I thought it would be fun to do a guestbook for those who come and visit my little corner of the world. It would be fun to hear from you, would you sign my guestbook? ~Shyloh~
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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Multitude Monday

This is long overdue and contains no pictures. *Boorrring* ...I know. But better late and picture-less than never, right?

251. The sweet sound of Bodey munching on his binkie

252. Daddy being on vacation for so long

253. Family baseball game

254. Baby Carriers (the ergo specifically)

255. Independence day

256. Air condition units...which sadly we don't have

257. watching my little sisters dance around in their twirly dresses

258. my beautiful baby cradle

259. Movie marathons

260. Bodey's big bright eyes

Monday, June 27, 2011

Multitude Monday

241. New Shoes

242. Ocean trips with my family

243. Lolly Lovin'

244. Cloth diapers...my addiction and hobby!

245. An afternoon spent with my best friend and her dear mama
...wedding planning!

246. Tiny wet footprints on the hardwood floor

247. Carnivals

248. going blueberry picking with my family

249. good podcasts by Pastor Mark Gungor

250. a lazy Sunday afternoon spent with a friend

Monday, June 20, 2011

Multitude Monday

231. My smiley baby
(I can't get him to stop moving when he's smiling to get a good picture!)

232. Sunny afternoons sitting in my parents back yard chatting

233. Lunch with Jeff on our back patio...using our BBQ for the first time

234. Sitting in the shade of my backyard and watching Bodey fall asleep in the breeze

235. Walking down to my parents house with Bodey

236. Bon Fires

237. Reminiscing on old...funny...mean...sad...silly stories with my sisters
(Boy, I was a mean sister!)

238. Easy skirt patterns

239. Lolly.

240. Going to the boy's last baseball game of the season

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011

Final balloon count:

Tonight, I finally threw the rest of my balloons away. I can't believe they lasted over 9months!!

The final count was:

Pink: 14
Blue: 19


Its too late now, but (lol) I should have saved them and continued to wait for them to deflate to see what the gender of Bauman baby #2 would be. ;-)

Busy busy busy!!!

I don't have much time these days to keep up with blogging, let alone, give attention to both blogs I keep. In a few weeks, once Bodey and I figure out our schedule and such, I'll be back to posting highs and lows and multitude monday's on this blog. But for now, if you'd like to keep up with Bodey's many changes and our new life together...visit my other blog at: