Cherry Snow (4)
Mandarin Orange (2)
Raspberry Lemonade (1)
Each Carnival Lolli Pop is .25 cents.
For those of you interested in purchasing some candy....
leave a comment (include your name, flavor and amount)
facebook me (include your name, flavor and amount)
text me (include your name, flavor and amount) (409-4581)
or call me...409-4581
The Ooopsie-Daisie Candy Company is NOW in business!!
Here is my final list of flavors:
Raspberry (200)
Peppermint (200)
Strawberry (200)
Orange (100)
Bubblegum (100)
Butterscotch (100)
Tutti Fruiti (100)
Lemon (100)
Grape (100)
Prices are as follow:
.25 each
(numbers indicate packages)
1. 5 for a $1.00
2. 10 for $2.00
3. 15 for $3.00
4. 25 for $5.00
5. 50 for $10.00
6. 75 for $15.00
7. 100 for $20.00
8. 200 for $40.00
Also available are: Carnival Lolli Pops
They are availbable in the following flavors and amounts:
Blueberry (2)
Blue Raspberry (3)
Banana Split (4)
Blueberry Cheesecake (2)
Bubble Gum (3)
Buttered Toffee (2)
Carmel Apple (2)
Cherry Snow (4)
Cotton Candy (6)
Cherry Limeade (4)
Cherry Cheesecake (3)
Cinnamon (2)
Grape Delight (2)
Mandarin Orange (2)
Raspberry Lemonade (1)
Root Beer (2)
Red Raspberry (2)
Sour Green apple (2)
Strawberry Shake (5)
Strawberry Shortcake (3)
Pina Colada (4)
Watermelon Slice (3)
Wild Cherry (6)
Each Carnival Lolli Pop is .25 cents.
For those of you interested in purchasing some candy....
leave a comment (include your name, flavor and amount)
facebook me (include your name, flavor and amount)
text me (include your name, flavor and amount) (409-4581)
or call me...409-4581
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Miss Dixie
To Miss Dixie...
LOL, I am delighted to know who you are. :) HAHA, I was convinced you were someone else. My mom was inquiring about who Dixie was the other day, and it dawned on me "I have no clue!" I had thought about it a little, but without much care. I figured I should finally find out. :) I loved getting comments on my posts and knowing that people are still reading my ramble!
Have a blessed day!
LOL, I am delighted to know who you are. :) HAHA, I was convinced you were someone else. My mom was inquiring about who Dixie was the other day, and it dawned on me "I have no clue!" I had thought about it a little, but without much care. I figured I should finally find out. :) I loved getting comments on my posts and knowing that people are still reading my ramble!
Have a blessed day!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Attention Customers...

After contacting the company, from which I purchase my candy wholesale, I learned that my order has already been shipped. Since they were out of a few flavors that I had desired, the manager included extra extra boxes of the flavors that he did have in stock, and also included a box of lolli pops--to make up for that which they were out of. Supposedly this extra box contains the flavors that they did not have in the stick candy. I will update you all on the flavors that I have (in both in stick candy and in the lolli pops) as soon as my order arrives. I will also include a price list for the lolli pops.
The following list, is a list of all the flavors (in alphabetical order) that I will be able to purchase, if my candy business thrives as I hope it will...
Banana, Blackberry, Blueberry, Butterscotch, Cherry, Cherry Cola, Chocolate, Cinnamon, Clove, Cotton Candy, Grape, Horehound, Huckleberry, Island Punch, Lemon, Lemon-Lime, Licorice, Lime, Orange, Orange-Pineapple, Passion Fruit, Peaches & Cream, Peppermint, Pina Colada, Pineapple, Raspberry, Root Beer, Rum & Butter, Sassafras, Sour Apple, Spearmint, Strawberry, Tangerine, Watermelon, Wintergreen,
Shyloh R. Ney
Founder of "Oppsie-Daisy Candy Co.'
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Update on Candy Sticks
I am regretful to announce...
My candy order was shipped today. But I received an e-mail from the company. Apparently, at the time my order was shipped, they were out of three main flavors: Cherry, Sour Apple and Watermelon.
I am sorry to disappoint all of you who desired those particular flavors. I will be sending a response back promptly asking them to make up for those flavors.
I will do my best to get my hands on those flavors as soon as possible.
Thank-you for your business!
My candy order was shipped today. But I received an e-mail from the company. Apparently, at the time my order was shipped, they were out of three main flavors: Cherry, Sour Apple and Watermelon.
I am sorry to disappoint all of you who desired those particular flavors. I will be sending a response back promptly asking them to make up for those flavors.
I will do my best to get my hands on those flavors as soon as possible.
Thank-you for your business!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Stick Candy for sale!!

This is a embarrasing story...and this is the only answer I could come up with...
I was looking around online yesterday and pricing bulk stick candy. (I was thinking it would be fun to have a Stick Candy display at the wedding...like the one shown in the picture.) Stick candy, unfortunately, is pretty pricey. So I visited at least 21 different web sites and comparing prices. Since I'd have to pay for shipping and handling when purchasing online, I was trying to figure out the entire price of an order with the various websites I visited. Most web sites didn't tell how much shipping would be, unless you were purchasing the item and going through the payment process. So what I would do, is put the item I want into my "cart" and proceed to check out. I'd fill out all the information and right before the page that asks for my payment method, they would give me the total price of the entire order. (Item plus s&h). Again...I repeat...I did this with many many many websites. After hours of looking around, I found a fundraising website. They had a box of stick candies that I was interested in, so I put it in my cart and started to go through the process of seeing how much it would be. After going through the normal 3 steps that I had gone through a million times by this point, I clicked "next" and it brought me to a page that said: "Your order has been shipped." I stared at the computor in confusion. I checked my e-mails and sure enough, there was my reciept and order confermation. By now I was even more confused. I started reading on the website and realized, that since it is a fundraising website...you can purchase the candy on a "credit" account sytem and pay after you sell the candy, I have 30 day to pay for it. I panicked!! I couldn't figure out how to cancel my order, but was able to figure out how to pay it off immediately. All this to say...this brings me to my point of this post...
I have one thousand two hundred(plus some) old fashioned candy sticks in the mail heading to my house. Yes...count it...1200+!! And needless to say..this was an extremely expensive purchase.
So...Does anyone want to buy some candy sticks? LOL.
I currently have 12 flavors available:
Bubble Gum, Butterscotch, Cherry, Grape, Lemon, Orange, Peppermint, Raspberry, Sour Apple, Strawberry, Tutti Fruitti, Watermelon
Prices are as follow...
.25 each
(numbers indicate packages)
1. 5 for a $1.00
2. 10 for $2.00
3. 15 for $3.00
4. 25 for $5.00
5. 50 for $10.00
6. 75 for $15.00
7. 100 for $20.00
8. 200 for $40.00
(orders can be texted to me at: 409-4581)
Old Fashioned Candy Sticks are great for:
personal enjoyment, gifts, giveaways, children, prizes, grandchildren, holidays...and...I'm out of ideas.
I am thinking, if I can at least earn back half of what I spent, I will feel better. LOL, then maybe I will start my own "old fashioned candy stick" business. I will take the money I earn and turn around and buy new flavors. The flavors I am looking at are...
Cinnamon, Chocolate, Peaches N Cream, Cherry Cola, Blueberry, Black Berry, RootBeer, Island Punch
(and many many many more not listed)
Feel free to leave me a comment, text or facebook your flavor preference. I have over 30 flavors at my finger tips...and I am being entirely serious about this post. LOL.
My order should be in by the end of this week. In which case, I can bring you your order as early as Sunday.
Man...I feel so retarded. I'm embarrassed to publish this post!
thank-you for all the prayers!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
On the outskirts of a small town, there was a big, old pecan tree just inside the cemetery fence. One day, two boys filled up a bucketful of nuts and sat down by the tree, out of sight, and began dividing the nuts. 'One for you, one for me. One for you, one for me,' said one boy. Several dropped and rolled down toward the fence. Another boy came riding along the road on his bicycle. As he passed, he thought he heard voices from inside the cemetery. He slowed down to investigate. Sure enough, he heard, 'One for you, one for me. One for you, one for me.' He just knew what it was. He jumped back on his bike and rode off. Just around the bend he met an old man with a cane, hobbling along. 'Come here quick,' said the boy, 'you won't believe what I heard! Satan and the Lord are down at the cemetery dividing up the souls.' The man said, 'Beat it kid, can't you see it's hard for me to walk.' When the boy insisted though, the man hobbled slowly to the cemetery. Standing by the fence they heard, 'One for you, one for me. One for you, one for me.' The old man whispered, 'Boy, you've been telling' me the truth. Let's see if we can see the Lord.' Shaking with fear, they peered through the fence, yet were still unable to see anything. The old man and the boy gripped the wrought iron bars of the fence tighter and tighter as they tried to get a glimpse of the Lord. At last they heard, 'One for you, one for me. That's all Now let's go get those nuts by the fence and we'll be done.' They say the old man made it back to town a full 5 minutes ahead of the kid on the bike.
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